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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. i read this news article and wondered
  2. You can make a very simple experiment: Take a whale into your left hand and with your right hand keep its head under water for two and a half hour. If the whale is dead, it is not a fish.
  3. Oil is an obvious factor. there must be others, only one reason is not sufficient. _impossibility to discuss reliably with Gaddafi from wiki article War._boosting of European's economy: from the same article. Also France encounters enormous difficulties to sell 'the best aircraft in the world', the Rafale aircraft. "It has also been marketed for export to several countries but has not yet received orders." And as a friend of mine said sarcastically "war is good for business". _precipitation of France in order to act in the mediterranean before the U.S. _next elections in France _spring time is time of war _last and least humanitarian concern: _and others I cannot figure at this moment.
  4. Isn'it exactly what will happen now?
  5. racist allowed? A black man goes to the doctor. _Doctor I feel pain in my left ear. _We will see that, take off your clothes please. _But doctor my problem... _Please Mister, take off your clothes. _O.K. doctor _Please, skip, an go on your four in the middle of the room. -O.K. doctor _hmmm, says the doctor, now, could you please go there next to the wall? And the patient goes on his four next to the wall. _hum, now go there in the corner. _But doctor what is that all about? _Well, I have to apologize. I was thinking buying a new black table for my office and I really didn't know where to put it.
  6. Why don't they transport the fresh fuel rods? I found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fuel_cycle#Transport_of_radioactive_materials (wikipedia) and this about spent nuclear fuel shipping casks
  7. I really wonder. That is what we see if we made a movie of the window that breaks in pieces, and turn the movie back. But I wonder if it is an accurate representation of time reversal. I strongly suspect that under time reversal, not only the T part of the CPT symmetry reverses, but the whole thing reverses. The pieces of glass jumping together & making a perfect window is not IMHO a correct representation of time reversal. Under time reversal, the pieces of glass are made of antimatter, the electromagnetic interactions are reversed, the electrons become positrons, the temperatures are reversed, heat is cold and cold is hot, the distance they jump is negative, etcaetera.
  8. Astonishing rapidity & efficiency from Wikipedia. A work from Wikicrisis as far as I can tell. It is also very interesting to have a look at the discussion behind the main article. Chapeau.
  9. Yes. Something like that. But there are some incoherent issues about this concept.
  10. You may notice that in all early litterature, although it has been ranged as level 4 for days, it is mentioned as an "incident". It is not an incident, it is an accident. Even level 4 is characterized "accident". Wikipedia should be corrected. Oops, it has been corrected already...
  11. You must be right. So you say that the other forces stay the way they are? under time reversal.
  12. This is monstruous. Criminal. You would'nt dare to tell that to a mother losing her new born child. Or to 10.000 japanese lying under the mud of Tōhoku.
  13. Yeap. That makes it difficult for the glass that fall out the table to jump back in place under time reversal.
  14. I had a discussion here some time ago. That was about the effects of turning time backward on gravity. Although the "turning time backward" is a very speculative situation, it appeared from the conversation that gravity does not depend on the arrow of time, IOW that gravity remains attractive under time reversal. That would mean that time reversal does not turn everything inside-out. I don't know about entropy.
  15. Yes. Some other example:(emphasis mine) ??? levels decreased??? and No comment. From the wiki page. I wonder who keeps this page so well up to date?
  16. Latest news: they plan to burry with sand and concrete. http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/japan-concedes-fukushima-reactors-be-buried-sand-concrete-like-chernobyl Logic wins. They must know that concrete contains water, and that this water is necessary for the chemical reaction to happen so that concrete becomes ...concrete. Without water, you only get dust. IOW you cannot use only concrete because water will evaporate at once. You first have to put a barrier. That will be the role of sand I presume.
  17. Weird. Although being Belgian, close neighbour of Netherlands, I never heard of that. Those terps like so much with tumuli or with royal tombs of macedonian kings upon which houses were build without noticing the burrial hidden beneath. It would be interesting that a tomb could save lives.
  18. So your premise was that at Bang time, entropy was zero or close to zero.
  19. The chemical composition of the shell is one thing that concerns the resistance of material*. The shape of the shell is another thing. The shape makes the forces to act under pressure inside the thickness of the shell. Have a look at vault or shell strucures, and at "funiculaire des charges" sorry I am lost in translation. In your case, pressure exerts force always perpendicular to the surface, unlike the diagram. The result keeps the resultant vector tangent to the surface which means the shell is under compression and will crack only in 2 situations: _when the pressure inside the material will exceed its resistance. _when the resulting vector change direction and gets no tangential anymore. That happens when pressure is not uniformly applied all around. In your case that will happen at the air cell inside the egg shell. *material resistance is an easy course involving elementary physics, you can get your head around in about 1 or 2 years of cursus. Engineers need 4 or 5 for structural applications. But I doubdt you will find easily information about basic properties of organic materials. Maybe in specialized engineering for medical purpose. -------------------------- Shell structures is a very interesting subject. You encounter these not only in buildings, but in any kind of objects, like a bottle of coke for example.
  20. That is [math]S^2[/math], not [math]S[/math]. IIRC units of spacetime interval are meters, not square meters. And you came at countdown minus 105. But I give you one point because you used the correct formula.
  21. 20 minutes IIRC. Still looking for reliable source. Only found this interesting map without the information I searched. And this image showing the spreading of the wave. All information from the wiki page. The most impressive is maybe the simple showing earthquakes in Japan between 9 March and 14 March. 1 hour ~ 1 second.----------------------- I don't think there is a reasonable way to protect from that kind of events. Just not be there when it happens.
  22. That is all about the relation between the arrow of time and entropy. You made it more complicated by linking entropy with expansion. IIRC the arrow of time is still an open question. I don't know if it is established that turning time backward will have an analog result on entropy (IOW that entropy and time are the same thing). I don't know either if a shrinking universe corresponds to a backward motion in time. As far as I know, the presumed shrinking would not be like that: time would still go forward. It is just like Hubble noticed that galaxies were coming together instead of walking away. But I may be wrong on this.
  23. Oh yes. 1._I remember visiting with our school a museum where some young scientist explaining the way holograms are made with the help of monochromatic lasers (that was in the late 70's), repeating all along the discourse about monochromatic laser. At the end of the presentation he said "however it is now possible to produce coloured holograms". By this way crumbling down the entire understanding. My advice: don't use the word "however". Keep your discourse coherent. For example don't begin with "the concept of speed is relative" and within a second "however the speed of light is constant". because the one is the contrary of the other. Hundred years after, scientists still try to explain. You see what I mean. 2. Never take as granted that people agree with you. Your paper must flow like fresh water. If there are rocks (complications), avoid them. 3.Some popular science writers use the repeat-it-thirty-times technique on the principle that people will start believing something not on basis of evidence but on basis of repetition. Don't do that. Please. 4.The image of the crazy-genius-scientist is associated with distilled humor. Inversely, using humor may induce people to believe you are a (crazy) genius scientist, and swallow anything you write without further questions.
  24. Stupid idea: if we put sand first, I suspect sand will become kind of glass under extreme temperature. Then put water to solidify the surface. That should keep radiactivity inside the material.
  25. I am afraid the situation is not only technical. Too many bad informations have drowned japanese economy in its worst crisis. So it is also a national economic and political issue. I doubt from now on that it will be easy to discern between original information & information distilled by authorities. The situation is of national importance, they must control information.
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