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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. It goes like this below Multiplication of positive in the x axis and positive in the y axis give a positive result. That is the yellow up quarter. Multiplication of positive by negative give a negative result. These are the grey quarters. Now, your problem is about the yellow down left quarter. The correct answer is that multiplication of 2 negatives give a positive result. It corresponds to a rotation of the graph 180 degrees. Or it could be understood as an incapacity to make a distinction between the 2 different positive quarters.
  2. I have seen this before. Have to dig for old threads here. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/65598-building-a-thermos-out-of-household-items/ http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/74193-i-need-insulators-for-a-thermos-that-is-able-to-keep-water-warmer-than-25-c/
  3. I fail to understand when it happens inside a body, together with chemical electromagnetic forces that keep it together.
  4. Which should be the most surprising thing, since it is in state of acceleration but without feeling the force we call gravity. It is like equilibrium was arising from acceleration.
  5. But even in free fall a massive object exerts gravity upon other objects.
  6. I agree: gravity IS acceleration. That should ring a bell. That should mean that all massive objects and particles are in a state of acceleration.
  7. Hubble's law is directly proportional.
  8. Like Hubble's law?
  9. Yes, google works better. This search below scienceforums studiot zero returns https://www.google.gr/?gws_rd=ssl#q=scienceforums+studiot+zero
  10. Thanks. So from a sea side spot facing North in northern hemisphere, in summertime you will never see the night sky with the Moon reflecting on the sea.
  11. O.K. googling "machine-building" does not give significant results. Maybe there is a more specific term, I don't know. Another example that comes to mind is a lighthouse. I think windmills are beautiful examples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windmill#mediaviewer/File:Goliath_Poldermolen.jpg These are machines. --------------------- I don't know if Chand Baori could be relevant, but anyway it is so beautiful i wanted to mention it here. http://pendarama.com/story/chand-baori-the-step-well
  12. Excellent. There are a lot of peculiar buidings around that sometimes you don't recognize. Many of them are buidings that act as a machine. perforated buildings like this one were also used for drying tobacco or other stuff. Mainly build in wood. http://drjohnejones.com/Penna%20Elder%20Trains/Pa%20Trains%20(123).JPG Other kind of "machine-buildings*" are the mills, wind mills or water mills. There are other examples I cannot remember right now, but even the shape & structure of a medieval fortress can be understood as a war-machine. Other kind of perforated buildings are sometimes dovecoats like this one very characteristic of south France. *When I say "machine-building" I mean a building that acts as a tool, not a building that covers a machine.
  13. That is not what I thought I knew What I have been told is this: The Moon follows the same path as the Sun, meaning that it raises at East and downs at West, circulating between East & West through the South part of the sky, in the northern hemisphere. is that correct? I cannot find that simple information on the web...
  14. Question In the northern hemisphere, does the Moon ever enter the North part of the night sky? Thanks.
  15. One should note that ancient thick fortresses walls are not made of the same stone inside out, in all civilizations as far as I know. I already mentionned that in some old post here http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/59024-nazca-civilisation-peru/?p=622545
  16. Maybe I was wrong. I was pondering: if you take a simple orthogonal triangle, mathematically one can get the value for the hypotenuse through the Pythagorean theorem [math]a^2+b^2=c^2[/math] And thus obtain mathematically a set of 2 hypotenuses, one positive, one negative. And I was wondering, were is the negative one? Then I thought that in fact there are 2 triangles that correspond to the original definition. See below The 2 triangles are mirrored like the left & right hand So there are 2 triangles and subsequently 2 hypothenuses. If one is considered positive, then the other will be negative. And there is no need for negative space.
  17. Yes, that's what I said. [latex]\surd4=\pm2[/latex]
  18. I will not change mathematical rules. [math]-2^2=4[/math] I know we have an obsession with positive results, but negative results still exist. Mathematically speaking.
  19. That is not accurate. Mathematically, a square root has two results, one positive, one negative. Simply one has to discard the negative result because it does not seem to have any physical correspondence with reality.
  20. Yes. Negative length would mean negative space. And there is no such a thing.
  21. The OP is about negative.
  22. Happy birthday!
  23. I don't even recognize space expansion in this video. I see much more complicated moves.
  24. Wonderful Mordred. Your link to the video is formidable! http://irfu.cea.fr/cosmography However, I don't see evident signs of concentration of clusters as a function of distance.
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