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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. If you look at a Population Pyramid, you can take an idea of the consequence of a war. Here is the pyramid of Germany in 1946 (from here) If you go to this site, you will find something analog for the whole world. You can scroll through chronology. For year 1950, you will see 2 incursions: one for 5-9 years old population (loss of births during the war) and for 30-34 years old (the victims of War). As you go to next years you can observe the anomaly move up in the pyramid.
  2. On another Forum I presume.
  3. Maybe in a poison centre? http://www.who.int/ipcs/poisons/centre/directory/euro/en/
  4. Another Zheng made it for an iPad
  5. IMHO you have lost the case. In your brother's graph, replace the "unacceptable" labelling with "too much in the automobilist's favor". You were caught for speed, if you insist the judge can get very bas not because of your infraction but because you don't recognize you were faulty.
  6. IMHO the extaordinary is not organisation of the physical world. The truly bizarre is randomness. If you tried to build something from random pieces on which you apply simple rules (as those of the game of life or the laws of Newton) you would obtain an organized structure: a block universe. It is not so evident to preserve randomness in the result. -------------------- In this sense, fractals are interesting: they contain a part of organization and a part of randomness.
  7. Desertification is a complex issue, and fighting over it is very often synonym of fighting against common human activities. For example if you want to introduce back arable land, you must forbid by law livestocks and most especially sheeps and goats. Nomads don't accept these kind of governmental indications, so you must eradicate the nomads first. IOW you must fight the poor of the poor in order to help the poor of the poor. Things are not easy. The idea of bringing rain is very noble and don't interfere with that kind of problematics. It would be a blessing if it worked. Just as a reminder that the entire planet is not blessed, only a small part of it is.
  8. I am really sorry for that. What would have been the correct sentence? over an infinite number of attempts, ...[insert here your correction].
  9. Show me where i got wrong.
  10. Interesting. I personnaly would go to the best suite in the Hilton, then the next morning go for a trip upon the best available yacht, drinking champagne and eating caviar. But you would go to work of course, eat a sandwich, then go to the grocery buying a salad and 2 cans of cheap beer for the evening (I will go the Crazy Horse in Paris by helicopter). Chaos would appear. All situations possible. No respect of laws. Far West. Usually dictatorship is the next step as a mean to bring order again.
  11. It helps in the sense that over an indefinite period of time, the random event will occur very surely. There is not even any need for an infinite universe in space. Infinite time should be enough. In our universe which seems so large, and considering the huge period of time since the Big Bang, one should not be surprised for any random event to occur. And if one considers that true randomness is not exactly what happens, but only mutualy compatible random events occur, it reduces tremendously the amount of possible occuring events.
  12. I agree 100%. to me the goal is do avoid as much as horror possible. One has to realize that nature can harm badly, there is no need for the humans to help Charos in his work. the french-speaking here must know famous George Brassens song "Mourir pour des idees" very difficult to translate due to the poetic language. The last couplet says (my translation) the last could be "but dying slow-o-oho-ly", which gives maybe a better idea.
  13. I don't know. But i think even Dr Rocket would agree that over an infinite number of attempts, the probability for hitting the bulls eye is 1. The interesting thing is that once the bulls eye has been hit, the number of attempts is finite. So, looking afterwards at the result, one could say that there is no need for an infinite number of attempts. A finite number would also reach the bulls eye.
  14. Yes. But you can put that into calculations: in Libya, the aquifer , which is not renewed, is supposed large enough to last substantialy. See wiki.
  15. Yes. You first have to figure that architecture do not begin with stone buildings. Usual early shelters are made of wood, mud, vegetation, animal skin, leather and others. Stone buildings appear because of the need of a longstanding structure, that is for spiritual (secular or religious)or defensive purpose, or "other". The fireplace comes under "other". The simplest way to build a structure that will let some place inside, something that would look like a modern building (opposed to a pyramid where the space inside is minuscule) is to put 2 large stones upward and place a 3rd one above. The dimension of the internal space depends on the size of the stone above. This rudimentary way of building is encountered all over the world for thousands of years. Egyptian temples were build on this principle, even classical greek temples have partly the same basic structure. The bad thing about it is that the internal space you obtain is very narrow. The good thing is that it stands for centuries*. ----------- *note. The Parthenon temple on the Athens Acropolis would probably be intact today if it weren't blowed out by Morisini in 1687. ---------- note b: Stonehenge "mathematics" were surely influenced by the available dimension of the covering stones.
  16. It is my policy never to publish any picture of any relative on the web, especially a young one.
  17. I agree on all. Maybe that is the answer to you opening post. I don't think there is much ethics in the economy of debt and (predatory) lending.
  18. IMHO _the probability for us to be a random event in the story of the Universe is close to 100%. _and the probability for us to be the goal of the Universe is close to zero.
  19. I didn't want to say they are doing that all the time. But when you push people (or entire countries) too far, when after 30 years people lose everything they worked for, they get angry. When it happens to you & me, as individuals, there are no many ways to escape. Some suicide, some disappear and die quietly on a bench in a park, others steal a bank. When you are driven into bankruptcy, not because you didn't go to work but because nobody buy your products, working hard won't save you. When entire countries encounter the same problem, what do they do? Imagine the U.S. not being able to sell anything nowhere because of a surevaluate dollar . Imagine the U.S. not being able to borrow money from nowhere. Imagine someone asking for the U.S. to pay its debt cash, right now. Imagine entire industries not being able to produce anything because they cannot pay their raw material. And all that with bankers somewhere in the world, full of money (U.S. money). What would the U.S. do? Well, history tells that the U.S., as any other country, after turning against his own people asking to work harder and to pay pay pay, would then turn against the bankers.
  20. What we commonly call "creation" is in reality "transformation". I suppose you prefer use the word creation to describe for example when a baby comes into existence: at some time you were born and you exist now at a place where you weren't before. IMHO reproduction is not creation. Growth is not creation. Cellular division is not creation.
  21. Yes it is. And often worse: murder. That is why the procedure is always preceded by other means in order to get excuses. Like antisemitism for example.
  22. I was thinking about loans taken by countries.
  23. I am sorry to go into personnal question again but: How old are you? (really trying to help here)
  24. But the BB happened 13 billion years ago, it is supposed to be an instantanate event, not something that happens continuously, and the black holes are just there, continuously. Or do I miss something?
  25. There is research ongoing. I found the Dyson motor, don't know what it worths.
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