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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. I can respect someone I am disagreeing with.
  2. yeap, and that is missing. "greetings" is Superball's signature.
  3. Does a dog have a soul? a fish? an insect? a worm? a tree? They are all living. Or are we humans the only one who work like that?
  4. That is my opinion too. -------------------- I was even suspecting your dad hijacked your computer.
  5. Like the Trinity?
  6. I come from the city and on the top cinammon.
  7. Because life has not been found anywhere beyond our own planet I think.
  8. Maybe you should change your mind about the medical community before you die, and consult another doctor. That was the serious answer. -------------------------------- The other answer is that points 1 to 10 are the symptoms of making sex. But only twice a year?
  9. Never drink Coca Cola?
  10. Too much caffeine?
  11. ...going on. Huge problem here. No cash, no work. Greece needs urgently support. Come to invest, there are good bargains. Or come as a tourist, you'll come back.

  12. I am an Architect. In Greece we feel injustice. It is a fact that in the Euro zone Greece has the weakest economy. It was a fact when Greece entered the Euro, it is a fact today. That's the reason why Greece has been under attack, that's my analysis of the situation. Now that Portugal,Spain, Ireland, Italy, Belgium has been under attack maybe people will begin to realize what is really ...

  13. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0024408
  14. This is what you mean I guess: Correlating the Orientation of Carolina bays to a Cosmic Impact
  15. Browsing for "elliptical impact" the first answer was this emphasis mine. and this article It seems elliptical crater is a rare phenomenon.
  16. What is the nature of the ground? It looks sedimental to me. Wouldn't an impact on sedimental ground have been erased by erosion a long time ago?
  17. We are organisms. We are dependent of our environment: we breathe, we eat, we drink, we evacuate. We cannot live long without any of these. We are not independent organisms, we need our world around us, we need to procreate to survive as a specie. ......... What was the question?
  18. It is funny that in the little animation the mountain is up and the projectile falls down. Imagine the same animation upside-down, with the mountain down and the projectile going up attracted by the Earth. That would be revelating.
  19. the 'catch me if you can' model looks exactly the same as Newton's canonball. http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virginia.edu/more_stuff/Applets/newt/newtmtn.html
  20. What is this white dot in the center of some bays?
  21. The temperatures at large depth are not well known. The expected theoretical values do not seem to coincide with actual measurements because very few deep holes have been made so far. The world record of depth is the Kola superdeep borehole at 12,262 metres (40,230 ft). emphasis mine. Fair enough.
  22. If this is an international science forum, members should use the International System of Unit (SI).
  23. I wonder when people will stop using that kind of units?
  24. Also one has to care about what an equation is. from Wiki equation From the above, since the universe has multiple unknowns, I suppose that the corresponding mathematical expression will bet a set of equations, not a single one. And IIRC it is about what science is establishing bit by bit.
  25. Interesting. Very profound.
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