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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. Well done Captain. Graphs have so many times a hidden agenda. One could add _Why separate catholics from other christians and on the other side put Sunni & Shia muslims together? _why choose black color for Islam? Because black is the color of death in a christian mind, or because black color covers everything else? I vote for the latter because it is a rule in these diagrams to use transparent colors* _the entire U.S. population has become christian, how come? * it is quite difficult to get readable diagrams of this kind because 2 colors by transparency make a 3rd color that you can not use in the legend for representing something else. For example if you use blue and yellow, you get green by intersection: you cannot use green for representing an entity.
  2. No. Germany received the Marshall plan. After WWII, the frenchies who didn't get Marshall's money produced Citroen's 2cv for their own people who had no money to buy Cadillacs. Germans produced Mercedes-Benz- not because they work harder. Greeks who didn't get help from nobody, asked for their gold back (stolen by the Nazis look here this 1998 article long before the crisis) and went into civil war (that was the way allies helped fighting communism, bringing another war after the war). No way to produce even bicycles. While Germany had recovered, France was still producing 2cv, and Greece was under dictatorship. In 1974 the Greek Junta made the terrible mistake to try to incorporate Cyprus and found itself opposed to mighty Turkey. As it seems, the U.S. stopped supporting to Greeks, not willing to abandon Turkey, and Junta collapsed. From this date, Greece is trying to come back (I won't go before WWII where things are much worse). Greece still asks for its gold from Germany but who listens? Greece is still asking for war indemnities, something more than its debt, but who listens? Greeks are hard workers, and when they go abroad in need of a better chance, they don't beg. They work, they create enterprises, they sell products. The Greek-owned maritime fleet is the largest in the world. where there is room for enterprising the Greeks are there. Where the doors are closed, you'll find British, Germans, Japanese, Americans, Russians. And Germany is in debt. Germany is ranked number 19 on the list of 128 countries. Like many other countries. Debt is not a problem, debt is a normal element of todays economy. Nobody asked fro the Germans to pay their debt, nor has anyone asked the Japanese (world record). Why do you ask the Greeks? Because you know they can't? But who can? Even the U.S. cannot do that. What they must do, and can do, is diminish the percentage to GDP. And IMHO the best way to do that is to reduce the interest rates. i would even propose negative rates but when I say that they call me naive. Look also at this article from Jacques Delpa from economics newspaper com, here a small part of it:
  3. You answered your own question. speculators kept lending to Greece because interest rates were about 15%. Nowadays 4 belgian banks have several billion euros in Greek bonds, and through them other banks like Barclays. If Greece went on bankruptcy, the 4 belgian banks would encounter bankruptcy as well, and most probably entire Belgium. I have no good information about other countries (like France) but it is evident that a greek default would cause problems almost everywhere in those beautiful places where everybody is honest and working hard sitting on a chair waiting for the over-interests to come in while the greek employee try to survive by all means with an income of about 700 euros a month. IMHO the system is to blame, not the people. Not exactly that capitalism is that bad, but capitalism without rules is jungle. There is a great impact of the Chaos Theory in economy. Some theorists argue that when you set a system free it comes to an equilibrium. Yes but in order to get this equilibrium sharks and tigers will eat humans. I prefer civilisation & democracy.
  4. Hum. I don't see any country right from the U.S. although the States are number 7 in the following list. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita After Qatar, Brunei & UAE which are muslim nations.
  5. Very good presentation of the exposed dirty laundry. 3 points to say: _about monks, there is no separation of church and state in Greece. Any attempt in the past has caused the enterprenaiting Minister's demission. Curch pays no taxes and does not allow general taxation upon land assets. _about economy. Before the Euro, Greece went every 5 or ten years into devaluation of the drachma. It is not possible today. There is a lack of such mechanism in the Eurozone. _all descriptions of the article are true. But it is well known for decades (see devaluations of the seventies, eighties, nineties). I have a theory that says it is not the cause of crisis. Besides there are no Greeks in Iceland nor in Ireland. Nor in Portugal, Spain, Italy. The champion of debt is Japan where there are no Greeks. Crisis is now hitting the U.S., I hope no-one will blame the Greek diaspora for that.
  6. You can't be serious. So you believe that people in the southern countries don't work and that is the reason they don't get prosperous. source wiki In fact people in poor countries may work terribly harder and longer than in rich countries because of lack of productivity. It is not the heat that make people lazy. You must abandon the romantic image of the Mexican enjoying a good sleep next to his donkey. The Mexican is exhausted because he hasn't eat proteins for days and he economies his sweat because he has not enough fresh water to drink. He would jump immediately if you proposed him a work in the assembly production of Mercedes-Benz and he would work harder and not have the demands of a German worker.
  7. If that were true then never would the anvcient greeks have ruled the Mediterranean till India, nor would the Roman Empire exist at all. Carthage was south of Rome and was about to rule out the eternal city. Egypt was also south of London. The Ottoman Empire was the fear of Europe for centuries. There are a lot of historical examples.
  8. I understand the next 5% are animals. Why are you questionning so much? Are you working for a CIA conspiration?
  9. I live in Greece, and I feel deeply the crisis. IMHO the problem is not the greeks. The problem arsises from the fact that Greece happens to be the weakest economy of the Euro zone. For its neighbours of the balkan peninsula, Greece was a paradise: Democracy, european country, Eurozone. Something that Turkey dreams of, Albany, FYROM (Macedonia), Serbia and others. As the weakest economy of the Eurozone it has been attacked first. Now that the problem seems to resolved (it is not), Portugal faces frontal attack, and the european politicians begin to understand what is going on. All developped countries are possible victims. Including the U.S. A lot of people here in Greece strongly believe that they made a lot of errors, that politicians drove the country to bankrupcy, that corruption and tax evasions are to blame, etc etc. Sure, but that is not the reason for crisis. A huge part of Greece's debt is caused by interest on loans to pay other loans. Interests are demanded by banks, and the percentage is related to the possibility of paying back. When a country is rich, the interests are low. When a country is poor (Greece now) the interest is high. The poor pays more than the rich for the same loan. That is not the fault of the poor, that is the fault of the system. That's our question here. The good scenario is that attack appeared during the winter, the low season when Greece has about no income. The touristic season will be great, except for Athens town which suffers from overinformation about riots provoked by 200 people in central Syntagma square. (Athens has about 4 millions inhabitants and I work in Athens centre and never been annoyed by anything. Tourists have no problem anywhere) following that scenario, a lot of cash money will flow into the economy after Semptember, and everything will go slightly better. The bad scenario is not about Greece. it is about the collapse of the Eurozone, bankruptcy of the U.S., and so on.
  10. One has to observe that Klaynos & Swansont introduced in the discussion the concept that change in something can occur without motion. Swansont supported Klaynos statement that Why a change in energy level does not involve motion? It is not to Daedalus to prove that, it is to Swansont or Klaynos to support their argument.
  11. Oh yes? And when I give a welcome kiss to my room mate we are not in our mutual present, I am in his (her) future?
  12. Maybe you can find something in some old threads of mine http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/44134-the-pencil-universe/ http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/53438-hollow-disk-of-space/ http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/52836-scale-factor/ http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/46672-can-we-see-it/page__st__20 and last but not least from this Forum's Trash Can http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/43241-space-time-diagram/ O.K. well understood. But NEVER make honest statements about your lack of knowledge. It is intellectual suicide in this Forum. No need to lie, just don't say anything. That is my humble advice.
  13. yes we agree 9that makes 2 of us. some billions remaining to agree too. Not exactly. there are intersections. yes that's what i think too. You shouldn't say that. Your point of vue is based upon GR in the sense that this view of time corresponds to the fact that the speed of light is constant, that everything is relative to the observator and that time is a 4th dimension not so different from the other 3 dimensions of space. Your POV, and mine, are fully compatible with GR.
  14. Applause. Yes I agree that we are "moving" in time. I have only a slight punctuation. When you say "These temporally displaced universes" in the following statement you are talking about our Universe, not some other strange parallel universe. Simply, this parralel parts of our universe are not observable. IMHO of course, because my ideas don't belong to mainstream science, so don't rely on me.
  15. Maybe they are looking for excuses when it will come to get fired... IMHO a good excuse is to say that the security manager is right, it is too dangerous to approach the books, they may fall.
  16. I have a friend who is in the music business. He owns his own recording studio in partnership, he makes music for local tv series, documentaries, for small theatrical companies, for commercials, etc. He has released a few CD's with his 2 members band. He uses a lot of computerized stuff. Always in front of a computer. He is not renowned but he is doing well so far, making a good living.
  17. A lens will reverse left & right too. It is not mirrored, it is rotated 180 degrees.
  18. I wonder whether Greenj wanted to engage conversation or to sell his book...
  19. In secular architecture there are a lot of elements that influence a building's orientation: the slope, the access, the roads, the other buildings, the views, the sun, etc. In religious architecture orientation is very often a matter of rule: a christian church is always oriented on a West-East axis,a mosque is oriented on Mekka. In christian cemeteries the head of the grave is oriented West. But if it was the case for these ancient monuments, all buildings of the same nature should have the same orientation.
  20. This guy won the case upon trial because the device was upon a bridge measuring the cars beneath. That happened in Brussels Belgium. http://www.lesoir.be/regions/bruxelles/2011-07-06/flashe-a-95-km-h-au-lieu-de-50-le-chauffard-est-acquitte-849345.php (in french)
  21. I have a non standard Point Of Vue. Looking outside at the universe, I believe that we will never be able to see bigger than [insert-here-what-you-think-is-the-biggest-thing]. I think it is admitted by standard cosmology: there is a horizon. Looking inside I believe the same phenomena occurs. I believe that we have by nature a kind of horizon that will not allow us to see smaller than [insert-here-what-you-think-is-the-smallest-thing]. To me the reason is that everything is relative, even the big and the small. I believe there is no absolute size, and as a matter of consequence, there is no elementary particle. But i cannot prove it, that is the reason why i use the word "believe".
  22. What i see is a different orientation in each construction. I don't see room for an astronomical interpretation. Besides the building is impressive as it is, there is evidence for intelligence and skills. No need for extravagance IMHO. ---------------- Now, about skills: _the circle is the most simplest geometric form. A goat tied on a post describes a circle. _to create a mass of earth is the way a boy makes a sand castle on a beach. There is no need for technological knowledge. Slaves could do that, as they did building the Great Wall of China. _you need technological skills to build the chambers beneath the mound, and in order to design the whole structure. _you need technological skills to transport huge stones. _if you use the stones as-is, you haven't enough technological skills. _you need a society that produces enough wealth in order to feed all those workers, slaves or not. _this society is pushed by some cultural need in order to build these monuments. Religion. _there is an overwhelming evidence for the need of monumentalism: that is to create a huge structure that serves absolutely no vital purpose. Something you encounter throughout the whole history of humanity. So there is something behind these monuments.
  23. You are correct. But: from our observation it comes that the universe has a structure. In this structure, from the very small to the outrageous large, we never observe twice the same kind of things. I mean that an atom is not like a solar system, an electron is not like a planet, a quark is not like a flower, etc. So it is unlikely to ever encounter a human inside a quark, or to discover that our galaxy is a tiny element in the brain of some gigantic brontosaur. Maybe our universe is part of something bigger, but that bigger thing would probably be something different than wathever we have ever observed.
  24. Your website don't look supporting mainstream cosmology. But you are a physicist, aren't you? I can't wait for your interventions here.
  25. You mean something like this? ------------------ -----------------
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