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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. No. Crossing posts. Merchants existed from ancient times. But feudalism erased it. Somehow "inside" the feudalist society, merchants were doing "business" & created cities. Those small cities were under the power of the noblemen in their castles & paid heavy taxes to the castle owner, to his master & to the King. Then the cities get bigger & slowly began independent (after much difficulties). Business as we know today happened in the cities, not in the fortresses. Now, in many places you have a fortress in the middle of the city (or a city around the fortress). That was for protection, and makes the things a bit more complicated.
  2. The "remote castles" were fortified places that protect the kingdom but also impose the power of the local nobleman over its people. It is inherited. Or build by imposed work (slavery) for the most, & paid to specialized workers at very (very) low cost. In these times the material was 90% of the cost and 10% to labour. It was a time were human work (& human life) did not weight much.
  3. Interesting questions. It is linked to Feudalism (read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feudalism). There was no business from these castles. It was a time of slavery. Business as we know today came together with the birth of the first medieval cities. Our today's society is the continuity of those cities that won the fight over feudalism. Banking is linked to the concepts of loans, interest rates & usury. In ancient times all religions forbid to "make money from money". It was forbidden to get interest rate (in Judaism, Christianism, Islam). At some time the jewish people found that it was unethical to get interest rate from other Jewish people, but not unethical to do the same for people from other religion. That is the beginning of the today's (unethical) banking system.
  4. Wikipedia informs that banking history goes back to 2000 BC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_banking
  5. Today i learned about the Overton window. Very interesting for those who are interested in politics & sometimes incomprehensible overload of extreme opinions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window
  6. I have my pet theory here (once again). I suspect that evolution is programmed in DNA. The same way we are "programmed" to evolve from a baby into an adult, or the way a caterpillar is "programmed" to become a butterfly, I suspect that the entire specie is "programmed" to evolve. It is unconventional thinking.
  7. This kind of chain?
  8. The Forum policy is to post something here and not link to a blog. However I had a look. I think that you will find interesting conversations here, use the search tool. Since I have my pet theory (theories) about time, I found your blog well written & interesting. But with nothing new to me. You might be interested by presentations & books from Etienne Klein (most are in French). One interesting point he raises (and you are touching the same question) is the following: you stated (from your blog) Etienne Klein raises the question: is time passing by or is "we" that travel through a substract called "time". I cited him in several posts on this Forum And https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/74498-do-we-ever-real-reach-a-moment-in-time/?tab=comments#comment-749014 https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/64809-what-we-know-about-time/#comments My opinion is that we "travel" through time, as you said: we are aging. So I guess I agree with you.
  9. Interesting questions, I don't know. There is indeed a confusion between the 2 gods focused on a famous bronze statue in the archeological museum of Athens Greece. The trident/lightning is missing, leaving a doubt with fanatic opponents. See http://www.greece-is.com/the-stories-behind-the-national-archaeological-museums/
  10. Today I learned about the String Shooter effect. (in fact I learned nothing, I enjoyed the video)
  11. Obviously you haven't checked how much costs a Maserati keychain (about 80 US$). Poseidon has a trident. Zeus has lightning rods . Yes.
  12. VAT is a tax on the exchange of money. The one who invented VAT was evidently living in an economy of welfare. In times of recession it is an instrument that pushes forward black money, making things worse.
  13. I have noticed that sometimes VAT is even imposed on top of other taxes.
  14. There is a thread about Rep versus time. Unfortunately, my experience is that humorous posts get positive points & the "scientific" ones I consider the most genius take negative. Also I notice that I am now a "Genius". And a "Glorious Leader" on my profile. I suppose it is also an effect of time.
  15. Keeping track today: Michel has 5,854 posts divided by rep 508= 11,52 Rep is increasing but very slightly (from 484 to 508=24 points in 592 days ). I am still posting very few lately (and when I do I get neg points sometimes) And 66362 profile views. StringJunky is most probably correct: Search Engines Bots are to blame. I am a member of this Forum for 3.622 days*, that makes 18.32 views/day. * woaw that is almost 10 years! Do I get a reward or something from the staff ?
  16. Sorry lost in translation from "exadiko" (εξάδικο) base 6 in Greek. And instead of "bogus" I should have said "incoherent". Here a clock in decimal system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#/media/File:Decimal_Clock_face_by_Pierre_Daniel_Destigny_1798-1805.jpg Senary system (I had never heard of it in English. I learned something today). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senary
  17. It is also the begin of the hexadecimal system for measuring time. Less than a second are measured in /100. Which is completely bogus.
  18. Is the question related to UFO sightings?
  19. That is reminder that everything on the Net has an expiration date. I remember another Forum that closed suddenly. I was really angry to have lost all my discussions over several years. It would be great to make a backup copy of the entire Forum, or at least provide for each member the possibility to download a backup of his own activity.
  20. Eratosthenes thanks you. 1 is off topic indeed. But no, i haven't seen such videos. I have been told that relativistic transformations are "real", because there is no preferred FOR, and that perspective transformation are not "real" (see other thread). 2 I thank you. The boy is imaginary (and is not 12 year old) 3 is off topic I guess.
  21. To continue on the same stance: isnt'it weird that following the rules of Relativity, if I change my state of motion (if I accelerate) the measured dimensions of a remote object will change? (see length contraction). At the end, is it different from the weirdness we are living everyday?
  22. Thank you but for your information I have constructed perspective drawings for more than 20 years (by hand). Usually you put the projection panel on the other side (left of the crossing point) otherwise you get a reversed image (as happen in cameras & inside your eye, other weirdness) The point is not whether i understand perspective, the point is whether you understand how weird is the world as you see it around you everyday, at any moment, standing still or moving. One example is the rays of light coming from the sun: try to explain to a kid that when he draws a circular sun and rays all around, that the radial rays are parallel. You will need 12 years of education. One other example is the constant velocity that we almost never observe as constant (see the other thread). the only way to observe constant velocity is to make a train circulate all around you, and then the mathematician will explain that it is accelerating (because it changes direction constantly)! One 3rd example is that when you move your head, the world around you changes: we are so used to it that it looks trivial but it is not. We are victims of being embedded inside the geometry. We believe that it is "natural", "evident", "normal" but in fact it is baffling. If you are not baffled then you are not understanding anything. At the beginning of the 20th Century some artists were perturbated by the fact that you cannot represent in painting all the faces of reality. See Cubism. These were not scientist but at least they realized that the way we are apprehending the world is weird. The rays of light that we see are converging into our eyes, see Janus diagram above.
  23. It is not a difficult question: How are they received?
  24. Right, the rays are emitted and diverging. We all agree. How are they received?
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