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Everything posted by michel123456

  1. The same video is used multiple times by the same tv show with changed subtitles for parody. here http://www.vier.be/deslimstemensterwereld/videos/de-mening-van-de-minimoefti-de-slimste-mens-ter-wereld/231071?autoplay=true the presentator says that it is a 12 year old Pakistanese. Minimoefti means Little Mufti. I doubt the guy on Facebook is the real one.
  2. http://www.geocurrents.info/place/russia-ukraine-and-caucasus/siberia/global-warming-and-siberia-blessing-or-curse
  3. Yes. But there are established laws that protect people (Kings & Presidents) not to be insulted because they are not simple people, they are symbols. The same way that you are not allowed to vandalize the national flag, or to put paint on ancient monuments or sculptures (although paint can be removed). That is because the sculpture is not a stone, it is a symbol. Depending on the country the punishment for the offense will vary. At my knowledge, offending the Prophet in some countries is death penalty.
  4. On topic. Wonderful presentation. I had seen these graphs before but not animated. However I had been looking some years ago about russian views on global warming. Well at the time they were very pleased! Siberia would become able for agriculture, new naval roads would open in the north polar ocean giving new horizons to Russia. Also new access for drilling in currently permafrost zones would be possible. At my surprise, I see that today's political views have changed and Russi has aligned to the occidental POV that increasing temperature is a bad thing. I have to dig to find references.
  5. Does this crime say anything to you? Lèse-majesté http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lèse-majesté
  6. Imatfaal is correct. You must focus on what you have been asked to do and be smart.
  7. translation Believer hurt by the unbelievers Unbeliever hurt by the Believers.
  8. You misunderstood my comment. You must know about French politics to recognize the satirized person and to understand the point of the satire. For example I don't know UK politics very well and I don't understand why Mr Cameron is represented wearing a condom on his head.
  9. As a side note: Charlie hebdo is a bit hard humor. Historically it is the direct continuation of another newspaper named "Hara Kiri" which subtitle was "journal bete et mechant (newspaper dumb and wicked). Much of the satire is chosen to hurt. There are some very hard sketches that have been published about Jesus and the President (the French one) that I doubt would have been admitted in America. Examples here below https://www.google.gr/search?q=charlie+hebdo+la+une&espv=2&biw=1138&bih=529&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=fjCwVOfJHInvUrnCgdAN&sqi=2&ved=0CDIQsAQ https://www.google.gr/search?q=charlie+hebdo+une+hollande&espv=2&biw=1138&bih=529&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=uTGwVPilG4v0UvWYhPgI&ved=0CCYQsAQ And also you have to know about french politics, french tv, and so on.
  10. You will discover a wonderful culture. ---------------------- Charlie Hebdo didn't follow Georges Brassens advice: Mourir pour des idees, d'accord, mais de mort lente (trad.To die for ideas, that's o.k., but from slow death. -----that's O.K. but from sloo-ow death. http://lymoc.pagesperso-orange.fr/paroles/mpdi_p.html
  11. I understand nothing. I see things in a very Euclidian way. I hope you understood my post #7.
  12. My pet theory is not that we came from an aquatic ape: this is our future, not our past. Our past are the trees of Africa, today our wish is The Beach, tomorrow we will enter the waters like other mammals did before us.
  13. I think it would be inflammatory. The criminals must be catched and condemned by justice. Some others would begin a war. My position is that war is much much worse than anything. No more wars.
  14. I am not sure that there is no embedding. To keep things simple, first of all what we call a "dimension" is not "something" that is straigth or curved. It is not an object, it is simply a mathematical or geometrical tool. So, if the 5th dimension has to exist, it should be a tool like the other dimensions. It should be a geometrical axis perpendicular to the 4 others. If we know from mathematical research that the 5th dimension is spacelike, it means that this tool is perpendicular to any of the 3 other spatial dimensions. Which means that the 5th dimension should be a geometric line exactly as the 3 spatial dimensions are defined. Not to say all spacelike dimensions should be interchangeable. If the facts are that we cannot observe this 5th dimension anywhere, then one solution to the enigma could be that because we are looking from inside what we are observing is a projection, or a section, of the 5 dimensions world. Because we have defined (have we?) the 5th dimension as a tool perpendicular to the others, the section or projection, being orthogonal or not, will be a point. That is the result of the geometrical definition of a line. And a point can be geometrically described as a circle of null radius.
  15. I wonder maybe it is in fact the encountering of 2 objects.
  16. C' est la vie. That is the case. The Internet says otherwise, it says that the earthworms drown after much time. But I see nowhere original research. We are still at the epoch of Scholasticism.
  17. You will have to wait. I am not aware for worms in the cement-like red earth of my little yard. And the earth is frozen tonight.
  18. Also the ejecta does not seem to come out of the head of meteorite, but from a point in the middle of its tail.
  19. Oh. Do you seriously believe SFN can change the world?
  20. Who is going to check that worms do not drown?
  21. I don't want to go into that. I started a thread, writing for an hour, then erased everything. I changed my mind. Science is beautiful no matter who is talking.
  22. From the comments on the page it is said that it is a Nasa launch. I found no corroborating info, todays launch has been canceled. http://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/liftoff-aborted-spacex-attempt-historic-landing-delayed-n280391
  23. Very informative. Do you mean "really" a circle or any other closed curve will do? That I don't understand. If you want to "reverse engineer" a projection, you don't split things. For example, if I have a Mercator projection of the globe, without knowing where the projection came from, what are the ways to reverse the projection and find the globe back? I suspect there are many ways to reverse the projection but only one way to find the correct answer. None of these ways will be a splitting. -------------- edit Even if you begin with the globe, the projection is not a split.
  24. I don't want to get this thread out of track. I disagree on your first point. I agree on your second point. I used to disagree with another member here, named Spyman, and I enjoyed disagreeing politely with him. He was really patient (where is he?) Now with you, fine. Disagreement is one of these things that push things forward, not especially backward.
  25. From the Kaluza-Klein theory on wikipedia From the intro From the chapter Group Theory Interpretation There is my question(s): If we are understanding our world as four dimensional (3D of space + 1D of time) and we observe nowhere the 5th dimension, why do we suppose that the extra 5th dimension is compacted? In my understanding, the 4 dimensions should interpreted as a section into a 5 dimensional world. IOW that the 5th dimension would be of higher degree than what we actually observe. The 4D would then be embedded into a 5D reality. That is what we do when we describe a 2D world from a 3D: we make a section, or a projection. Something like a map. So that instead of "compacting" the 5th dimension, one should "unmap". What would be the mathematical concept of such an inverse projection?
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