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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. So you are saying that nothing can expand. Right?
  2. Shouldn't in this case the geographic & magnetic pole coincide? IIRC the cause of Earth's magnetic field has not been fully described yet.
  3. I found a solution. The question was: can you break the code? My answer is: "no".
  4. What is the answer to that question?
  5. Maybe it is Clingon.
  6. michel123456

    Scale law

    IIRC the scale law was coined by Galileo. In other words, if you scale a horse it will become...an elephant. I found this link with all reservations I did not read all of it.
  7. Agree. It does not look like basic substitution. It could be substitution on the basis of some phrase like "To explore strange new worlds". It has 25 letters, the english alphabet contains 26 letters , and letter Q is missing from the riddle, so it could fit. but I cannot find any solution right now.
  8. Hmm. The question was "Find the coordinates and the supply of Dilithium Crystals." If the coordinates were so obvious, then maybe the cipher do not involve numbers but written indications.
  9. That is about the definition of the term "dimension". In your example, colour can be a dimension as well.
  10. 52142,86£
  11. IMHO 9-11 is not a case of security of the entire U.S. population. It was a frontal attack onto the head of "american imperialism": the economic power (WTC), the military power (the pentagon) and supposedly the political power (the white house). From the point of vue of the ennemies, it is highly symbolic. And it makes sense to me. I really don't see what is the logic hidden under conspiracy theories. If the meaning of the conspiracy was to begin the war against terror there were surely other simpler ways to invent instead of destroying 4 aircrafts, crumbling down 2 gigantic towers killing thousands innocent american citizens.
  12. You are expecting coordinates like N 32 06 51 74 W 81 09 14 40 (for example) , that means 2 series of 8 numbers. The message is made up from 8 sets of characters (8 "words"). Each set is divisible by 2 (there is an even number of characters in each set). So that each set could represent 2 numbers. Just a supposition. It is supposed that the Star Trek story should contain some indication, but I don't know how.
  13. It's a tricky one. Is it supposed to contain words and numbers? Or numbers only? (I mean, if you get coordinates only, without further message, is that satisfying?)
  14. Aliens crop-circle creators have their own site. Here. There are clear instructions. Here below an example: "Once location and design have been decided, retire to a local pub and wait for darkness."
  15. Agreeing with Insane_alien on almost everything. adding that the airplanes were coming from nearby airport and full of fuel. The enormous amount of flammable mass made the buildings collapse, not the shock. It is noticeable that the towers litteraly swallowed the airplanes without breaking. One must know that buildings are not usually designed to resist horizontal force other than wind and earthquake. Buildings are designed to resist vertical force of gravity. Here is where I disagree: Do you believe Irakees did it?
  16. That is what our human logic says. It is based upon our experience of birth and death. It may happen that the universe, unlike living being, was not born and will not die. It is not a conclusion from a Theory nor from observation. It is efseveis pothoi. You know what it means.
  17. You have to learn French, or use the Google translator. It is not mentioned in the english Wikipedia article. See also this book from Bernard Heuvelmans mentioning the interesting case of the Minessota Man. from wiki in french: "Les « scalps » de yéti conservés dans le monastère de Pangbotchi sont en réalité fabriqués par les sherpas à partir de la peau et des poils du garrot d'une chèvre sauvage locale, le serow (Naemorhedus sumatraensis), ainsi que l'a démontré Bernard Heuvelmans en 1961. Ils s'en servent lors de cérémonies pour jouer le rôle du yéti, après avoir couvert leur tête avec ce scalp. Ils trempent ensuite la tête du yéti dans du vin mélangé à de l'huile qui servira à faire une peinture dite « joulienne » [réf. nécessaire]. En juillet 2008, deux poils attribués au yéti découverts en Inde ont été soumis à des analyses microscopiques qui n'ont permis de les rattacher à aucune espèce connue de primate. Des analyses d'ADN furent mises en œuvre, tout en gardant à l'esprit que « le risque [était] grand de devoir attribuer ces poils à une chèvre ou un ours, comme ce fut le cas lors de précédentes analyses »[10]. Elles prouvèrent effectivement que les poils appartenaient à une espèce de chèvre apparentée au chamois nommée goral de l'Himalaya, une espèce rare mais déjà répertoriée." In short, hairs of the presumed yeti come from some kind of very rare goat. Scalps of the yeti are made by monks. But there is this: (photo Marie-therese Serres) from here the Pangboche hand. More generally, these are subjects for cryptozoology which is not recognized officialy as a science. see also Grover Krantz article in english wiki. from here. Please don't misunderstand this post: i am not an advocate of the Bigfoot-Yeti existence. This is only FYI.
  18. In your link the wave bounces back from the wall: it must be some feature of the program that considers the end of the wave as if there were a recipient. IMHO you must give a very large radius and consider only the part expanding from the source.
  19. I first have to convince myself... The laws of conservation forbid creation from nothing, that is a very good clue. Experimentally, true creation has never been observed: what we use to call erroneously "creation" is always a transformation. IOW, what we are currently looking for is something that contradicts both Theory and observation.
  20. FYI read from page 11 (B. Internet governance and digital democracy) Some extracts (emphasis mine) "38. The creation of an international organization, which would govern Internet with a firm human rights approach, is a priority for the United Nations and the international community at large. Global rules to ensure that Internet can be developed, in a sustainable manner, as a democratic medium of expression are essential for the international community to include the promotion and the protection of human rights in the emerging era. Such an organization will develop and apply, through the joint work of relevant national agencies, the private sector and the civil society, shared principles, norms, rules, which will shape the evolution and the use of the Internet. The enlargement of broadband communications systems in developing countries will, to a great extent, help the diffusion of information and communication technologies related economy." "40. Political repression from Governments is only a component of the limitations to freedom of expression on the Internet; other restrictions would have more subtle yet still insidious forms and contents." and HERE "In a landmark 1997 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the Internet is entitled to the highest free speech protections under the First Amendment of the US Constitution—the same level of protection afforded print media. The Court’s decision in Reno v. ACLU extended this protection to the Internet because of its low barriers to access, abundance of speakers, lack of gatekeepers, and high degree of individual control."
  21. But the Internet can.
  22. Yes, so it seems after investigation. That should be stated more clearly in the introductive purpose statement. " The Human Rights declaration exists to protect humans. People have died for that. As it appears, there is legaly no Freedom of Speech here. It means all members have lost a part of their freedom when entering the Forum, they are less human than those circulating on the pathway. Call me a dreamer, but I thought we could discuss here as if we were in open air on a public bench staring at the stars. But we are not.The only thing we can do on this Forum is discussing, and the only HR that corresponds to this situation has been taken away. It is very sad, don't you agree?
  23. Some guess: _ make sure the wave at origin S' starts at time zero. _If I understand correctly, "a is the "animation parameter" (its value changes linearly as the animation progresses)" is time. In fact in your 2nd question you got a plot of a regular wave as if it were inside a circular recipient. The wave comes naturally back to the center. I doubt the program will make the wave vanish to infinite, as you expected when waiting "to get a normal wave propagating outward"
  24. some information here This has been done. Someone must know everything about it. HERE (go to page 230). Original drawing by John Christiansen.
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