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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. And finally, there was a hidden agenda. Minister Varoufakis didn't really want to avoid the Grexit (as it appears now). And Minister Schauble wanted a Grexit. And still wants. That is why the measures are so harsh. His crocodile jaws are still in the Greek flesh. It is not finished.
  2. There is another problem. Europe has rules. That appear to be above the laws of the countries. In such a way that countries must change the laws in order to comply with the rules. IOW the process for law making doesn't come from the basis but come from the summit. It is a paternalist procedure, so far. But it is not the way it was intended to work I think. Here, it appears evident that some europeans are "riding the reed" (καβαλάνε το καλάμι)- meaning that they believe being very superior. Those people impose their point of view to entire nations. They dare to tell a chief of state what to do and what not to do. They tell a Parliament what to vote and what not to vote.That is not Democracy. That is very dangerous.
  3. Example of what happened in Greece at the last 2015 legislatives elections. Info taken from Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greece#cite_note-ELSTAT-187 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_legislative_election,_2015 From those voters 6,330,356 came to vote. 6,180,872 were valid From these last voters, 36,34% voted for the left wing Syriza. That is 2,245,978 voters IOW 2,245,978 / 10,815,197 = 20% of the Greek population (including new borns & others) voted for Mr Tsipras. That is how democracy works, OK no problem with that, but don't blindly shoot at the 80% who didn't vote for being ill, teenager or new born or those who voted otherwise. BUT I agree with you that you can shoot freely the ones who were bored and didn't go voting. At this moment we are all "The Greeks" and the others are all "The Germans". I don't like that.
  4. If you want to show balance you should correct your avatar. To me you are leaning left. Or is that right? Or wrong??
  5. That's the way it should be, but it's not. Do the bankers "earn" their money? Do the loaner "earn" his money? Do the gambler-investor in the stock market "earn" his money. And so many others.
  6. Continuing on the same trend Italian representative mr Gianni Pittela also says something is going wrong with mr Schauble. No translation needed.
  7. I believe we are looking at a tragedy. It is not a question of economics, it never was. It has become a personal issue Mr Schauble have seen this arrogant Varoufakis coming with all the medias around. Varoufakis is good-looking, he is cool, women love him. He is fresh coming and he has a success that Schauble from his weelchair has never received. He is a lawyer, he doesn't like the lecture from leading Economist Professor Varoufakis. As Varoufakis said, not any one of the Eurogroup Minister would have passed his exams. Furthermore Mr Schauble is close to Angela Merkel but he never received this glance of teenager that Angela gave to Prime Minister Tsipras. Another good-looking fresh-coming who attracts the medias. Mr Schauble is jealous, he has gone mad. Even Mr Draghi understands that. Economists and bankers try to tell Mr Schauble to save billions of Euros and Lawyer Schauble hears nothing. I believe even Mr Dijselbloem must understand that something goes wrong. This comment I took today from the news (Google translate, couldn't find the original info in English). http://www.skai.gr/news/politics/article/285924/diktikos-apenadi-sto-shedio-soible-o-karsten-snaider/ My comment is: On the sidelines?? Mr Schauble will never accept this idea. He believes that he is right, everyone else is wrong. There is a name for that kind of behaviour. ------------------------ (edit) IOW, I think with Mr Schauble there are little chances for Greece.
  8. Greece has entered a deadful spiral of debt. The new loan is ONLY to pay interests on ancient debt. Not any one Greek sees a cent of this money. It comes from a bank and go to another bank, increasing in the meanwhile by the amount of the interest. That is why I said in another thread that debt is a way to create money. of course, money is created on the shoulder of the dupe. In this case, the dupe was the Greek government, now it is the Greek population. Most people out of Greece still believe that when they loan, they pay the Greek. In fact the Greek pay. Of course, now they have been pushed too far and cannot pay anymore. Ouk an laveis para tou me echontos ("ουκ αν λάβοις παρά του μη έχοντος"), There is nothing you can take from the one who has nothing. And when that will happen (or has happened already) people from Europe will most probably become the dupes in place of the Greek because the bankers are too clever to accept becoming the dupes.
  9. The real problem is not what is going on now. The real problem will come up after the next elections. Because the right wing has being a mess, the left wing has being a mess, the centre does not exist, the extreme left is a mess, in such a way that the only remaining choice for voters is the extreme right. It is the history rewritten. And that will be very very very very bad.
  10. When you multiply units, the standard geometric representations is an orthogonal set. For example square meters from meters: _put one meter on the X axis _put one meter on the orthogonal Y axis. By multiplying the one with the other you obtain a square meter and that makes sense. For other units it is not always that evident. For C squared _put c on the X axis _put c on the Y axis Multiplying the one with the other you obtain c squared and I am asking what sense does that make? What is the physical meaning of a velocity perpendicular to another velocity (or the same velocity) ? Then you multiply this "physical meaning" with Mass and you obtain Energy. IOW Energy can be geometricaly represented by a cube with vertices Mass, Velocity and Velocity (where Velocity=c). And as a side note: this "physical meaning" c^2 has no name.
  11. michel123456


    Printing money diminishes the value of money. In fact the whole value which remains constant is sprayed over a larger amount of banknotes. The lowering of the Euro exchange value lately was provoked by the printing of several billions by the Central European Bank. So it is not debt exactly, it is poverty distributed everywhere. When printing happens not so often, it doesn't matter much, but you cannot do that all the time.
  12. michel123456


    ----------------------- This https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserve_requirement
  13. michel123456


    The reserve is only a few percentage of the money managed by the banks. The reserve acts as a backup in case something goes wrong with some particular loans. When everything goes wrong, it appears in full light that the bank has not enough money in reserve, people lose his deposits but not only : loans are lost, enterprises close, people lose jobs, other banks face bankruptcy, and so on. Searching for a source, found this diagram from here. There must be better information but cannot find it right now. From your link Now, in this article it is said that roughly reserves equal the loans. From what I know the exposure of the banks is a multiple of reserves. Have to dig more.
  14. While Delta1212 was exactly to the point, the bizarre thing is indeed that when you multiply units by units you get "another unit". I like especially this below from prof. E. Laithwaite http://www.gyroscopes.org/papers/The%20multiplication%20of%20bananas%20by%20umbrellas.pdf For example the well known c^2 is the result of the multiplication of velocity by velocity, which is (should be) something else than velocity, but who cares.
  15. michel123456


    Not exactly. The deposits at the bank are only a few percentage of the amounts managed. Yes. This below is quite informative http://demonocracy.info/infographics/usa/fdic/fdic.html ---------------------- And from this below the following quote from http://demonocracy.info/infographics/usa/world_debt/world_debt.html Fascinating human world.
  16. michel123456


    If I am not abused it is untrue. When you ask for a loan from the bank, the loan is in fact a negative amount as considered from the bank. IOW it is not regular positive money from someone, it is negative money created out of thin air. When the loan is agreed and you see the important increase on your bank account, it does not mean that you took "money of other people", it means in fact that the bank has created money on your shoulders. You will work hard thinking that you have to give the money back with interests while in fact you are enslaved to the bank creating money not from thin air anymore, but from hard work. I am not 100% sure of what I say but if you ask a friend banker after drinking some wine he may admit that.
  17. michel123456


    Some argue that credit/debt is the same thing with money. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_theory_of_money Under this POV, debt equals creation of money, and the creation of money is something wanted under the capitalistic system we live in. So one could say that debt is not something that one has to avoid, but that debt is a motor for the economy. Every time a company wants to invest, the company takes a loan and debt is created. The same goes for countries.
  18. ?? the term "apex" of the dome means that this point is where the surface tangent is perpendicular to the gravity vector. If gravity is not perpendicular to the tangent where the mass is, there is a vector decomposition and the mass moves.
  19. The mass is under gravitation and it does not move because the action-reaction vectors are exactly perpendicular to the surface of the dome. A simple deviation is sufficient to make the mass move. But anyway IMHO you are correct, even in this case the law is not violated because there is a force and we know where it comes from. I find it very peculiar that some people agree with the idea that after some large amount of time things change without a cause, as if time itself was the cause. In fact, time is not a cause of anything. Time is not one of the 4 interactions.
  20. A finite mass applied over a zero surface applies an infinite pressure.
  21. Because you still are talking about a sphere of 100Mpc, and if I understand correctly, this sphere is not observable. It is the collection of objects that are 50Mpc around us (for example, since we are the observers) and that have the same cosmological age with us. However all observable objects that we are able to measure have a different age with us. The further they are, the youngest. Since everything that we observe lie into the past, we are the oldest observable objects in the Universe.
  22. that's it. The dome is transpierced. --------------- That reminds me the egg of Colombus.
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