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Everything posted by Kitra

  1. Hello. I have spent two years at a public university in a biology program. At first I was BS, then changed to BA. Now, I don't know what I want to do anymore. I feel disillusioned with biology and the sciences now. I have decided to take a year off before returning to university next year to complete my bachelors (maybe in another field). This year I am taking some community college courses before I return next fall. I was thinking that maybe I should change my major or try for another career? Everytime I try to get advice, people come up with this weird mystical mumbo-jumbo (do what you want to do, never give up, is money the only thing to consider in life, etc.). I thought I loved the sciences (especially biology), I really did, but I am feeling so washed up. I totally hated going to any of my biology and chemistry classes. I wasn't learning anything in biology that I couldn't have just gone to the library and learned on my own. I kept getting bad grades and chemistry and math. I hated my old chem teacher, he would always give me this "you know you shouldn't be here dummy" look. My new chem teacher says that by now, I should be envisioning how the reactions and elements react in my mind. I don't see any of that when taking a test. I just see useless scribbles on a piece of paper. I could care less about if reaction is in equilibrium or not, and why. Now, I am beginning to think that maybe the sciences just aren't my calling. I can't think of any career that I would enjoy doing with a science degree. I hate teaching, and I don't know if I would enjoy being in a lab for the rest of my life. I don't know how I would advance in my career if I stuck with biology. I feel like I am the epitome of dumb. I wanted a rigorous, intellectual career that I could use to help people, (dentistry, medicine, science) and I definitely can't do engineering now since I wasted my first two years...and I fear that if I change majors (to a 'dummy' or a useless major) that I will never be happy in life career and/or financial wise. Advice would be appreciated....should I stick with what I am doing?
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