When i first saw the equation E=MR in the OP, i thought hmmm.
Then I say bof.
The R factor replaces C^2 from the famous E=MC^2.
Thus R is a constant.
R has unities m^2 by s^2.
These are square meters divided by square seconds. m^2/s^2
What is that?
Let"s make some unconventional try:
try A.
_Square meters divided by seconds is a unit representing how fast a painter makes his work : painting how many square meters of wall by seconds. But we must divide again this quantity by seconds, becoming: painting how many square meters of wall by seconds by seconds. And here I am lost. What is this? An accelerated painter? Why is it a constant? What the hell has a painter anything to do with E=MC^2?
So I abandon try A.
try B.
_Meters divided by seconds represents velocity. Meters divided by seconds by seconds is acceleration. That's great we are progressing.
We are missing some meters: what we need is acceleration times meters.(m/s^2) m = m^2/s^2
We can put that in graph: acceleration along X axis, meters along Y axis, and the whole surface of the diagram is R.
We got a surface which is a constant R=C^2
But then again, what is this surface?
One step back: until Meters divided by seconds by seconds is acceleration it was O.K..(m/s^2)
Because we know that an accelerated mass produces a force, it makes some sense compairing to the original E=MC^2 although missing something.
Then the question resumes to the last point, when we multiply this acceleration by meters.
The questions are: why multiply an acceleration by meters, and why the hell is it a constant?
That's what I expected from the OP with its E=MR