It is quite funny that after such disagreement, we agree on one thing:
As for the rest
In my diagram the red & black dots are different objects.
And about Cleopatra, I can't say, but about Tutankhamun, he still belongs to present. You can go to Egypt tomorrow and see his body is there, not in the past only. He travelled through time. like the Earth, he cannot be duplicated in present & in the past. There is only one. I guess you agree with me on that.
I could never imagine someone could represent the flow of time as a lined-object. I though it was quite an evidence that we are "moving" through time, since time is considered as "something of the same nature with space". Space & time are made of the same "stuff". The idea that we are travelling was so evident to me that I was totaly surprised with your objections at the beginning of this thread.
Maybe due to surprise, I am still unconvinced. It is difficult for me to accept that an object "still exist in the past". But I'll think about it again...
On the other hand I agree that the "moving dot" concept is like inserting time twice: it is "motion inside time". And motion has the concept of time already in, so it must be redundant.
Having no other argument to provide I will temporarily agree with the line concept.
So you say
Both statements don't seem to be coherent.
Explaining: if the coordinates (0,0,0,1) are taken, there you are.
And there you are in the present reading this post.
So I understand that there are two Iggies, one in the past at coordinates (0,0,0,1), and another one at coordinates (0,0,0,t), in your coordinate system.