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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. Applause. I have met so many people in my life that don't have the same ideas and that makes me sad. They use language only to show that they belong to this or that culture. They are totally indifferent about communication, not to say that in many case communication is not the purpose at all. It is much more about identification or elitism. I am really happy to see people like you JohnB & Swansont Emphasis mine: the social norm, that's what I am talking about
  2. What do you mean by "all points"? _All points of space? ........ After a night of cogitation, I wonder if this conversation has a meaning at all. For example, something moving at infinite speed would be everywhere at a single instant (not regarding what "everywhere" really means), but the same "thing" at the next instant would be gone...infinitely far away...
  3. I am not sure. Motion is always along a trajectory.
  4. That infinite speed connects all points along a (infinite) trajectory. I suppose that if infinite speed were to exist, we would have some difficulty to identify the concept of uniqueness.
  5. indeed I learned something today. Thank you.
  6. Miracles are events that may or may not have happen, it really doesn't matter. What matters is that miracles are not innocent: they have some purpose. After reading my own post, it may be misinterpreted. IMHO miracles are inventions of people in the purpose to spread their belief. They are based upon events that may or may not have happened, and glorified on the name of their deity, discarding automatically the power of other deities or the power of statistical effects or other well explained phenomenas.
  7. Only along trajectory. In fact infinite speed would mean : possibility to be at 2 different points of space at the same time.
  8. With you. I don't have the proper details. look at how they manage to avoid relection from plate C. As I understand the experiment photons arriving at plate C are 100% absorbed: how do they do that?
  9. The 2slit experiment is about the wave nature of photon, not about perturbation due to measurement or observation. Correct me if I am wrong.
  10. FOR INFO another scientist which is surely not a crackpot USC College theoretical physicist Itzhak Bars.
  11. That is not my point of vue. Actually, I think it is completely wrong. Any statement with the word "intrinsic" must be wrong. I would suggest to review the definition of the word "cause" before making such statements. Interesting, although very philosophic. Damned, we are in Philosophy... Well, the dog behaves a certain way because he knows about his future punishment based on his experience. If an observator comes at a random time, not knowing anything about the dog's education, he may conclude that the cause of the dog's behaviour is in the future.
  12. I am not a reliable source either. And I cannot answer your question, partly because I don't understand it clearly. What I know is that space & time are not "firmly separated". At the contrary, time & space are interconnected. Let me give an example: you don't need to "invent" 3d space first, and then add time as the 4th dimension. You can imagine a zero dimension element (a point), and insert time as the 1st dimension. You will get a 1D manifold represented by a line. In this case you can reversely state that a line is not a spatial element, but a space-time element. Which is a quite accurate description of our real world, because Relativity states that you always need a certain amount of time in order to move along a line.
  13. That is almost correct. It does not depend on "where you are", but on your state & direction of motion. And that does not mean that there are an infinity of dimensions of time. It means that, simply, time is like space. Space is represented completely through 3 dimensions but contains an infinity of directions: direction is not to be confused with dimension. In the 4d space-time continuum, time indeed can have an infinity of directions, but only one at a time (can we say that?). When an object moves, it moves along a trajectory. It does not move along an infinity of trajectories. The same goes for time.
  14. As Granpa said, the 4th dimension exists and is called Time. A 3d cube is the projection of a 4d "spacetime-cube". What is a 4d "spacetime-cube"? It is a 3d cube travelling through time. You can imagine that through motion, because motion is displacement through space & through time (in comparaison with standing at rest which is displacement through time only). So, when a 3d cube is moving, you get a good approximation of the 4th dimension.
  15. Emphasis mine. Travelling in time? Of course, I agree. Note: the same question about time being a vector here
  16. I'll be quite crude. 1. when you commit suicide, you lose. All those who commit suicide as a form of punishment or revenge against the others, don't understand anything. 2. At least, if you want to suicide, lets choose a way you won't suffer. Hanging yourself is a horribly long & painful death. The correct way to execute someone by hanging consists at breaking his neck when falling, and thus to provoque instantaneous death. Not to suffocate for long minutes.
  17. So you are suggesting that plate tectonics has an influence on the salinity of the rivers, if I understand well. And you too.
  18. You told the story of rivers salt getting into ocean's floor and Earth's crust. You have to continue the story and raise the salt back to the rivers floor, otherwise there is no cycle, and thus no recycling.
  19. No, I didn't say that. I said plate tectonics has no relation with salty rivers...
  20. (emphasis mine) In order to reach an equilibrium, those 2 processes must be linked together by some sort of mechanism. Like water evapourating from the oceans is in equilibrium with the water raining from the clouds. What is that mysterious mechanism that connects salt coming from rivers with salt going away by plate tectonics? IMO there is no such mechanism: the explanation is incorrect.
  21. You forgot to read that "Ocean salinity has been stable for billions of years" (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seawater)
  22. Look at this presentation made by the American Museum of Natural History (secure), make a stop in the middle, it's the believed time of the Big Bang. What do you see? Certainly not " small volume"
  23. Mooyepoo is right. The cause-effect concept is so fundamental that when no cause is observed, we continue searching. Note: of course, we are searching the cause in the past of the effect. Otherwise things are the same bizarre as effects without cause.
  24. Well I believe if one could answer the question "where the oceans come from?", this one could also answer to the question "where the salt in the oceans came from". What my opinion is (just my opinion, not a theory): If you look at a section of the globe, you will notice a succession of layers from the inside to the outside, going from the most dense (the inner core) to the less dense (not the crust, but the atmosphere). IMHO the oceans are simply a layer of less dense material (water) placed at a position governed by gravity. In this view, the oceans are coming from the entire Earth's mass, and as such, they must contain the traces of all sort of dissolved materials.
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