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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. Can you do that on a Loedel diagram?
  2. Are they statistics about this? It seems to me it happens a lot, the opener to not participate in his own thread.
  3. Hi. Welcome Conqueror from India. Do you mean "when", or "what"? Is that about the beginning of life on Earth or about the difference between living creatures and inanimate matter? That was not me! I would never create such a chaotic stuff, full of emptiness, where something exist it is a burning furnace, only to get a infinitesimal small percentage of planets able to produce water in liquid form and a mess of living beings devouring each other. Don't blame me for that too. I am not responsible. I did nothing. That's the Theory, yes. That could be a good question. I suppose the definition of "living thing" is something that we have to reconsider from time to time. From wikipedia: "It is still a challenge for scientists and philosophers to define life in unequivocal terms.[11][12][13] Defining life is difficult—in part—because life is a process, not a pure substance.[14] Any definition must be sufficiently broad to encompass all life with which we are familiar, and it should be sufficiently general that, with it, scientists would not miss life that may be fundamentally different from life on Earth." I don't understand what you want to discuss here.
  4. I wonder if you are serious or sarcastic.
  5. I was not answering your question. I am not interested in numerical values. Besides you can change units. It was a small rhetoric presentation of my thoughts on the subject. you didn't answer my question in posts #149 & 151
  6. I don't care. What i care of is this: simplified spacetime interval considering y=0, z=0 from [math]S^2=x^2+y^2+z^2-c^2t^2[/math] we get [math]S^2=x^2-c^2t^2[/math] [math]x[/math] is the distance, [math]c[/math] is the speed of light, [math]t[/math] is time, [math]S[/math] is the space-time interval. [math]x[/math] is given, it is the distance Earth Sun. [math]t[/math] is the variable. Simplifying more for a given distance of 1 (unities don't matter in this example) we get [math]S^2=1^2-c^2t^2[/math] or [math]S^2=1-c^2t^2[/math] if we put c=1 (can we do that?) we get [math]S^2=1-1^2t^2[/math] or [math]S^2=1-t^2[/math] or [math]S^2+t^2=1[/math] Which is the equation of a circle of radius 1. That's what I care about. That's why I like graphs. Did I make a mistake somewhere? Because if I didn't, it simply shows the importance of the "distance" [math]x[/math] value. But I may be wrong. Please correct me.
  7. Considering your first answer as positive (remember 5,5 light minute = 98931511,25 kilometers). Not a second. I would prefer a graph instead of calculations.
  8. Positive or negative?
  9. @ Iggy. Can you define any FOR that will give for any chosen events on Earth and Sun, a spacetime interval larger than 149 million kilometers? Lets say 200 billions kilometers? Inconsciously, you agree with us.
  10. Wikipedia sucks. I read from the link in wiki On which anyone must agree. This is not an analogy, this is truth in Euclidian geometry. And then From this I understand that the analogy is the interval. Or I have to study grammar again. I am sure that you read the sentence otherwise. It is ment that the rod is the analogy, I suppose. But then, how is it that you use an analogy stating that Length is "intrinsic" in order to explain that it is not, but that you must replace it with another supreme intrinsic value which is called the interval. You don't use a truth that anyone accept to destroy it in the next step. Anyway. --------------------------------------------
  11. I take that for an answer. 1. That was fun. What do you think, Owl? In the meanwhile, I found this: " "Only its length L is intrinsic to the rod (shown in black); coordinate differences between its endpoints (such as Δx, Δy or Δξ, Δη) depend on their frame of reference (depicted in blue and red, respectively)." from wiki' universe emphasis mine. That is exactly what I said, what I understand Owl said, and what you denied.
  12. And "The spacetime interval between an event now on Earth and an event on the Sun 8.3 minutes in the past or future as measured in our rest frame is zero" light minutes or zero kilometer, and all FOR will find the same spacetime interval for those two events. Is that your answer? 2
  13. 1 light minute = 17 987 547.5 kilometers 5,5 light minute = 98931511,25 kilometers. Which is a spacetime interval between events 10 minutes in the future in time and 8.3 light minutes distant in space (translation 149296644,25 km) Owl gave the value: "The average distance* between the sun and the earth is 149 million kilometers" which is the distance* measured from our frame of reference, here on Earth. Do you say that 98931511,25 kilometers is the "invariant" value of the spacetime interval on which all FOR will agree on? *distance, not spacetime interval. 3
  14. Open wide the windows, even if frozing outside. What four 10 minutes. Close the windows, heat the space. Desinfect the surfaces with bleach. Eat all your food. Use the fridge. Maybe some other member for further help.
  15. Zero what? Zero seconds or zero metres? You wrote: I feel realy stupid now. 10 minutes are....5,5 minutes. I miss something. But i don't want answer in units of time any more. Now I need distance. You are answering in units I am not very familiar with. 5.5 minutes is time, 5.5 light-minutes is distance. How much? 4.
  16. So what is the space-time interval between 2 events on Earth and the Sun, in units of distance? You mentioned in your previous post: 8.3 minutes zero 10 minutes five and one half Light-minutes 5.5 minutes You see, I am dumb. I need just one number. In units of distance, since your last reply has reduced the choices. 5.
  17. Yes. Where is fungus? on the walls, ceilings, or does it appear on food (bread)?
  18. Sorry, Sysiphus is quicker than me. I posted it, read it, and edited without noticing Sysiphus's who posted in the meanwhile. in bold the points that need clarification, with numbers. (1)distance or interval ? (2)from now or ago (in the future or in the past?) (3)interval or space-time interval? (4)distance or space-time interval? (5)from now or ago (in the future or in the past?) (6)"five and one half" what? apples? (7) a clock measures time, not spacetime interval. I don't expect an answer in units of time. Countdown paused.
  19. What are the conditions in your kitchen? Is there humidity & darkness? Where do you live? internet is funny, you may live in winter today or summer, who knows? You may be on a mountain in tibet, or in a cave in Chile...
  20. empty post
  21. Welcome to the club.
  22. Are you sure you don't want to edit your last post to avoid confusion distance/interval & from now/ago, also putting units in your answer? 6
  23. You are consuming Iggy's countdown. 7.
  24. Other members here have argued that there is an invariant value on which all inertial frames will agree. I am waiting for this value. The Earth & Sun are not events? O.K. Take any date you whish, any place you want. Iggy is a great boy, he doesn't need your rescue. 8.
  25. (emphasis mine). That number. Owl gave his one which you denied. We are waiting for yours. countdown 9.
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