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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. Your concept is stupid. Keppler's law is used, does not compaired to reality, then dark matter is invented so that Keppler law applies again.. i believe you know that. Your post was very bad. You hammered just to use your hammer, not to correct anything. OTOH I strongly believe that you have the knowledge to propose a law of motion for galaxies, that does not rely on Newton nor on Keppler. It would be a very simple law. But you don't dare.
  2. Right. The problem arises using classical laws of motion. So there are 2 ways to resolve the issue; 1. you invent "dark matter" (the easy solution) 2. you go back to the black board.(the hard way) I don't understand why all knoledgeable people here hammer so violently the only one who choose solution 2, the hard way, instead of helping.
  3. To explain the motion "using Kepler's law"? or what other law is used?
  4. So what? The shape of the paper bears no importance. It could be crumpled all around.
  5. As noted above, this is not a spiral, and the spiral approach is seemingly too complicated. Most probably intended. It is a simple volume problem. imagine simply cut the whole roll radially with a knife and open it, you obtain an open "cake" that has a specific volume. if you divide the volume of this "open cake" by the volume of a single sheet you obtain the number of sheets. If instead of the volume of a single sheet you are given the number of sheets then you can calculate the thickness. And since, as noted above, the width of the "cake" is the same as the width of a sheet, then it becomes even more simple, it is a surface problem. As solved above.
  6. Although predicting that the war will begin at spring is not a difficult case.
  7. One way to make accurate predictions would be to establish a mathematical model of what should be done and then chose manually the exact opposite.
  8. On the overall my feeling is that there is something right in Beejewel thoughts.
  9. But, correct me if I don't understand correctly, in your diagram the hypothetized "real motion" goes outwards and you are stating at the same time that we are heading to the black hole in the centre of the galaxy, which contradicts the graph.
  10. But even when we reverse the observers, the other is still approaching.
  11. Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī From Wiki Born 1265 Died 12 January 1318 -------------------------------- Also found this from http://wallifaction.tumblr.com/post/83007572725/invisible-light-prism-experiments-through-the
  12. That part looks correct to me.
  13. Time to close the parenthesis, Ophiolite is back.
  14. Right. My question was about plasma, not about relativistic velocity. I find it remarkable that the comet described a burning path, then suddenly exploded, and especially that the explosion looks centered on a point and not elongated along the path. So it looks like a phenomena occured: the desintegration of the comet. But a desintegration would not necessary produce a bright flash. If I hit violently a stone with a hammer, the stone will eventually break in pieces but no flash will be produced. I think the flash originated in the exploding plasma and that the exploding plasma is the cause of the desintegration of the comet.
  15. Well, i think plasma formed in front of the comet in the form of burning air, flames. Then it exploded. Bam. As in the picture below http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2013/9/15/1379253210439/Chelyabinsk-meteor-008.jpg
  16. So you say the meteor air burst was not caused by a plasma explosion? From the link above
  17. There is no mention of plasma here. the process is depicted as a pressure thing. although I thought that the explosion of the meteor was a result of plasma burst.
  18. There was plasma from Wiki And there was an explosion. From here 20–30 times more energy than was released from the atomic bomb detonated at Hiroshima. ---------------------------------------------- What is the formula that gives the explosion point for an object of mass M entering the atmosphere at velocity V?
  19. Woaw. Doesn't that description fits with the Chelyabinsk meteor explosion?
  20. I made this proposal once: to use the rep system as money, or as ammunition. IOW in the beginning you have in bank no money at all. Once you are given several + points, you get the right to spend the (more expensive) neg points. So that would be costly (to your own reputation) to give neg points to other. For example, you give one neg, you lose 5 +.
  21. Also, underground cooling works fine at the beginning, then slowly the earth change temperature. Unless you have a source of cold, like underground running water. I was also wondering how to increase the available surface for growing the lettuces. one way is to use vertical planting as used for strawberries. The other way round is to plant underground kind of lettuces, called endives in France, chicons in Belgium, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicory#Cultivated. Considered as gastronomic delight, and good selling price.
  22. What about the Trinity?
  23. The issue is when you want to cool something you need to "throw out" the redundant energy and it is costly. The trick then is to find some use for this energy. IOW to use the energy to heat something else. I don't know what that could be in the Philippines. Maybe you could cultivate in parallel other plants that need more heat than usual? or sell boiled lettuce? Or use the heat for another process like pasteurization? Or make beer? Something like that. In these cases, heat pumps are very efficient. the cost of electricity would be split in two because you would have 2 products, one that need cooling and one that need heating.
  24. That is not so simple. From this description it looks like all dimensions are independent from each other. You can have a line as long as you wish, a surface as small or large, no matter what. You can have a meeting at no specific time, everything looks possible. But that is not really like this because there is a relation between distance and time. There exist in physics a constant that is equal to a certain amount of space (distance) divided by a certain amount of time. It is C the Speed Of Light. This is really weird. See it this way: Following your description, you have a line that you have measured 1 meter long. Then you measure another line, perpendicular to the first one, also 1 meter long. The multiplication of one meter by one meter gives one square meter that you described as 2 dimensional. So you have transformed 2 one dimensional objects into a two dimensional object. O.K. Now, take back you one meter long. What do you have to do in order to obtain speed? The operation is the following: you must divide your 1 dimensional line by another 1 dimensional object: Time. So you obtain speed by dividing meters by seconds, and you get a value of how many dimensions? I hope you are completely confused now.
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