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Everything posted by kitkat

  1. Every post I write is indicative of thinking some processes are directed and isn't that in your eyes viewed as telelogical?
  2. I realize that you are trying to sway me from my telelogical thinking (not religious) but how you explain it, you reinforce it.
  3. The evolutionists on EVC forum.
  4. It is because birds look more like each other then humans compared to chimps.
  5. There are too many examples of people that state, "a person that they have not thought of in awhile pops into their head and that person calls them soon after that."
  6. I agree that when intelligence arises at the conscious level then most will evolve to possess it too. The problem is humans tend to think they are the only ones who have it.
  7. I agree with you and this is my point no one is taking responsibility for their actions nor are the organizations fighting for the environment doing anything productive that show that they can make a difference by example.
  8. Okay, but who is responsible for getting these projects in motion? government or science
  9. Okay, but who is responsible for getting these projects in motion? government or science
  10. It is often stated that nature made species "just good enough" and our genes are programmed to be more efficient in youth and are less efficient as you age. Has anyone considered that species are made "just good enough" is to reduce the amount of energy needed for predation to be successful?
  11. By the time science obtains all of the data of which can only happen by experiencing it through the coming decades, it seems rather unproductive to stress over it now. It is not matter of doing something about it because I do not believe there is anything we could do to reverse it. Another big issue is money since sure you can create jobs but you are not manufacturing for profit, only cleaning up all the damage we have done.
  12. I understand that sabor tooth tigers once roamed in North and South America and became extinct 11000 yrs ago. We now have mountain lions so did these live along side sabor tooth tigers before they became extinct? It seems that many of the large megafauna species appear to have died out around 10000 yrs ago but many of them resemble today's modern species. Could it be possible that they really didn't become extinct but over time with mutations began to look like today's species?
  13. Is is possible for the first cell to emerge come from the deep sea vents?
  14. okay so pollen was introduced to the larvae of the wasp and over time the wasp that was an insect predator switched to pollen. At this point please explain to me the process of when pollen was in contact with wasp larvae and how it got into its genes to eventually switching its diet to pollen.
  15. I love how they diminish the idea that air pollution is not the primary reason why asthma is on the increase. At the same time many believe cigarettes are to blame for everything from asthma to every other disease. My older sister has asthma but I didn't get it nor did my younger brother and sister and we all grew up in the same environment. Is there an asthma gene?
  16. I am not a religious person that believes the story of how life was created here by a God but I also do not accept from science that no living entity from bacteria to humans ended up with their traits by chance or lucky accidents. We are just beginning to understand the behavior of nature and while much does not make sense to science, the behavior right down to the cellular level is providing lots of evidence of many defenses in place inside at the cellular level and also at the species level to enhance their chances of survival. When science removes the mysteries of life processes and are able to explain the process in detail and them eventually understand the "why" these mechanisms are in place, it is natural for many people to believe that life works to direct itself by constantly inventing new defenses for survival. Religions and Evolutionists are at the extreme opposites of their beliefs and people are expected to side with one or the other. Why can't there be something in the middle meaning the whole cannot control its destiny but many of the parts within does have limited abilities to direct their destiny to a point?
  17. No, but it sure resembles some of the solutions that humans have made without thinking about future consequences of their actions.
  18. The day that any environmental organization can prove that they restored a polluted river or lake to its original condition before man ruined it, then I will take them seriously.
  19. What about the flower that looks like a wasp?
  20. The evidence points to that dinosaurs were selected for extinction since so many other species survived the KT boundary with no problem. Sure we probably did have an impact, maybe volcanism going on in certain areas of the globe but the fact is dinosaur fossils are found on all continents so it would seem that at least a few of them would have survived the KT boundary. How many times have we heard of bottlenecking as a reason for species to persist and isn't this the scenario of reduced population? How many times have we heard of bottlenecking as a reason for species to persist and isn't this the scenario of reduced population?
  21. Which goes to show you that they do have the cure but it is only available to the highest bidder.
  22. But it comes down to the plant somehow receives this valuable information which is evident in a flower that resembles a wasp so the wasp will attempt to mate with it. The many variations that is produced to attract specific pollinators. I'm sorry but it is difficult to leave this relationship strictly up to chance that a lucky mutation happens that creates this relationship. Since no one has witnessed the process of how it actually ended to result in this beneficial relationship between flower and pollinator, how it is interpreted remains a guess at this point.
  23. Too funny! Because of that that you mentioned we still refuse to take responsibility for our actions which will result in our extinction. The last people left will finally understand it but it will be too late. We are capable of wiping everything out except the ones that gave us our existence in the first place which is bacteria. Because of that that you mentioned we still refuse to take responsibility for our actions which will result in our extinction. The last people left will finally understand it but it will be too late. We are capable of wiping everything out except the ones that gave us our existence in the first place which is bacteria.
  24. I noticed that you said humans are unigue in that we have shorter telemeres compared to chimps. I thought telemere length was associated with aging and death. Chimps do not live longer that we do so what gives and why is this information so confusing? I certainly do not want to insult anyone here but I read everything I can find on this subject and it is difficult to grasp the meaning of statistics of DNA differences when they are talking about differences aspects of the sequencing depending on who the author wants to focus on in their research. How many models are there on different methods of obtaining the specific goal post of the DNA terminology that defines what particular aspect of the DNA sequences that you are trying to compare? I have heard that percentages are based on the mitochondria lineage and the DNA lineage but now we have the retroviruses input, other mechanisms involved, etc.
  25. I agree that all species that have a brain uses the same or similiar process of activities that allow the properties of intelligence to emerge but I don't believe it is a necessary requirement in species that do not possess a brain but is still capable of obtaining information using a different process that allow similiar emergent property of group intelligence. Our social intelligence is only important within our species group and I seriously doubt that any other species are envious or even care since they have their own method of social intelligence that is perfect for them. The point I am trying to make here is that our arrogance of believing that our intelligence is far superior to any other species ability that produce the same end result is narrowing the scope of truly understanding the behavior of all biodiversity of this planet. I think it exists on all levels of life and it would be logical to accept this since we evolved from our bacterial ancestors. Our brains are wired to produce the necessary traits that allow us to be successful within our own species. The traits we deem important are not necessary in other species in their abilities to survive and in fact have traits that we wish we possessed in our genomes.
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