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Everything posted by kitkat

  1. I believe the reason why it is difficult for many individuals to accept is how we programmed to think. We are pattern thinkers so in order to make the world we see make sense we created a system of language to define it. Religion was a big contributor for most of history and now we have science with a more advanced system of language to define it. We evolve at a very slow rate so its going to take a very long time for this new system to get firmly rooted in future generations.
  2. Microbes as the original source but yet it believed right now that that only retroviruses can alter our DNA. Regardless the only real differences is that we have cells that can make tissue and organs where they don't have this ability or they never wanted it. The percentage is still higher with or without including unique proteins that currently have no corresponding function. Considering that life arose by chance, it sure is a perfect system for the microbial community. This is evident in the fact that they have always been here.
  3. Has science provided any explanation as to why our DNA is 10 to 1 in microbial DNA. What use does it serve? It gives you the impression that we are a species of colonized bacteria. If this is true why did they not just make all life look the same since they are viewed as mindless biochemical machines/germs etc. If are just mobile food processing machines that aid in preventing their enemies from invading our bodies, why bother giving us this illusion that we are unique?
  4. The Genome Project discovered that our DNA is 90% microbial and only 10% is ours. How did 90% get there if it is not done through HGT or LGT. Biologists state they do not see HGT in mutations by bacteria in our DNA. Another question is does a newborn baby also have 90% microbial DNA and if so how are they determined sterile at birth? We share 1% of our DNA with chimps. The remaining 9% is related to what other organisms?
  5. Science has done this deliberately in adding a new trait. How would this be done in the natural world?
  6. I do not understand why people refer to the fossil record as support for evolutionary changes over time. We do not need the fossils to support this fact because all of the transitional species are alive today. For example: We have species that do not have any internal organs that live in the deep sea vents in the ocean. We have numerous species that have some of the internal organs but not all of them. There are species that live in the ocean that do not have a stomach so their ability to digest food is absorbed through their bodies that act as a filter and it is processes accordingly. Then we have all of the species that do have a stomach to digest food. stages- 1st stage no organs 2nd stage-some but not all 3rd stage- all internal organs we have species with no limbs, some with small stubs that resemble limbs and others with fully developed limbs. We have species that can only breathe in water, some that can breathe in and out of water, and some that can only breathe out of water. As you can see we do not need to prove the intermediate stage in fossils when they are all alive today.
  7. It should be: Archaea Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
  8. The bacteria boom – implications of the Human Microbiome Project
  9. It is stated that we share 98% of our DNA with apes. If our DNA is 90% bacteria DNA leaving us with only 10% then how is 98% shared with an ape?
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