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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. Mathematics do not need spacetime to exist, I suppose. There may be other things: geometry maybe? If one could make an exhaustive list of "things" that do not need spacetime, that would be a good start.
  2. That is the reason why it is called a paradox. A paradox appears when contrary results occur from a same situation. The paradox is solved when one explains that B is younger than A. It becomes simply an unexpected result of Relativity.
  3. He may have learned the meaning of a pyrrhic victory.
  4. Surprisingly and contrary to all crime novels, in this case the twins have nothing to do with the case. Nothing else to add.
  5. Maybe he meant the use of did (did I ?)
  6. Thank you Well understood. My point is that it is not an absurdity because the period has a specific position, it is written on the text line (I don't know if there is another name for it). I mean a point that is not placed on the text line is not a period anymore. The position has the same importance than the graph. When you invert it, you invert its position too (like in inverted question mark) and that makes it a upper period because is written above the text line.
  7. Usually, throughout all cultures, building with stone is a procedure that has some characteristics. Stone is not the easiest material for construction. One can use wood, mud,bricks that are used for habitations. You build with stone fortresses, temples, monuments that must last for a long time. Usually, stone is not used for momentary structures. But stone can be used as basis for wooden structures (like stones with holes). If you see holes in flat stones it is probably for wooden pillars. If you see holes in stone walls, it is probably for horizontal beams. Many constructions are mixed: stone for the vertical elements & wood for the horizontal (the beams over the doors & the roof). In Mayan architecture, the reason of the collapse of many building is the use of wooden beams that could not last long enough. In Egyptian & Greek architecture, the beams were made of stone, that is why the columns are so close to each other. The roof was still made of wood but there are monumental exceptions (the pyramids). Now, in Gobekli Tepe the T shape of the columns indicates that it may have been a solution to the problem of the distance beween the pillars. IOW the beams were probably made up of stone and if not, they were made up out of wood but had to support a very heavy load. It suggests that 1. the space between the pillars had an important use. It was not an empty temple or a solid monument like a pyramid, it must have a place for gathering people like a church, a palace or many other uses, think of a parliament (βουλή), a gaming room, etc. Gathering animals as you suggests I find that very hard to believe. 2. it may be that the "heavy load" I mentioned above was something more than the load of the roof itself. IOW it may be that the "heavy load" was earth right from the beginning but that is a far fetched from-my-sitting-room-hypothesis.
  8. Upside down period? There exist the up period that corresponds to the semicolon ; in Greek language. Yes. And the funny thing when you have to change tone at the last minute in your speech when you didn't realize it was a question. For better control when reading loud, my dad learned me to make my reading faster than my speech. I mean, the eyes can go forward in the sentence and the voice can go a step back. You are then reading from short term memory, not directly from the text.
  9. As a side note about punctuation, I like so much the Spanish question mark at the begin of the sentence. It helps reading the sentence with the good voice tone. In French & English sometimes you must read the sentence twice before getting the meaning and put the correct question intonation.
  10. michel123456

    New job

    I guess you will understand my comment after a few days in Luxembourg. Congratulations!
  11. You are correct but the same goes for "since" and "or". It might make reading aloud a bit more difficult since the comma often gives the speaker a little advance notice about a pause or a chance to breathe. ------------- A politician like Churchill would have read It might, make reading aloud, a bit more difficult, since the comma, often, gives the speaker, a little, advance notice about a pause, or, a chance, to breathe.(Applause)
  12. Easy little game: what is the relation beween those two? and
  13. michel123456

    New job

    You need a brand new car now.
  14. Thank you for your improvement but no. Because "but" is a "conjonction de coordination" That makes the same job as a comma. IOW comma + but = twice the same usage= error. I said in French because I don't know about other languages.
  15. In French comma and "but" don't come together.
  16. You cannot compare things that are not comparable. A surgeon and a politician: how many years of study do you need to become a politician??
  17. 37.223056, 38.9225 on my Google Earth This is the site (North above)
  18. Now you are a complete Human Being. You could do the same job in an easiest way downloading a free printscreen program. I use Gadwin printscreen.
  19. english version Deep in the heart of the girls: chrome and cotton.
  20. Here an interesting anylisis from Ioannis Th. Mazis, Professor of Economic Geography and Geopolitics Theory of National University of Athens ( Ιωάννης Θ. Μάζης, Καθηγητής Οικονομικής Γεωγραφίας και Γεωπολιτικής Θεωρίας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών ) Title of the article the enormous responsibilities of Berlin Google translate of the last part the full article in Greek here. (Google translate works not so bad)
  21. Ok friend. About the common language, yes for the part of the world to which we belong. Maybe. But there is a huge Internet that speaks Chinese, Japanese, Russian or many other languages (& surprisingly German) that exists in a parallel world.
  22. I think that all nations should unite. On this point of view I was very happy with globalization. With the Internet also, with finding "friends" from all over the planet. It is so nice. OTOH I was very unpleased when I saw that the tower of Babel still existed over the Net. I remember the joy of Russians when the Net offered Russian characters, russian domain names etc. and that dissapointed me tremendously. I had the feeling that humanity ad lost a gigantic opportunity to oblige everybody to speak the same language.To me, it is a crucial factor towards unification.
  23. It is wrong to divide a territory on the basis of what people think and vote. We should learn to assume that people next to us think differently. And somehow it is the case now: it is not that difficult. The problem arises when the people who think differently impose their point of view to the others. That is what is happening now. If I were Cameron, I would say "well you want to leave? That's O.K. for me. Those who want to jump out of the ship may jump. I will continue with the others"
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