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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. Because throwing the Theory of Relativity to the trash can without any replacement is not an option. It is just like trying to go faster when simultaneously throwing you car away without bying a new one: it drives nowhere. At this moment, Relativity is quite a succesfull Theory. When a discrepancy arises, the easy way is to find a reason for that without having to redo 100 years of physics.
  2. I am not sure. Only math can tell. It is not answerable through logic or intuition. (emphasis mine) Are you sure? Light may not have to do with gravity (is that so?), but light has certainly to do with observation.
  3. What we know is that a body "left on its own" will not observe any acceleration , will not observe any change in speed nor any change in direction, and will not observe any force (if you except gravity from its own mass). So, what happens is that a body, left on its own, will stay at rest as far as an observator upon this body will see. For an external observator that is not upon this body, the body' s motion can be anything, depending on the external observator's relative motion with the body. It's all relative.
  4. This is a way to grasp things: The universe is an immense laboratory where anything can happen. Anything? Not exactly. What will happen must be possible, what is impossible will not happen. I know, it seems tautology, but it is not. Impossible means conflict with possible, and possible means non-exclusive. The Universe is to me the sum of events that produce no conflict, or in other words the sum of possible events. One can improve this very vague definition by focusing on the word "sum", because the Universe is not only a sum of bananas and galaxies, the Universe is a structure in which you find bananas existing in some galaxies. So that you can say that the Universe is a structure into which all non-exclusive possible events will happen. Matter, radiation, life are such events.
  5. My link is indeed based on old prequantical information.
  6. Multiple. no. Yes i do Yes, but I can't.As much as I know, it is not always authorized to have multiple citizenship. There are legal restrictions. For example, my daughter has a double citizenship but she will have to choose between the 2 options before the age of 21 IIRC.
  7. I am afraid it has been scientifically proven Santa does not exist.
  8. It is all relative. Straight line motion for the one will be curved for another.
  9. Are you afraid of something?
  10. Correct. You just solved the twin paradox. (truly, not sarcastic)
  11. No, because there will be no distance between clocks. The time interval is proportional to distance & relative speed. When there is no distance, there is no time interval. Any other paradoxal result coming from some kind of reasonning must have a mistake somewhere.
  12. IIRC it is the contrary. You calculate Venus's mass from a satellite orbiting Venus. See here.. Always through Newton.
  13. I don't know about Coca-cola, but about champagne we know.
  14. the answer is in the statement:
  15. You mean this: I see no problem. IMHO it is an algebraic notation issue: the horizontal axis is the input, the vertical axis is the result, they are different. So IMHO there are 2 zero's, with a different meaning. If you had written the formula's with red & green numbers, you would have seen that red zero is not the same as green zero. Just as if the graph was a projection of a 3D situation where the horizontal axis is 100 meters above the vertical one. (note for the reader, this is not what you will learn in standard math)
  16. The horizontal line represent the result of x^0 for all numbers. For an infinitesimal close to zero on the positive side, the result is 1. The same occurs on the negative side. The line is like the trajectory of a bullet. Do we have to wonder what happen to this line at point zero? Does a notion of continuity exist in math?
  17. This is highly emotional. I strongly suggest people of this forum (moderators included) to read at least this. Hearing a True Homo Sapiens speaking.
  18. Subscribe to the Science Forums and become a crackpot.
  19. If the findings are valuable, you may become a hero. I know you are a goddess but anyway...
  20. My post was not about you. You are trying to help very kindly.
  21. Put that into a diagram.
  22. Can you ask a 17 year old to think like Newton?
  23. You are not. He used the empirical method. I used to do so when I was young, and in several circumstances still do. It gives the great excitement of discovery.
  24. Is that your question?
  25. Wikipedia is instantaneous! "This page was last modified on 22 December 2010 at 20:42." Quicker than the own site of KTH.
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