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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. If you look carefully to the video, you will read the words " sens du mouvement" (direction of the movement). This "movement" is a "motion in time". It is represented as Time being a static dimension in which the objects are translating. It appears no different than a motion in space. The video also shows the imprint of the path. The question is if this imprint truly "exist" or not. IOW the question is whether objects constantly duplicate over time and thus "exist" in the past (and also the future) or if the object simply "moves through time" and exists in its own present only. If the imprint exists, then we have the Block Universe (B.U.) If the imprint vanishes, then we have no B.U. and we have a free future (& free will). Also we have no need for an enormous amount of energy for the supposed duplication procedure.
  2. Here below a tentative for the explanation of concept 2 "The 2nd concept means that any observer, wherever he is, whenever he lives, will measure the time to the BB as~13 BY" At left is the original graph. The green arrow on the left is Time to the Big Bang as observed by A. A-1 in the bottom of the graph is an observer closer to the BB. At right the orange rectangle is a blow-up of the small region around A-1. The blow-up shows exactly the same kind of graph as the original one. Standard understanding says that the left observer (A) reads the green arrow ~13BY (as measured today). And standard understanding says the right observer (A-1) reads his green arrow ~3BY (as measured then). That is what you say (please correct me if I am wrong) BUT if the green arrow is a function of other measurements made by A, it may be that both observers will read their own green arrows as the same. That's what I am trying to say.
  3. As Max Planck famously remarked, “a new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” Quoted from footnotes of chapter 4 of Progress in Science here
  4. I am aware that it is the current understanding. Yes, this is my understanding. "everything must always look the same for everyone everywhere". Why is it wrong? It baffles me when some scientist say that in some BY from now, the universe will appear su much different from now that the observer will observe only our own galaxy making him believe it is the only one galaxy in the universe (see Krauss statements and the relevant thread ). Evidently (to me) it cannot be that way. The situation MUST be that all observers roughly observe the same thing. Otherwise we are wrong.
  5. It may look like nonsense, yes. But let's think about it twice. If Relativity is a theory that describes what an observer observes, in fact it describes what any observer would observe anywhere in the universe, because there is no privileged observer, there is no central point. But we also know that any point in space is correlated with its position in time. Following current theories, we are at a special position in time: we are at ~13BY from the beginning. Which means that we are lost in space but not in time. The 4th dimension once again is treated differently from the 3 others. And I wonder why. I suspect you know this diagram: (from http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/cosmo_03.htm) Well I suspect that any observer situated at any point of this diagram would plot exactly the same thing. It works like a fractal. If you change position, the graph will restore exactly the same.IOW that from any point of space and time, the BB would appear as ~13BY before.
  6. Questions: 1. Is the entering photon (called A) the same as the one going out of the material , or is it some other photon (called B)? 2. If inside the material the photon travels at c (along a longer path) it means that there is void in the material. And if there is void, how is it possible that a photon cannot travel through the material without encountering obstacles? (and thus travel through the material at c?)
  7. Thank you for your input. it was not so much necessary but thanks anyway. Question: since the BB was a single event (that happened everywhere says the Theory), since it is an event that happened ~13BY ago, when all the universe was in an extremely dense situation, doesn't that mean that all the basic elements of the universe have the same age? aka ~13BY.
  8. Yes. Except that in my understanding the observer has moved. Time has not moved because time is a kind of receptacle like space is. Anyway, in one or the other interpretation the effect is the same. Begin of Disgression The important thing is the word "move". Because (in my understanding) the translation in time is not different than the translation in space i.e. if you are at coords x,y,z,t and then move to coords x1,y1,z1,t1, you are not at x,y,z,t anymore. That looks like a tautology but one must realize that in the current common understanding of time, when you are at x1,y1,z1,t1 you are still occupying coords x,y,z,t ! Because once you have occupied a t coordinate, this coordinate is ever occupied by you. All objects are 4 dimensionals, in the diagram an 4D object is represented by a line, you cannot change the past, etc. IOW common understanding states that "motion" in time has absolutely nothing to do with motion in space. In space an object changes coordinates, in time the object remains at the t coordinate and is being extruded through some new neighbouring coordinate. End of disgression The topic is Universal now hijack split from Universal Concept of Time (Is the Big Bang wrong?). Today at t0 the observer sees galaxy g1 on the side the past light cone. The observer knows that galaxy g1 he sees today is in fact the image of the ancient galaxy g when it was at g1. Today, galaxy g is at g1'. And the observer can say the same for another galaxy, and another. Finally, asking where are the galaxies today, the observer has to suppose that the entire universe is upon the hypersurface of the present. The problem is that no known physical force spreads over this hypersurface. This hypersurface has no known binding elements because all the bindings (gravity for example) are acting at max. Speed Of Light. So the concept of universal now, where the universe has ~13 BY of age, does not make full sense.
  9. Here below put in diagram. Zone 1 (black) corresponds to "1. An object cannot be seen if the light has not reached us yet (t < d). That is basically the case of Betelgeuse mentioned earlier: it may already have gone supernova but we have not seen that yet." Zone 1 is not directly observable. Zone 2 (orange, the volume inside the past light cone) corresponds to "2. An object cannot be seen if the light has passed us (t>d) and the object no longer exists. This describes, for example, supernovae that happened in the past. They were visible at the time but the light has now passed us and there is no more coming (because the event is over)." Zone 2 is not directly observable. Zone 3 (Red, the surface of the Light Cone) corresponds to what is directly observable. The entire Observable Universe is there. The thickness of the surface corresponds to the time we have consumed getting information about the universe. At cosmological scale this thickness is negligible. Line 4 is the time line of the observer. I cannot directly observe my own past, line 4 belongs to volume 2 which is not directly observable.
  10. ?? What is wrong? Look at your light cone, the observer is exactly at the junction of the past & the future. The past light cone is observable. In Reality it is the sum of things we can get information from. The Observer is our skin, our eyes our brain, . Where is the future? Logically?https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/logically I mean where is the future scientifically? (not emotionally) On a side note, I was refuted when I put this on a spacetime diagram some years ago. please do this for me: draw on a spacetime diagram the areas that are not observable.
  11. On the same stance: If around you everything is in the past, if the present is what you feel on your skin, it follows logically that the future is inside you.
  12. That seemed to me an affirmative answer. Thank you. What I want to say is this: 1. If you take the Spacetime continuum and fill it with random events, the only events we can directly observe are the ones described as above. The great majority of events are not observable. 2. Number two is speculation (auto censured)
  13. In spacetime there is a set of 4 coordinates that determine the position of an event. coords x,y,z,t where x,y,z are spatial & t is time. Around us we are observing that the distance from the observer to the event determines the time gap. The distance between 2 points P1 and P2 is given by the generalization of Pythagora And we are observing that the time gap t(P1,P2) is equal to d(P1,P2) with a change of units (from meters to seconds), simplifying by avoiding the expansion & other elements. This is an observable object. When t ≠ d the object is not observable. Not directly observable.
  14. Sorry for the confusion. I treated Strange's example as an analogy because it doesn't fit the real situation (since Strange likes reality) I wanted to describe. When you look at distant stars, the ONLY information you get is from the wave. There is no 2nd hint, there is no "flash" that indicates simultaneity. There is not one thing that goes slow and another thing that goes fast. There is only one information and that is light. At cosmological scale, light is terribly slow. The delay gets huge. I cannot find another analogy (or example) to describe the situation. In all that I think there are 2 elements (like in the "flash-thunder" example)
  15. I don't think it is obvious that there are "things that we can't observe". When you look around you, or look at the night sky, it is not at all obvious that there are "things that we can't observe" there in front of your eyes. The next step is to realize that the "things that we can't observe" are hidden in time. The reason why we cannot observe them is that the t coordinate does not correspond to the distance. In fact, the ONLY things that we can observe are those that have the correct time coordinate that correspond to the distance from the observer. The things that we cannot observe have a different t coordinate. Yes. But the rest of the Universe can be affected, or at least some part of it. If you wrap your mind around the concept, welcome to my universe.
  16. Well, that also mean that there are objects out there that have coordinates that we cannot observe. And that is not obvious.
  17. For example we are accepting that we are observing distant stars as they were (in the past). We also accept that they may have evolved in-between. So we should accept that the distant star has simply changed position: it has moved to another point of space and we are not able (yet) to observe it. We will observe the change of position in the time of the delay (in a few years or BY) In your analogy, the "thunder" is the message, the wave. In cosmology, the signal we are receiving is the wave: light.
  18. There is no reason to suppose a faster than light motion. You only need to put enough time.
  19. I guess you misunderstood something. Yes every observer from the planets of our Observable Universe will observe a different T. But that is not the meaning of Now. Now means in present time. At the edge of the arrow of time. Today (how to say it otherwise?) I cannot conceive that today February 2020 there are galaxies only 8 BY from the BB, for example. Yes we may possibly observe them, but Now there are somewhere else, in a place where we cannot observe them.
  20. To, 1st of February 2020, where are those galaxies? Do they already exist in year 3000? (if the question is not too bogus).
  21. If indeed we are traveling in parallel to the future, it means that the aliens right now are calculating that the Universe is ~13 BY old. Right now they have the same age than we have. We cannot communicate real-time with them, all our signals will be delayed but we can be sure that Now they are somewhere at coordinates x,y,z,t, where the t coordinate is the same than ours (counting from the BB event) The same thing counts for any planet anywhere in the Universe. Studiot wrote: The different ages are caused by the time needed for the signal to reach me. We know that the sources have long traveled to other coordinates. But right at this moment they all have in common the T coordinate. All the sources (the entire observable universe) are today ~13 BY old, distributed in random points over space. And when you put this into a diagram, with the entire universe at equal T coordinates, it gets weird. It is as if the entire universe belonged to a surface-like limit 13 BY old. And that makes no sense (to me).
  22. I worry that the only signal we get is the thunder (in your analogy). The flash is missing. We are receiving a message (a wave). This message is delayed. On one hand it is perfectly sensible. OTOH that is where the problem begins. If I suppose that on some planet an alien will one day in the future get my image, he will observe me as I am today. This instant will be in my future. The image he will get will be an image of the past (as seen by him, maybe until then I am dead). That will happen in the future as seen by me. Maybe this alien is not born yet. But when I say "maybe this alien is not born yet" I think that I am implying that his planet is actually in a sort of Now together with the Earth. In such a way that his planet & my planet travel through time in a parallel way.
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