Garry Denke
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Here is the red tape that is currently holding up the recharging of Earth's magnetic field as it continues its decrease toward Tesla zero. On 26th July 2005 the Planning and Regulatory Panel of Salisbury District Council refused English Heritage's application for excavation and removal of A-344 road beside Heelstone: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/ConWebDoc.5437 English Heritage's application, approved by the Northern Area Committee of Salisbury District Council at its meeting of 19th July 2005, was refused by the Planning and Regulatory Panel of Salisbury District Council on 26th July 2005, because it did not provide for excavating and removing the Heelstone artifacts: http://www.geocities.com/garrydenke 1) brass altar (5c-5c-3c) 2) gold ark (2.5c-1.5c-1.5c) 3) gold table (2c-1c-1.5c) 4) gold altar (1c-1c-2c) 5) gold candlestick 6) gold breastplate 7) gold ephod 8) gold censer 9) brass laver http://www.garrydenke.com/seismic.htm 1) A-A' (1979) C91 quadrant bearing; N 73 E 2) B-B' (1953) C36 quadrant bearing; S 67 E 3) C-C' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 57 E 4) D-D' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; South 5) E-E' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 50 E 6) F-F' (1923) C6 quadrant bearings; S 2 W - S 22 E 7) G-G' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 50 E 8) H-H' (1956) C51 quadrant bearing; S 63 E 9) I-I' (1979) C91 quadrant bearings; S 71 E - S 34 E - S 71 E / S 71 E http://www.salisbury.gov.uk/council/contact English Heritage was very surprised, and disappointed, by Salisbury District Council's decision, but they now know the grounds for refusal are ones which can easily be resolved when English Heritage submits the amended scheme providing for the excavation and removal of the Heelstone artifacts and A-344 road. http://www.gnn.gov.uk/content/detail.asp?NewsAreaID=2&ReleaseID=175616 The review will be taken forward by a steering group consisting of representatives from: the Department for Transport; the Department for Culture, Media and Sport; the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; the Highways Agency; the Government Office for the South West; and statutory advisers.
Abstract: hbar=e^2/e0c hbar=[1.6021765(31) x 10^-19 A-s]^2/[8.854187817... x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3-sr][2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s] hbar=[2.5669696(36) x 10^-38 A^2-s^2]/[2.6544187(29) x 10^-3 A^2-s^3/kg-m^2-sr] hbar=[9.6705527(59) x 10^-36 kg-m^2-sr/s] Introduction: Planck constant: h = 6.6260693(11) x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s speed of light in vacuum: c = 2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s Newtonian constant: G = 6.6723635(22) x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 Boltzmann constant: k = 1.3806504(11) x 10^-23 kg-m^2/s^2-K elementary charge: e = 1.6021765(31) x 10^-19 A-s electric constant: e0 = 8.854187817... x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3-sr molar mass: M = 3.2858629(47) x 10^19 kg/kmol dielectric constant: ke = 1.4594705(10) x 10^-2 sr fine-structure constant: a = 7.2973525(68) x 10^-3 rad Derivation: 1) temperature: [(hc^5/G)^1/2]/k = 3.5518626(92) x 10^32 K 2) electric current: e/[(hG/c^5)^1/2] = 1.1857531(48) x 10^24 A 3) dielectric constant: e^2/(e0hc) = 1.4594705(14) x 10^-2 sr 4) fine-structure constant: e^2/(2e0hc) = 7.2973525(68) x 10^-3 rad 5) mass: (hc/G)^1/2 = 5.4563031(18) x 10^-8 kg 6) amount of substance: [(hc/G)^1/2]/M = 1.6605388(62) x 10^-27 kmol 7) length: (hG/c^3)^1/2 = 4.0507625(15) x 10^-35 m 8) luminous intensity: [(hG/c^5)^1/2]/ke = 9.2580762(94) x 10^-42 cd 9) time: (hG/c^5)^1/2 = 1.3511889(33) x 10^-43 s Conclusion: 001) radiance = 1.5154964(57) x 10^123 kg/s^3-sr 002) irradiance = 2.2118223(93) x 10^121 kg/s^3 003) radiant density = 7.3778453(51) x 10^112 kg/m-s^2 004) density = 1.5044912(03) x 10^103 /m^3 005) mass density = 8.2089600(41) x 10^95 kg/m^3 006) i. luminous efficacy = 2.6860106(85) x 10^95 kg-m^2/cd-sr-s^3 007) electric current density = 7.2263787(71) x 10^92 A/m^2 008) thermal transfer = 6.2272181(80) x 10^88 kg/s^3-K 009) electric charge density = 2.4104604(96) x 10^84 A-s/m^3 010) angular acceleration = 3.9969910(02) x 10^83 rad/s^2 011) surface tension = 2.9885899(39) x 10^78 kg/s^2 012) molar concentration = 2.4982661(10) x 10^76 kmol/m^3 013) dynamic viscosity = 9.9688629(88) x 10^69 kg/m-s 014) inverse area = 6.0943365(69) x 10^68 /m^2 015) electric field strength = 7.5560138(75) x 10^62 kg-m/A-s^3 016) surface density = 3.3252547(62) x 10^61 kg/m^2 017) absorbed dose rate = 6.6515877(76) x 10^59 m^2/s^3 018) magnetic field strength = 2.9272344(25) x 10^58 A/m 019) thermal conductivity = 2.5224981(98) x 10^54 kg-m/s^3-K 020) magnetic flux density = 2.5204149(31) x 10^54 kg/A-s^2 021) radiant intensity = 2.4867291(78) x 10^54 kg-m^2/s^3-sr 022) power = 3.6293079(12) x 10^52 kg-m^2/s^3 023) field acceleration = 2.2187308(58) x 10^51 m/s^2 024) electric flux density = 9.7642030(22) x 10^49 A-s/m^2 025) force = 1.2106068(10) x 10^44 kg-m/s^2 026) frequency = 7.4008895(10) x 10^42 /s 027) surface concentration = 1.0119882(71) x 10^42 kmol/m^2 028) inverse luminous intensity = 1.0801379(99) x 10^41 /cd 029) angular velocity = 5.4006900(07) x 10^40 rad/s 030) molar energy = 2.9531863(41) x 10^36 kg-m^2/s^2-kmol 031) mass flow rate = 4.0381496(51) x 10^35 kg/s 032) wave number = 2.4686710(13) x 10^34 /m 033) temperature = 3.5518626(92) x 10^32 K 034) electric conductivity = 9.5637447(08) x 10^29 A^2-s^3/kg-m^3 035) electric potential = 3.0607617(77) x 10^28 kg-m^2/A-s^3 036) luminance = 5.6421832(93) x 10^27 cd/m^2 037) mass field = 1.3469817(34) x 10^27 kg/m 038) Avogadro constant = 6.0221415(04) x 10^26 /kmol 039) luminous flux density = 8.2346001(27) x 10^25 cd-sr/m^2 040) electric current = 1.1857531(48) x 10^24 A 041) thermal conductance = 1.0218041(14) x 10^20 kg-m^2/s^3-K 042) magnetic potential = 1.0209602(33) x 10^20 kg-m/A-s^2 043) molar mass = 3.2858629(47) x 10^19 kg/kmol 044) displacement = 4.4930474(34) x 10^18 kg-s/m^2 045) luminous density = 2.7467669(40) x 10^17 cd-sr-s/m^3 046) absorbed dose = 8.987551787… x 10^16 m^2/s^2 047) electric displacement = 3.9552467(59) x 10^15 A-s/m 048) Josephson quantum = 4.8359787(85) x 10^14 A-s^2-sr/kg-m^2-rad 049) Josephson constant = 2.4179893(93) x 10^14 A-s^2/kg-m^2 050) Coulomb constant = 7.7384850(15) x 10^12 kg-m^3/A^2-s^4 051) energy = 4.9038806(85) x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 052) speed of light in vacuum = 2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s 053) Faraday constant = 9.6485337(83) x 10^7 A-s/kmol 054) inverse mass = 1.8327427(53) x 10^7 /kg 055) von Klitzing constant = 2.5812807(51) x 10^4 kg-m^2/A^2-s^3 056) i. conductance q. = 1.2906403(76) x 10^4 kg-m^2-rad/A^2-s^3-sr 057) molar gas constant = 8.3144721(42) x 10^3 kg-m^2/s^2-kmol-K 058) impedance of vacuum = 3.767303134… x 10^2 kg-m^2-sr/A^2-s^3 059) inverse fine-structure constant = 1.3703599(91) x 10^2 /rad 060) relative permeability = 6.8517999(54) x 10^1 /sr 061) momentum = 1.6357585(24) x 10^1 kg-m/s 062) spin two = 2.0000000 x 10^0 sr/rad 063) spin one = 1.0000000 x 10^0 rad/rad, sr/sr 064) spin one-half = 5.0000000 x 10^-1 rad/sr 065) dielectric constant = 1.4594705(14) x 10^-2 sr 066) second radiation = 1.4387752(25) x 10^-2 m-K 067) fine-structure constant = 7.2973525(68) x 10^-3 rad 068) magnetic permeability = 8.6102257(82) x 10^-5 kg-m/A^2-s^2 069) conductance q. = 7.7480917(13) x 10^-5 A^2-s^3-sr/kg-m^2-rad 070) electric conductance = 3.8740458(57) x 10^-5 A^2-s^3/kg-m^2 071) magnetic constant = 1.256637061... x 10^-6 kg-m-sr/A^2-s^2 072) molar Planck constant = 3.9903127(01) x 10^-7 kg-m^2/s-kmol 073) mass = 5.4563031(18) x 10^-8 kg 074) radiant distribution = 3.335640952... x 10^-9 s/m 075) Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 1.3897144(61) x 10^-9 kg/s^3-K^4 076) density of states = 2.0392013(27) x 10^-10 s^2/kg-m^2 077) Newtonian constant = 6.6723635(22) x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 078) magnetic pole strength = 4.8032044(04) x 10^-11 A-m 079) electric constant = 8.854187817... x 10^-12 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3-sr 080) magnetic exposure = 2.9363774(27) x 10^-12 A-s/kg 081) electric permittivity = 1.2922426(01) x 10^-13 A^2-s^4/kg-m^3 082) magnetic flux = 4.1356674(39) x 10^-15 kg-m^2/A-s^2 083) magnetic flux q. = 2.0678337(20) x 10^-15 kg-m^2-rad/A-s^2-sr 084) specific heat = 2.5303770(36) x 10^-16 m^2/s^2-K 085) first radiation = 1.1910428(22) x 10^-16 kg-m^4-sr/s^3-rad 086) radiation = 5.9552141(09) x 10^-17 kg-m^4/s^3 087) elementary charge = 1.6021765(31) x 10^-19 A-s 088) molality = 3.0433405(66) x 10^-20 kmol/kg 089) thermal resistance = 9.7866116(02) x 10^-21 s^3-K/kg-m^2 090) Boltzmann constant = 1.3806504(11) x 10^-23 kg-m^2/s^2-K 091) inverse electric current = 8.4334585(30) x 10^-25 /A 092) kinematic viscosity = 1.2143880(51) x 10^-26 m^2/s 093) amount of substance = 1.6605388(62) x 10^-27 kmol 094) electric resistivity = 1.0456155(31) x 10^-30 kg-m^3/A^2-s^3 095) relative expansion = 2.8154241(50) x 10^-33 /K 096) Planck constant = 6.6260693(11) x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s 097) length = 4.0507625(15) x 10^-35 m 098) reduced Planck constant = 9.6705527(59) x 10^-36 kg-m^2-sr/s 099) absorption-emission = 2.4763817(25) x 10^-36 s/kg 100) inductance = 3.4877979(84) x 10^-39 kg-m^2/A^2-s^2 101) luminous intensity = 9.2580762(94) x 10^-42 cd 102) moment = 2.2102188(14) x 10^-42 kg-m 103) luminous flux = 1.3511889(33) x 10^-43 cd-sr 104) time = 1.3511889(33) x 10^-43 s 105) magnetic moment = 1.9456640(35) x 10^-45 A-m^2 106) capacitance = 5.234567901... x 10^-48 A^2-s^4/kg-m^2 107) electric moment = 6.4900366(34) x 10^-54 A-s-m 108) area = 1.6408676(95) x 10^-69 m^2 109) fluidity = 1.0031234(27) x 10^-70 m-s/kg 110) inertial moment = 8.9530715(22) x 10^-77 kg-m^2 111) molar volume = 4.0027761(50) x 10^-77 m^3/kmol 112) electric charge volume = 4.1485848(93) x 10^-85 m^3/A-s 113) luminous energy = 1.8257115(33) x 10^-86 cd-sr-s 114) electric current volume = 1.3838189(66) x 10^-93 m^2/A 115) luminous efficacy = 3.7229933(79) x 10^-96 cd-sr-s^3/kg-m^2 116) mass volume = 1.2181811(03) x 10^-96 m^3/kg 117) volume = 6.6467653(52) x 10^-104 m^3 118) radiant volume = 1.3554092(73) x 10^-113 m-s^2/kg 119) inverse irradiance = 4.5211586(75) x 10^-122 s^3/kg 120) inverse radiance = 6.5984977(75) x 10^-124 s^3-sr/kg Bibliography: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/
Mars Odyssey Themis Images May 23-27, 2005 Meridiani (Released 23 May 2005) http://themis.la.asu.edu/zoom-20050523a.html More Meridiani (Released 24 May 2005) http://themis.la.asu.edu/zoom-20050524a.html Elysium Mons (Released 25 May 2005) http://themis.la.asu.edu/zoom-20050525a.html Cratered Acidalia Planitia (Released 26 May 2005) http://themis.la.asu.edu/zoom-20050526a.html Acidalia Planitia Channel Margin (Released 27 May 2005) http://themis.la.asu.edu/zoom-20050527a.html All the THEMIS images archived here: http://themis.la.asu.edu/latest.html NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona State University, Tempe, in collaboration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip Christensen at Arizona State University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor for the Odyssey project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Garry Denke http://www.asu.edu/
Making sure this had the right terminology.Einstein's nine (9) primary fundamental universal base unit values 1) Einstein intensity: [(hG/c^5)^1/2]/sr = 9.8601020(30) x 10^-46 cd 2) Einstein time: (hG/c^5)^1/2 = 1.3511889(33) x 10^-43 s 3) Einstein length: (hG/c^3)^1/2 = 4.0507625(15) x 10^-35 m 4) Einstein substance: [(hc/G)^1/2]/M = 1.6605388(62) x 10^-27 kmol 5) Einstein mass: (hc/G)^1/2 = 5.4563031(18) x 10^-8 kg 6) Einstein current: e/[(hG/c^5)^1/2] = 1.1857531(48) x 10^24 A 7) Einstein temperature: [(hc^5/G)^1/2]/k = 3.5518626(92) x 10^32 K 8) Einstein relative permeability: (e0hc)/e^2 = 6.8517999(55) x 10^1 rad 9) Einstein inverse fine-structure: (2e0hc)/e^2 = 1.3703599(91) x 10^2 sr Planck's non-primary fundamental non-universal base unit values 1) Planck intensity: [(bar-hG/c^5)^1/2]/sr = 3.9336115(89) x 10^-46 cd 2) Planck time: (bar-hG/c^5)^1/2 = 5.3904639(43) x 10^-44 s 3) Planck length: (bar-hG/c^3)^1/2 = 1.6160204(35) x 10^-35 m 4) Planck substance: [(bar-hc/G)^1/2]/M = 6.6245916(02) x 10^-28 kmol 5) Planck mass: (bar-hc/G)^1/2 = 2.1767500(08) x 10^-8 kg 6) Planck current: e/[(bar-hG/c^5)^1/2] = 2.9722423(67) x 10^24 A 7) Planck temperature: [(bar-hc^5/G)^1/2]/k = 1.4169882(01) x 10^32 K Legend's http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/ Planck constant: h = 6.6260693(11) x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s Newton constant: G = 6.6723635(22) x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 speed of light in vacuum: c = 2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s Einstein molar mass: M = 3.2858629(47) x 10^19 kg/kmol elementary charge: e = 1.6021765(31) x 10^-19 A-s Boltzmann constant: k = 1.3806504(11) x 10^-23 kg-m^2/s^2-K electric constant: e0 = 8.854187817... x 10^-12 A^2-s^4-rad/kg-m^3 Planck h/2(pi): bar-h = 1.0545716(84) x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s Thanks for helping 5614, Garry Denke
Yes, about half an hour ago.Boltzmann has 2n's, not 1n. Thanks for helping, Garry Denke
According to Max Planck : Planck's seven (7) primary universal base unit values 1) Planck intensity : (bar-hG/c^5)^1/2/sr = 7.8672231(80) x 10^-46 cd 2) Planck time : (bar-hG/c^5)^1/2 = 5.3904639(43) x 10^-44 s 3) Planck length : (bar-hG/c^3)^1/2 = 1.6160204(35) x 10^-35 m 4) Planck substance : (bar-hc/G)^1/2/M = 6.6245916(02) x 10^-28 kmol 5) Planck mass : (bar-hc/G)^1/2 = 2.1767500(08) x 10^-8 kg 6) Planck current : e/(bar-hG/c^5)^1/2 = 2.9722423(67) x 10^24 A 7) Planck temperature : (bar-hc^5/G)^1/2/k = 1.4169882(01) x 10^32 K According to Albert Einstein : Einstein's seven (7) primary universal base unit values 1) Einstein intensity : (hG/c^5)^1/2/sr = 1.9720204(06) x 10^-45 cd 2) Einstein time : (hG/c^5)^1/2 = 1.3511889(33) x 10^-43 s 3) Einstein length : (hG/c^3)^1/2 = 4.0507625(15) x 10^-35 m 4) Einstein substance : (hc/G)^1/2/M = 1.6605388(62) x 10^-27 kmol 5) Einstein mass : (hc/G)^1/2 = 5.4563031(18) x 10^-8 kg 6) Einstein current : e/(hG/c^5)^1/2 = 1.1857531(48) x 10^24 A 7) Einstein temperature : (hc^5/G)^1/2/k = 3.5518626(92) x 10^32 K According to Planck & Einstein : Planck & Einstein two (2) primary universal base angles 1) Einstein relative permeability : steradian = 6.8517999(55) x 10^1 sr 2) Planck inverse fine-structure : radian = 1.3703599(91) x 10^2 rad According to Einstein & Planck : http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/ Planck h/2pi : bar-h = 1.0545716(84) x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s Planck constant : h = 6.6260693(11) x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s Boltzmann constant : k = 1.3806504(11) x 10^-23 kg-m^2/s^2-K Coulomb elementary charge : e = 1.6021765(31) x 10^-19 A-s Newton constant : G = 6.6723635(22) x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 Einstein relative permeability : steradian = 6.8517999(55) x 10^1 sr Einstein speed of light in vacuum : c = 2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s Avogadro molar mass : M = 3.2858629(47) x 10^19 kg/kmol Question #1 : Who is Ludwig Boltzmann? Question #2 : Who is Charles Coulomb? Question #3 : Who is Amadeo Avogadro? Thanks for helping, Garry Denke
There is No fourth Posthole at 'A' Cross-sections Quadrant bearings -------------------------------- http://www.geocities.com/garrydenke/MAP_12.5percent.gif http://www.geocities.com/garrydenke/CenterMAP_25percent.gif http://www.geocities.com/garrydenke/MAP_25percent.gif http://www.geocities.com/garrydenke/CenterMAP_50percent.gif Round the Heelstone clockwise Start 12:00 o'clock ------------------------------------------------ 1) A-A' (1979) C91 quadrant bearing; N 73 E 2) B-B' (1953) C36 quadrant bearing; S 67 E 3) C-C' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 57 E 4) D-D' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; South 5) E-E' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 50 E 6) F-F' (1923) C6 quadrant bearings; S 2 W - S 22 E 7) G-G' (1923) C6 quadrant bearing; S 50 E 8) H-H' (1956) C51 quadrant bearing; S 63 E 9) I-I' (1979) C91 quadrant bearings; S 71 E - S 34 E - S 71 E / S 71 E http://home.earthlink.net/~ctfeagans/SH_Fig183_a.jpg http://home.earthlink.net/~ctfeagans/SH_Fig183_b.jpg http://home.earthlink.net/~ctfeagans/SH_Fig184.jpg http://home.earthlink.net/~ctfeagans/SH_Causeway2.jpg Stonehenge, Heelstone, UK
Thank you Stumblebum. Covered in the above post. For those interested... The above publication is out of print but available through interlibrary loan. If one is so inclined comparison of the C6 cross-section cited in the above English Heritage 1995 publication, to the Hawley and Newall original 1923 map published in 1925, is available at most universities (at Southern Methodist University of Dallas for certain) in The Antiquaries Journal, 1925, published by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, in Volume 5, at Page 21 preceeding, Plate IX. Nice photograph (black and white) in The Antiquaries Journal, 1925, in Volume 5, at Page 25 preceeding, Plate X, same in the above English Heritage 1995 publication, et al, including Stonehenge Complete by Christopher Chippindale, all 3 editions. But save and except for the C6 cross-section showing the detailed sample descriptions of the subject scrolling trench, none of the maps or photgraphs show it: because; Hawley and Newall did not excavate it completely so as not to disturb the Stonehole B (WA3606) area any further northeast of the scrolling trench origination (WA3607) area. Why? The subject scrolling trench was so large and deepening so rapidly to the northeast-east toward the west side of Heelstone, that if they had excavated it completely to the northeast-east, none of the features in its path would have been left to photograph, and present (sound familiar?), at the annual Report on the Excavations at Stonehenge reading, which occurred on 19th June 1924 covering the season of 1923. Basically, they were told to stop short and illustrate their to date findings, save and except for the large scrolling trench. Unfortunately, the Office of Works blocked any more excavation of the northeast-east scrolling trench, from Stonehole B (WA3606) to the Heelstone, and history has left us with the Hawley and Newall correctly drafted maps, incorporating dashed lines for undefinite features, and solid lines for definite features (see The Antiquaries Journal, 1925, published by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, in Volume 5, at Page 21 preceeding, Plate IX.), and, of course, all of the misleading maps which followed in the solid lined Stonehenge publications. Thus, the historical question as to why the subject trench was neither fully excavated nor mapped any further than the northeast line of WA3607 is answered, the artistic question is is anyone here interested in expressing it artistically using our seismic refraction contour map as a basis, and the scientific question is when is the next seismic refraction survey going to be conducted over it because the first one is twenty (20) years old, and outdated. I think we should complete the excavation of 6th century BC Heelstone scroll trench began by William Hawley and Robert Newall through artistic expression of it, based upon all the above facts of the matter, and any more facts that may be acquired. ATT, 1st April 1985
***Stonehenge in its landscape; Twentieth-century excavations, Rosamund MJ Cleal, KE Walker, and R Montague, ENGLISH HERITAGE, 1995, ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT 10, ISBN: 1850746052, Pages 321-322, Figure 183-183 continued, Lieutenant-Colonel William Hawley's 1923 cross-section C6 of 9ft wide 33ft long WA3607 broad cut scroll trench to underneath Heelstone. Map of C6 cross-section at Page 269, Figure 156. Note: C6 cross-section at Pages 321-322; Figure 183-183 continued, shown reversed.*** Question No. 1. Concerning the mapping of easternmost Posthole at A (the 4th blackened circle on most Stonehenge maps), located 18ft due west of the Heelstone's west side; Does anyone think it is right, or wrong, to solid line contour and blacken in on any map a posthole, such as the easternmost Posthole at A, cut away entirely by the subject 6th century BC Heelstone scroll trench, when such easternmost Posthole at A does not exist? (see Hawley's 1923 cross-section C6 in above publication: Pages 321-322; Figure 183-183 continued) Question No. 2. Concerning the mapping of Heelstone's western elder circular ditch 9ft missing portion (the thinnest darkened portion on most Stonehenge maps), located 13ft west-southwest of the Heelstone's west side; Does anyone think it is right, or wrong, to solid line contour and darken in on any map a ditch, such as Heelstone's western circular ditch 9ft missing portion, cut away entirely by the subject 6th century BC Heelstone scroll trench, when such elder circular ditch portion does not exist? (see Hawley's 1923 cross-section C6 in above publication; Pages 321-322; Figure 183-183 continued) Question No. 3. Why is the subject 6th century BC Heelstone scroll trench not mapped honoring the detailed sample descriptions of the original C6 cross-section creators, Lt.-Col. William Hawley and Robert Newall, on most Stonehenge maps? (see Hawley's 1923 cross-section C6 in above publication: Pages 321-322; Figure 183-183 continued) Same original C6 cross-section at Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum: http://www.aboutbritain.com/SalisburyMuseum.htm?RefID=1504297 -- 6th Century BC Heelstone Scroll Trench Stonehenge in its landscape; Twentieth-century excavations, Rosamund MJ Cleal, KE Walker, and R Montague, ENGLISH HERITAGE, 1995, ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT 10, ISBN: 1850746052, Pages 321-322, Figure 183-183 continued, Lieutenant-Colonel William Hawley's 1923 cross-section C6 of 9ft wide 33ft long WA3607 broad cut scroll trench to underneath Heelstone. Map of C6 cross-section at Page 269, Figure 156. Note: C6 cross-section at Pages 321-322; Figure 183-183 continued, shown reversed. Lydian lion electrum coins (7) in WA3607 scroll trench, 1 recovered. Described in daily Journal No. 4 at Stonehenge on 19th May 1923. Remaining artifacts along and at 12ft bottom of Inigo Jones' Stone-Heng Restored scroll trench East of coined Heelstone elder circular ditch (missing). Gold ark (2.5c-1.5c-1.5c), gold table (2c-1c-1.5c), gold altar (1c-1c-2c), gold candlestick, gold breastplate, gold ephod, gold censer, and brass laver, all, inside brass altar (5c-5c-3c) located beneath Hawley's Helestone lion head, calf head, man face, and eagle wings (pictured below). Jones' brass altar (5c-5c-3c) top side at 7.5ft augered depth. Scrolling trench 9ft wide 33ft long description from Stonehole B (WA3606) to 12ft below Heelstone 96 (Stonehole 163) surface: BEGINNING at mapped Stonehole B (WA3606), THENCE deepening Northeast, THENCE cutting Easternmost Posthole at A (missing), through C6 cross-section right triangle at southwest side, and Heelstone elder circular ditch (missing), THENCE East pass Stonehole 97 disturbance at northern side to beneath Hawley's Helestone lion head, calf head, man face, and eagle wings. Artifacts below Denoco Inc.'s ATT refraction seismic station No. 96 (sledgehammer source) recorded at Stonehenge on 1st April 1985. Salisbury Museum and above publication maps contour 33ft long broad cut scroll trench short by 25ft showing WA3607 only 8ft long. Robert Newall's 1923 scroll trench map contour short of Hawley's cross-sections and scroll trench East side under Heelstone (embedded 4.5ft). Three 1985 refraction seismic lines confirm Hawley's cross-sections and 9ft wide 33ft long scroll trench length and depths. Denoco Inc.'s ATT two north-south lines traverse WA3607 scroll trench width, and one east-west cross line ties along its length. English Heritage's AMLab 75 Ohm-m^2/m 1994 resistivity survey (above publication: Figure 261; Page 500) traceplot of raw resistivity data confirms ATT refraction seismic recordings. Upload of coined 6th Century BC Heelstone Scroll Trench 1984 magnetic-electromagnetic (EM-GPR) and 1985 refraction seismic maps and cross-sections to follow shortly. For MSN users: http://groups.msn.com/stonehengewhitestones http://groups.msn.com/arkarchaeology http://groups.msn.com/stonehengegeologyandgeophysics http://groups.msn.com/geomagnetism http://groups.msn.com/paleomagnetism For YAHOO users: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stonehengewhitestones http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arkarchaeology http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stonehengegeologyandgeophysics http://groups.yahoo.com/group/geomagnetism http://groups.yahoo.com/group/paleomagnetism For FORUM users: http://www.garrydenke.com/stonehenge.htm'>http://www.garrydenke.com/stonehenge.htm http://www.freewebs.com/garrydenke http://www.webspawner.com/users/garrydenke/index.html http://www.geocities.com/garrydenke http://www.garrydenke.bravehost.com Discussion at this forum appreciated. Garry W. Denke Geologist/Geophysicist Denoco Inc. of Texas Wildcat Station, P.O. Box 866488 Plano, Texas 75086-6488 Tel: 972-422-8268 Fax: 972-423-6337 Cell: 940-521-1667 http://www.garrydenke.com GarryDenke@garrydenke.com http://www.denocoinc.com GarryDenke@denocoinc.com
Many Thanks! Garry Denke
http://www.sciforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2971&stc=1 Specifically define "this" in detail please.
These rocks get to stay dave, so what is the big deal? 1) Stonehenge White Chalk - The outcrop sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Cretaceous Period, Santonian Age, calcium carbonates. The Late Cretaceous Period outcrop sedimentary rocks comprise the first (1st) English construction material used by the Stonehenge builders of England. This material is approximately 85 million years old. These stones are called Seaford Chalk Formation rocks. They are English and belong in England. 2) Stonehenge Sarsens - The youngest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Oligocene-Miocene (Tertiary) Period silicates. The Oligocene-Miocene Period sandstone sedimentary rocks comprise the second (2nd) English construction material used by the Stonehenge builders of England. This material is approximately 24 million years old. These stones are called Reading Formation rocks. They are English and belong in England. Unless of course Marlborough wants the Sarsens back; Save and Except: the Heelstone of Hampshire County. Stonehenge Heelstone Sculpture In 22 separate excavations, for which the detailed records are published, a total of "over 11,500 stone fragments were recorded" at Stonehenge (PROCEEDINGS AT THE BRITISH ACADEMY . 92, SCIENCE AND STONEHENGE, Cunliffe & Renfrew, 1997, pages 258-9), representing all of its different lithologies. Approximately 4,000 sarsen chips, including "a total of 3,760 sarsen fragments", and "sarsen sand from the area", excavated by Lieutenant-Colonel William Hawley (REPORT ON THE EXCAVATIONS AT STONEHENGE DURING THE SEASON OF 1923, W. Hawley, 1925, pages 21-50), from a single location within ten (10) meters of the Heelstone, in the Avenue between the Heelstone and the Slaughter Stone, "do strongly suggest that a stone was either dressed or broken up in the vicinity" (STONEHENGE, Cleal, Walker, Montague, 1995, page 290), in front of the Heelstone carvings. In 1975, Arizona State University (ASU) GLG 324 Petrology-Petrography class analised the Cainozoic Reading Formation sarsen samples provided by Professor Richard Atkinson from the London Basin, the Hampshire Basin, and from each of the sarsens at Stonehenge. The ASU 1975 GLG 324 Petrology-Petrography class determined through optical mineralogy and geochemical analysis that the source area of the Palaeogene-Oligocene age heavy mineralogy Heelstone was from the Hampshire Basin located to the south of Stonehenge, and all of the rest of the Neogene-Miocene age lighter mineralogy sarsens at Stonehenge were from the London Basin to the north of Stonehenge. It was from this first detailed analysis by ASU in 1975, and the subsequent works of H. Howard 1982; A petrological study of the rock specimens from excavations at Stonehenge, 1979-1980, in M.W. Pitts, 1982, 104-24, where the Heelstone carvings fragment chips from its sculpture were determined. In short, the piles of sarsen chips and sarsen sand at the sarsen Heelstone, "do strongly suggest that a stone was either dressed or broken up in the vicinity" (STONEHENGE, Cleal, Walker, Montague, 1995, page 290), in front of the Heelstone Lion head, Calf head, Man face (clockwise), and Eagle wings (centering) carvings: http://www.freewebs.com/garrydenke Bibliography: REPORT ON THE EXCAVATIONS AT STONEHENGE DURING THE SEASON OF 1923 William Hawley Antiq. J., 5 1925 21-50 Hele Stone, sarsen chips, and sarsen sand STONEHENGE R.J.C. Atkinson PENGUIN BOOKS in association with Hamish Hamilton 1956 ISBN 0140136460 INDEX 221 Carvings, prehistoric, 43-7, 91-3, 139-40, 178-9, 208-9 Heel Stone, 29-30,68-9, 70, 76, 105, 173, 203 STONEHENGE in its landscape; Twentieth-century excavations Rosamund M J Cleal, K E Walker, and R Montague with major contributions by Michael J Allen, Alex Bayliss, C Bronk Ramsey, Linda Coleman, Julie Gardiner, P A Harding, Rupert Housley, Andrew J Lawson, Gerry McCormac, Jacqueline I McKinley, Andrew Payne, Robert G Scaife, Dale Serjeantson, and Geoff Wainwright ENGLISH HERITAGE 1995 ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT 10 ISBN 1850746052 INDEX 603, 608 carvings, prehistoric 30-3, Plate 7.2 Heelstone (Stone 96), 25, 26, 166, 269, 270, 271, 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY . 92 Science and Stonehenge Edited by BARRY CUNLIFFE & COLIN RENFREW Published for THE BRITISH ACADEMY by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1997 ISBN 0197261744 INDEX 351, 355 carvings, prehistoric 5, 29, 35, 150, 338 Heelstone (Stone 96) 15, 16, 28, 155 HENGEWORLD Mike Pitts C CENTURY . LONDON 2000 ISBN 0712679545 INDEX 402, 403 Stonehenge carvings 8, 26, 265-6, 296-7, 27, 266 Heelstone 8, 96, 135, 139, 145-50, 154, 229, 266, 275, 7, 138, 146, 230
superforce = c^4/G c = superpower/superforce superpower = c^5/G http://perso.club-internet.fr/molaire1/e_superforce.html We were there gathered and hoping to show you all of the Carboniferous rocks, circling/over the artifacts. No worries though, all of the Welsh born Stonehenge rocks are to be moved back to Wales: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/3830547.stm Instead we visited the good Doctor Robyn Lewis who staked the official claim on behalf of all fellow druids, all bards and all the Welsh compatriots. Archdruid of Wales made no claim to our artifacts: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/briefs/20040614/stonehenge.html Discoveries sparked it. Glacial transport disproven. So much for the Judd, Kellaway, Hawkins, Williams-Thorpe, et al, glacial transport. Thomas, Atkinson, Greene, Scourse, et al, would be proud. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/?view=usa&sf=toc&ci=0197261744 Here is the good Doctor's requested list of Welsh rocks that need to go back to Wales. They are in the way of the excavation of our gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone artifacts anyway. Archdruid of Wales, the good Doctor Robyn Lewis, has offered to pay for their removal, as agreed, making this a low cost excavation: http://groups.msn.com/ArkArchaeology/shoebox.msnw 1) Stonehenge Whitestones - The oldest limestone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period, Arundian Age, calcium carbonates. The Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period limestone sedimentary rocks comprise the first (1st) Welsh construction material used by the Stonehenge builders from Wales. This material is approximately 340 million years old. These stones are called High Tor (Birnbeck) Limestone Formation rocks. They are Welsh and need to go back to Wales. 2) Stonehenge Bluestones - The volcanic rocks (oldest geologically) at Stonehenge are the Ordovician Period intrusive igneous diabases (dolerites), and extrusive igneous felsites (rhyolites) and tuffs (basic). The Ordovician Period igneous rocks comprise the second (2nd) Welsh construction material used by the Stonehenge builders from Wales. This material is approximately 470 million years old. These stones are called Ordovician Volcanic rocks. They are Welsh and need to go back to Wales. 3) Stonehenge Coshestons - The oldest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Silurian-Devonian Period micaceous sandstones. The Silurian-Devonian Period sandstone sedimentary rocks comprise the third (3rd) Welsh construction material used by the Stonehenge builders from Wales. This material is approximately 417 million years old. These stones are called Old Red Sandstone Formation rocks. They are Welsh and need to go back to Wales. 4) Stonehenge Gritstones - The sandstone grit, conglomerate, limestone, shale, and coal sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian), Namurian Age, silicates, calcium carbonates, and carbons. The Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Period sandstone grit, conglomerate, limestone, shale, and coal sedimentary rocks comprise the fourth (4th) Welsh construction material used by the Stonehenge builders from Wales. This material is approximately 320 million years old. These stones are called Millstone Grit Formation rocks. They are Welsh and need to go back to Wales. 5) Stonehenge Coalstones - The bituminous coal sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Period, Westphalian Age, carbons. The Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Period bituminous coal sedimentary rocks comprise the fifth (5th) Welsh construction material used by the Stonehenge builders from Wales. This material is approximately 310 million years old. These stones are called Crosskeys Coal Measures rocks. They are Welsh and need to go back to Wales. Here Here to the good Doctor, the Archdruid of Wales! Garry Denke ps. See that fafalone, this redig is financed.
Sorry dave, here, Graviton's everywhere... E=(hc^5/G)^1/2 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 = [(6.6260687 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s) (2.4216061 x 10^42 m^5/s^5)/(6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2)]^1/2 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 = 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 [rsu 3.9 x 10^-8] E=c^5/Gv 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 = (2.4216061 x 10^42 m^5/s^5)/ (6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2)(7.4008894 x 10^42 /s) 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 = 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 [rsu 3.9 x 10^-8] E=hc^3/Gm 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 = (6.6260687 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s) (2.6944002 x 10^25 m^3/s^3)/(6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2) (5.4563026 x 10^-8 kg) 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 = 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 [rsu 3.9 x 10^-8] E=h(Gd)^1/2 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 = (6.6260687 x 10^-34 kg-m^2/s) [(6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2)(8.2089591 x 10^95 kg/m^3)]^1/2 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 = 4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2 [rsu 3.9 x 10^-8] G=c^3/mv 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 = (2.6944002 x 10^25 m^3/s^3)/ (5.4563026 x 10^-8 kg)(7.4008894 x 10^42 /s) 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 = 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 [rsu 3.9 x 10^-8] G =wc^4/E 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 = (4.0507625 x 10^-35 m) (8.0776087 x 10^33 m^4/s^4)/(4.9038802 x 10^9 kg-m^2/s^2) 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 = 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 [rsu 3.9 x 10^-8] G=c^4/F 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 = (8.0776087 x 10^33 m^4/s^4)/ (1.2106066 x 10^44 kg-m/s^2) 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 = 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 [rsu 3.9 x 10^-8] G=c^5/P 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 = (2.4216061 x 10^42 m^5/s^5)/ (3.6293075 x 10^52 kg-m^2/s^3) 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 = 6.6723641 x 10^-11 m^3/kg-s^2 [rsu 3.9 x 10^-8] etc. (shortened to conserve bandwidth) http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/ (1998 values shown, working on 2002) Because it was recorded by the geophysical surveys, and it is known from literature, Exodus’ 114cm,45in x 69cm,27in x 69cm,27in four-winged gold ark (Rev's 'throne') and Ezekiel's four iron (ferromagnetic) wheels are currently located under the Stonehenge builders' rejected Heelstone, centered below the four beasts above it, surrounded by the 24 four elder(s) species of fossils (Carboniferous) around it, and the millions of species of younger fossils (Cretaceous) below it. Furthermore, 100m (328ft) east-southeast (E-SE) of Heelstone, at Stonehenge Mound, it was recorded by the geophysical surveys, and it is known from literature, Exodus' 229cm,90in x 229cm,90in x 137cm,54in brasen altar containing Exodus' 37-40 balance of artefacts (gold table, gold altar, etc.) are currently located inside Stonehenge Mound (Carboniferous), centered below its apex, surrounded by the ~32.5 tons of bituminous coal species of fossils (Carboniferous) around it, and the millions of species of younger fossils (Cretaceous) below it. It is true magnetic reversals are ongoing processes, however the quoted theory, one of many, is slightly flawed. All such theories will be tested by the EHAML-WANT (English Heritage, Ancient Monuments Laboratory - Wessex Archaeology, National Trust) 1) Gold Ark Experiment, to be conducted shortly. The EHAML-WANT 1) Gold Ark [with balance 1) brasen altar, 2) gold table, 3) gold altar] Experiment will trigger the next polar flip, such flip lasting less than 1hr,60min in time, beginning with decreasing candelas 36hr,2160min before exhumation, and ending with increasing candelas 36hr,2160min after exhumation, of EHAML-WANT 1) Gold Ark, throughout the universe of many. It is true this is a wildcat prospect http://www.freewebs.com/garrydenke but the exploration geophysics is completed and it is time to commence 'mining' operations. Garry W. Denke, Geologist/Geophysicist, Denoco Inc. of Texas, Wildcat Station, P.O. Box 866488, Plano, Texas 75086-6488 USA (972) 422-8268 Office, (972) 423-6337 Fax, (940) 521-1667 Mobile Graviton triggers the polar flip dave. Watch (time).
Do Not Fly on Ark Excavation Day! Exodus’ 4 winged gold ark (Rev’s ‘throne’) and Ezekiel’s 4 iron wheels are under Heelstone’s 2 flying eagle wings overhanging open ground. Heelstone’s lion head (top) is weathered-damaged, but its huge calf head (under right wing), wounded man face (under left wing), and 2 eagle wings (centering them), are still visible from the 7 stone archway. Rammed in the bottom-half of Heelstone’s 30m (100ft) circumference ditch is Carboniferous white stone (fossiliferous limestone) from South Wales. 3/4's of the ‘missing’ Counterscarp (Stonehenge’s outermost bank) is such Carboniferous white limestone, ~19 tons of it, the balance being Stonehenge Mound itself, ~281 tons. Located 100m (328ft) E-SE of Heelstone is such piled white limestone Stonehenge Mound resting on more artefacts over Cretaceous white chalk. The Mound and its artefacts are encircled by ~65 tons of Carboniferous black stone (fossiliferous coal) and Carboniferous pale grit (basically sandstone) from South Wales. Rammed in the bottom-half of its 113m (369ft) circumference ditch is such Carboniferous black coal and pale grit. Exodus’ gold table, gold altar, etc. (the balance of Exodus 37-40 ‘missing’ artefacts) are inside Stonehenge Mound. The white elders (older fossils) in such Carboniferous white limestone of 1/4 Counterscarp bank, 3/4 Stonehenge Mound - Heelstone Ditch bottom-half, differentiate these rocks from Stonehenge’s natural outcrop; Cretaceous white chalk, because it contains much younger fossils. Many of these fossils were originally quite large, easily identified before their fragmentation, caused by moving and crushing them. Stonehenge Heelstone Sculpture having 2 wings centering 4 beasts (described above), 24 white elders (identifying fossils) surrounding them in its ditch, and the 10000 x 10000 (1000s of 1000s) of white chalk fossils (younger identifiers), all located over/around Exodus’ 4 winged gold ark (Rev’s ‘throne’), total 6 wings (2 above GL, 4 below GL). Denoco Inc. (DI) 1984 geophysical surveys and English Heritage (EH) Ancient Monument Laboratory (AML) Archaeometry Branch (AB) 1994 geophysical surveys of Heelstone’s rectangular artefact anomaly show centering almost exactly plumb (directly below) the midpoint of Heelstone’s 2 wings overhanging such open ground. The rate of change of deviation from vertical of the Southwest (SW) leaning Heelstone since burial of Exodus’ 4 winged gold ark (Rev’s ‘throne’) below its 2 wings has been been calculated, and is 10cm (4in) per ~2000yrs. This is assuming that the artefact was centered perfectly plumb with the midpoint of Heelstone’s 2 wings at the time of burial. If it was, then this centering vertical plane alignment of the 2 wings above GL and 4 wings below GL would, from DI's 1984 and EHAMLAB’s 1994 geophysical surveys, make the calculation of 5cm (2in) per ~1000yrs for Heelstone movement valid. If it was not, then such rate of change of deviation from vertical would be invalid, unless the survey results are simply off center themselves. In any case, Exodus’ 4 winged gold ark (Rev’s ‘throne’) is not directly under Heelstone’s base, its 4 wings are under open ground directly below Heelstone’s overhanging 2 wings, offset by 10cm (4in). So the Heelstone does not have to be moved to retrieve Exodus’ 4 winged gold ark (Rev’s ‘throne’) rectangular artefact, whose long axis parallels the 4 Station Stones’ rectanglular long axis located SW of it, according to the 1984 and 1994 geophysical surveys. Watch the magnetic reversal (polar flip) on excavation day, at exhumation hour, of the Stonehenge Heelstone artefact. Remember to shut down your computer(s) on such day, magnetic reversals damage electronics, even surge protectors, and planes, automobiles, satellites, etc. Do Not Fly on Ark Excavation Day!
Here's three photos showing the Carboniferous White Limestone, Old Red Sandstone (Altar Stone), Carboniferous Black Coal and Carboniferous Pale Grit source area for these Stonehenge rocks. http://www.soton.ac.uk/~imw/jpg/South-Wales-map-1300.jpg http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/photos/GowerSWcoalfield.JPG http://www.xkeys.freeserve.co.uk/geology/coalfield.gif Here's an arial photo showing the ~100 tons of 1/4 Carboniferous White Limestone Counterscarp (foreground left). The other ~300 tons of 'missing' Carboniferous White Limestone Counterscarp was moved, piled, and is Stonehenge Mound (background left). Rammed in the ditch circling Carboniferous White Limestone Stonehenge Mound is the ~65 tons of Carboniferous Black Coal and Carboniferous Pale Grit from the South Wales Coalfield area. Old Red Sandstone (Altar Stone) is in the ~middle of Stonehenge. http://www.orionbeadling.net/CSCARPelev.jpg Here's a photo of the Carboniferous White Limestone Mound from the opposite direction, and a photo of the now-famous Lion head, Calf head, Man face (clockwise), and Eagle wings (centering) Heelstone Sculpture from the archway (its intended view). Rammed in the ditch circling the Tertiary Sandstone Heelstone is ~19 tons of Carboniferous White Limestone from the South Wales Coalfield area. Atkinson was right about this immediate backfilled ditch, unfortunately he failed to inspect the elder limestone fossils. http://homepages.enterprise.net/sisman/PHOTOs/StoneH1.jpg http://www.freewebs.com/garrydenke Here's a photo of Carboniferous Black (bituminous) Coal and a photo of Cretaceous White Chalk. The geologic outcrop at Stonehenge is Cretaceous White Chalk. If you can see the color difference between the rock in the first photo and the rock in the second photo, congratulations are in order. You are smarter than the Stonehenge 'experts' (see above). http://www.geol.umd.edu/~cbentley/virtual_samples/coal.JPG http://www.geol.umd.edu/~cbentley/virtual_samples/chalk.JPG Totaling ~465 tons of rocks, these ~400 tons of Carboniferous White Limestone, ~32.5 tons of Carboniferous Black Coal and ~32.5 tons of black Carboniferous Pale Grit hauled to Stonehenge, from South Wales Coalfield, in the Stone Age, are the equivalent of ~46.5 ten ton diesel truck loads full of rocks, the equivalent of ~465 one ton pickup trucks full of rocks, the equivalent of ~18,600 fifty pound animal skins full of rocks, or the equivalent of ~37,200 twenty-five pound clay pots full of rocks.
Dr. Garry Denke's Claim Markers*** Circling/Over Artifacts North Western Europe Neolithic stone circles, henges, barrows, and causewayed camps' first purpose were coal exploration sites, being the remains of diggings that yielded no coal. Stones were placed in the smaller test holes, the 'stone circles', because they would silt in much faster than the deeper coal test trenches, the 'henges, barrows and causewayed camps, having no need of markers, due to their larger size. This is how the Stone Age miners recorded where not to dig in exploration for coal again, at such depths where none was previously found. No maps or coordinates were available to them in comparison to the tools used by explorationists today to record dug and abandoned sites. Given the greater quantity of 'stone circles' on the landscape, in relation to the other methods, the 'stone circling' mining exploration technique was the most popular, for it required much less digging work, and time, to evaluate potential coal bearing sites. The different patterns observable today are the result of various Neolithic coal mining exploration techniques, being the four general types mentioned. However, at some of the coal 'stone circles' exploration sites, such as Avebury, ancient miners did actually go back to retest their coal prospects sometimes, digging again in different places and depths, being convinced that a second try would yield the much needed coal, in spite of past failure. At Avebury, for instance, evidence suggests the ancient miners went back using a different technique on another go around, resulting in a 'henge' with two 'stone circles'. But alas, no coal at the populated, energy poor, Avebury. Centuries later many of these prehistoric mining exploration sites were utilized for various purposes that are well known, which anthropologists and archaeologists study in great detail, however no one has developed a comprehensive and conclusive underlying reason for these coal exploration sites in North Western Europe. This is partly because no anthropologist or archaeologist suggested, knew of, or presented any evidence of coal stone being used for any purpose in the Neolithic, and coal's actual first usage as simple campfire fuel remained hidden. Lack of evidence resulted in limiting its primary use to smelting metals, which prehistorically is untrue. The "Stone Age Coal Mining Theory" is based on the color difference of a black rock (coal) and a white rock (limestone), which currently Stonehenge anthropologists and archaeologists maintain are the same, the Theory chalking in the missing record, in black and white, of the exploration, production, and earliest usage of coal in North Western Europe. First evidence of black coal and white limestone being known in Neolithic time was discovered by the German historian, antiquarian, and Doctor Garry Denke (1622-1699), inventor of the core barrel, who cored the circular Stonehenge Mound Ditch located 100 meters (109 yards, 328 feet) E-SE of Heelstone. Roughly 58,967 kilograms (130,000 pounds) 42 cubic-meters (1,476 cubic-feet) of black Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Westphalian Crosskeys Coal and pale-yellow Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Namurian Millstone Grit rammed in a 113 meters (~369 feet) circumference ditch in white Late Cretaceous (Santonian) Seaford Chalk outcrop around a high mound pile of white Early Carboniferous (Arundian) High Tor (Birnbeck) Limestone had been found. Because Crosskeys black coal does not outcrop naturally at Stonehenge, its presence with pale-yellow Millstone Grit in the bottom-half of this man-made ditch around a white High Tor (Birnbeck) Limestone reef-like mound situated on a seaward sloping hill suggests Stonehenge was a geologic mining school built during that ancient quest for campfire fuel in energy poor North Western Europe's cold climate unforested areas. The main problem with the generally accepted first cause 'sun worship' theories of anthropologists and archaeologists is this: sun-filled winter days were, and still are, freezing cold during the day time; their so-called 'sun god' had let them down. The Stone Age Coal Mining Theory adheres to the fact that "Coal is a Stone" claiming that it was their hottest 'fire god' that never let the Neolithic people down, especially on sun-filled freezing cold winter days in the Stone Age. Stonehenge Mound circled by Millstone Grit and Westphalian Coal http://homepages.enterprise.net/sisman/PHOTOs/StoneH1.jpg (Foreground E-SE Stonehenge Mound and Background is Stonehenge) The Mound Ditch Coal is from South Wales Coalfield's Crosskeys http://www.xkeys.freeserve.co.uk/geology/coalfield.gif (Stonehenge Altar Stone from Red, Stonehenge Mound from Blue, Stonehenge Grit from Pale-Yellow at Rim, and Stonehenge Coalstone from Black at Rim) Neolithic Coalfield Quest for Campfire Coal in North Western Europe http://www.anima.demon.co.uk/img/megalithdist.gif (Non-Productive Coal Stone Sites in Blue) http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ross.cuthbertson/geol_sw/map%20uk%20coal.jpg (Productive Coal Stone Sites in Black) Today Explorationists Just use Maps to Record Non-Productive Sites http://www.geo.wvu.edu/~jtoro/Petroleum/petroleum_figs/game/fig3.jpg (Clear Circles having Quarter-circle Pegs are Non-Productive Sites) The Stone Age Coal Mining Theory first exposed South Wales Coalfield rim as the hot play for Neolithic coal stone open-pit miners who gathered coal for campfire fuel. There are no pre-Neolithic or Neolithic stone circles, henges, barrows, or causewayed camps on or along the sides of this basin's outer rims. Why is that? The answer is there was no need to explore the rim because bituminous coal is along an easy to see narrow 'road' between black coal and white limestone. This area could quite possibly be the original discovery area of 'old black magic' itself, the first coal ignited with a wood fuel campfire built on a coal seam by chance. There has to be some reason the white Mississippian Limestone, Old Red Sandstone, black Carboniferous Coal, and pale-yellow Pennsylvanian Grit were brought to Stonehenge from this area in South Wales, don't you think? According to the Doctor, who examined the Old Red Sandstone Altar Stone and gathered samples by pale and horse, at Stonehenge, and from along South Wales' pale-yellow Millstone Grit circular rim road, counterclockwise in 1656, with black Coal to his left, and white Lime to his right; "To find coal here," he said, "Just follow the pale 'Grit' road, follow the pale 'Grit' road, follow the pale 'Grit' road..."**** South Wales Coalfield Limestone to Stonehenge tonnage/date Estimates ~400 tons from South Wales Coalfield to Stonehenge Counterscarp in ~31st century BC ~300 tons from Stonehenge Counterscarp to Stonehenge Mound in ~27th century BC ~19 tons from Stonehenge Mound (Counterscarp) to Heelstone Ditch in ~21st century BC a) 1/4 of Counterscarp Limestone (~100 tons) still in place (see labeled "Counterscarp" in photo). b) 3/4 of Counterscarp Limestone cored remnants (~tstm) still in place under the rebuilt topsoil. c) 56 Coal Fire Pits (the 56 Aubrey Holes) of coated bottom cored remnants (~tstm) still in place. d) *Stonehenge Mound is 3/4 of relocated Counterscarp Limestone (~281 tons) (to left of "Drainage Trench"). e) **Heelstone Ditch bottom-half rammed fill (~19 tons) is Counterscarp Limestone from Stonehenge Mound. Identical fossils of the South Wales Coalfield's periphery limestone at Stonehenge 01) Aclisina 02) Aviculopecten 03) Bellerophon 04) Caninia cornucopiae 05) Chondrites 06) Cleiothyridina roissyi 07) Composita 08) Conocardium 09) Delepinea (Daviesiella) destinezi 10) Euphemites 11) Girvanella 12) Hapsiphyllum (Zaphrentis) konincki 13) Linoproductus 14) Megachonetes papilionaceous 15) Michelina grandis 16) Mourlonia 17) Murchisonia 18) Palaeosmilia 19) Plicochonetes 20) Rhipidomella michelini 21) Schellwienella cf. S. crenistria 22) Straparollus 23) Syringopora 24) Zoophycos South Wales Coalfield Grit/Coal to Stonehenge tonnage/date Estimates Stonehenge Mound Ditch ~113 m (~369 feet) circle circumference length ~21st century BC Stonehenge Mound Ditch ~42 m^3 (~1,476 cubic-feet) Grit/Coal volume ~21st century BC Stonehenge Mound Ditch ~58,967 kg (~130,000 pounds) Grit/Coal weight ~21st century BC a) Crosskeys Coal circling Stonehenge Mound is Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Westphalian coal. b) Millstone Grit circling Stonehenge Mound is Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Namurian sandstone. c) *Stonehenge Mound itself is Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) Arundian limestone and the artifacts. 3/4's of once full circled Counterscarp used as Claim Markers http://www.orionbeadling.net/CSCARPelev.jpg *Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron, Wood, Stone artifacts in Stonehenge Mound. **Gold, Iron, Wood, Stone artifacts under Heelstone wings carving. ***Discovered by Dr. Garry Denke, inventor of the core barrel. ****Grit was his horse's name, his pale hung from Grit's bridle. http://www.freewebs.com/garrydenke Iron (ferromagnetic) was first detected at Stonehenge Mound and under Heelstone wings by Denoco Inc.'s Schonstedt Model GA-22 Magnetic Locator in 1984, confirmed again by Denoco Inc.'s Schonstedt Model GA-52C Magnetic Locator in 1994, not by Ancient Monuments Laboratory in 1994 (unpublished). The claim markers*** for the gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, stone, artifacts, were discovered by Dr. Garry Denke using a coring tool, his core barrel invention of 1656. They are Carboniferous rocks, Upper and Lower: Stonehenge Whitestones, Gritstones, and Coalstones; in the quantities and locations listed above. Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron, Wood, Stone, Artifacts Anthropologists and archaeologists claim that Dr. Garry Denke discovered neither the ark of the covenant nor its 4 iron wheels at Stonehenge, such gold ark and iron wheels buried directly below Heelstone's flying eagle wings carving facing southwest (SW) at Stonehenge. Anthropologists and archaeologists also claim that he discovered neither Upper Carboniferous rocks nor Lower Carboniferous rocks at Stonehenge whose geological names and descriptions are shown below. His claim markers*** circling/over artifacts following*** The Seven (7) Rock Types at Stonehenge (3 'New'***) 1) Stonehenge White Chalk - The outcrop sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Cretaceous Period, Santonian Age, calcium carbonates. The Late Cretaceous Period outcrop sedimentary rocks comprise the first (1st) local in situ construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 85 million years old. These stones are called Seaford Chalk Formation rocks. 2) Stonehenge Whitestones*** - The oldest limestone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period, Arundian Age, calcium carbonates. The Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) Period limestone sedimentary rocks comprise the first (1st) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 340 million years old. These stones are called High Tor (Birnbeck) Limestone Formation rocks. 3) Stonehenge Bluestones - The volcanic rocks (oldest geologically) at Stonehenge are the Ordovician Period intrusive igneous diabases (dolerites), and extrusive igneous felsites (rhyolites) and tuffs (basic). The Ordovician Period igneous rocks comprise the second (2nd) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 470 million years old. These stones are called Ordovician Volcanic rocks. 4) Stonehenge Coshestons - The oldest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Silurian-Devonian Period micaceous sandstones. The Silurian-Devonian Period sandstone sedimentary rocks comprise the third (3rd) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 417 million years old. These stones are called Old Red Sandstone Formation rocks. 5) Stonehenge Sarsens - The youngest sandstone sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Oligocene-Miocene (Tertiary) Period silicates. The Oligocene-Miocene Period sandstone sedimentary rocks comprise the fourth (4th) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 24 million years old. These stones are called Reading Formation rocks. 6) Stonehenge Gritstones*** - The sandstone grit, conglomerate, limestone, shale, and coal sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian), Namurian Age, silicates, calcium carbonates, and carbons. The Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Period sandstone grit, conglomerate, limestone, shale, and coal sedimentary rocks comprise the fifth (5th) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 320 million years old. These stones are called Millstone Grit Formation rocks. 7) Stonehenge Coalstones*** - The bituminous coal sedimentary rocks at Stonehenge are the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Period, Westphalian Age, carbons. The Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Period bituminous coal sedimentary rocks comprise the sixth (6th) foreign construction material used by the Stonehenge builders. This material is approximately 310 million years old. These stones are called Crosskeys Coal Measures rocks. And finally anthroplogists and archaeologists claim that Dr. Garry Denke discovered neither the gold table of Moses nor the gold altar of Aaron located with the balance of remaining artifacts inside Stonehenge Mound, at 100 meters (109 yards, 328 feet) east-southeast (E-SE) of such Heelstone flying eagle wings carving facing southwest (SW) at Stonehenge. No one is sure why anthropologists and archaeologists make such claims with no evidence to back them up. Perhaps they will someday. "Until then... G'day."****
Stonehenge SUMMER SOLSTICE 2004 Following are some names of the many Stonehenge investigators who failed to published the presence of Carboniferous White Limestone, Carboniferous Pale Grit and Carboniferous Black Coal at the Stonehenge monument. The geologic outcrop at Stonehenge is Cretaceous White Chalk, just in case you forgot. Reason for their failure? None of these Stonehenge investigators knew about them. So the point is, why not go see for yourself what they missed, at the Stonehenge SUMMER SOLSTICE 2004 (now that you know their exact locations, and rough amounts) http://www.bentley-kemp.com/Weston/stonehenge/images/stnhng%20pansheep_jpg.jpg Aiding in the celebration, so that all may see such missed Stonehenge rocks at night, is English Heritage, who has generously granted the Public free parking and free admission beginning 2200 hours (10:00 p.m.) Sunday 20th June on Father's Day night. So go if you can, it is defintely an extended weekend event. Join the midnight party round the 32.5 tons of Black Coal circling big roundtop mound along A-344 [100 metres (109 yards, 328 feet) E-SE of 04:58 Sunrise Heelstone]. The Black Coal in that Pale Grit covered trench is right under your two (2') feet. http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/default.asp?wci=MainFrame&URL1=http%3A//www.english-heritage.org.uk/default.asp%3FWCI%3DNode%26wce%3D8551%26nolog%3Dtrue REPORT ON THE EXCAVATIONS AT STONEHENGE DURING THE SEASON OF 1923 William Hawley (1851-1941) Antiquaries Journal. J., 5 1925 21-50 (No Carboniferous White Limestone, Carboniferous Pale Grit or Carboniferous Black Coal published therein) STONEHENGE R.J.C. Atkinson (1920-1994) PENGUIN BOOKS in association with Hamish Hamilton 1956 ISBN 0140136460 (No Carboniferous White Limestone, Carboniferous Pale Grit or Carboniferous Black Coal published therein) STONEHENGE in its landscape - twentieth-century excavations Rosamund M J Cleal, K E Walker, and R Montague with major contributions by Michael J Allen, Alex Bayliss, C Bronk Ramsey, Linda Coleman, Julie Gardiner, P A Harding, Rupert Housley, Andrew J Lawson, Gerry McCormac, Jacqueline I McKinley, Andrew Payne, Robert G Scaife, Dale Serjeantson, and Geoff Wainwright ENGLISH HERITAGE 1995 ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT 10 ISBN 1850746052 (No Carboniferous White Limestone, Carboniferous Pale Grit or Carboniferous Black Coal published therein) PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY . 92 Science and Stonehenge Edited by BARRY CUNLIFFE & COLIN RENFREW Published for THE BRITISH ACADEMY by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1997 ISBN 0197261744 (No Carboniferous White Limestone, Carboniferous Pale Grit or Carboniferous Black Coal published therein) HENGEWORLD Mike Pitts C CENTURY . LONDON 2000 ISBN 0712679545 (No Carboniferous White Limestone, Carboniferous Pale Grit or Carboniferous Black Coal published therein) PENN GRIT / PENN COAL
Hi atinymonkey! Nice to hear from you again. The South Wales coalfield is the largest continuous coalfield in Great Britain. It has an area of approximately 1000 square miles covering much of the old counties of Glamorgan, Monmouth and Carmarthenshire with a small incursion into South Pembrokeshire. At its broadest north-south extent, the coalfield is eighteen miles in width and the area is criss-crossed with numerous deep valleys running North- South and East-West where coal has been primarily mined and communities established. These narrow valleys are separated by upland moors and hills that, both in the past and present, make direct communication between them very difficult. The coalfield is bowl-shaped which dictated that mining began at the rim of the bowl, or edges of the coal field, where coal is nearest to the surface. In the centre of the coalfield, or the bottom of the bowl, the coal is much deeper and more difficult to mine. An additional problem is that in an area of mountains and valleys, the coal seams are fractured and uneven, making mining both expensive and labour intensive. South Wales coal is of three varieties. Anthracite, the deepest in the ground, is of the highest carbon content and is used for central heating, thus making it the last to be exploited from around 1880 onwards. Bituminous is nearest to the surface and is particularly appropriate for the smelting of metals. Steam coal is found in the heart of the coal field and was invaluable for use in the boilers of railway engines and shipping. As demand for these various types of coal arose at different periods, the respective regions of the coalfield developed separately. Stonehenge Mound is Circled by a Black Ring of Carboniferous Coal Stone (Foreground E-SE Stonehenge Mound and Background is Stonehenge) Stonehenge Mound's Coal Ring is from South Wales Coalfield's Cross Keys (Altar Stone from Red, Mound Stone from Blue, Coal Stone from Black) Neolithic Coalfield Quest for Campfire Coal Stone in North Western Europe (Non-Productive Coal Stone Sites in Blue) (Productive Coal Stone Sites in Black) Today Explorationists Simply Use Maps to Record Non-Productive Sites (The Clear Circles having Quartercircle Pegs are the Non-Productive Sites) Hope this helps. Garry W. Denke Geologist/Geophysicist Denoco Inc. of Texas Wildcat Station, P.O. Box 866488 Plano, Texas 75086-6488 USA (972) 422-8268 Office (972) 423-6337 Fax (940) 521-1667 Mobile
Stonehenge Phase I: An Openpit Coalfield Model; The First Geologic Mining School Round about 5,000 years ago ancient South Wales coal miners transported approximately 800,000 pounds (241 cubic-metres; 8,510 cubic-feet) of South Wales "Carboniferous Limestone" (see Map below, No. 22 therein) to a South sloping hill on Salisbury Plain for the purpose of constructing an Openpit Coalfield Model of their roughly circular 'sacred boundary' South Wales Carboniferous Limestone outcrop (modeled Counterscarp Bank at Stonehenge), their roughly circular South Wales "Millstone Grit" outcrop (see Map below, No. 20 therein), and their roughly circular (centre basin) South Wales "Coal Measures" outcrop (see Map below, No. 19 therein), coating the bottom of their 56 "Coal Measures" firepits (modeled 56 Aubrey Holes at Stonehenge) with the perimetre 'sacred boundary' Carboniferous Limestone. (Note the ancient South Wales coal miners had no arial photographs 5,000 years ago believing the white stone circled their South Wales Coalfield home) http://www.soton.ac.uk/~imw/jpg/South-Wales-map-1300.jpg Today the South Wales Coalfield is mapped and well known. It is a very large basin which measures some 90 miles on its east-west axis and about 16 miles wide. The rocks of this basin belong to the Carboniferous System. This can readily be divided into three main formations; Carboniferous Limestone, the Millstone Grit, and the Coal Measures. Because of the round basin-like shape, the Carboniferous Limestone, being the oldest of the formations, forms a thin outer rim. Inside this is the Millstone Grit, with the Coal Measures being the youngest formation filling the centre of the basin. The lower coal seams rise to the surface towards the edges of the basin. Because the inclination towards the centre is much steeper on the south and east boundaries, the working of coal in more recent times was confined to the north and west edge of the coalfield. As a result, the South Wales Coalfield was later developed on an extensive scale by the Iron Masters of North Glamorgan and Monmouthshire. In the Stone Age, Before the wheel, Coalfire was king... The remains of an ancient African barbecue suggest our ancestors had learned to control fire nearly 1.5 million years ago. Using a new method to analyze heated bone, researchers from the Transvaal Museum in Pretoria, South Africa, and Williams College in Williamstown, Pennsylvania, have pushed back the first instance of controlled fire use by a million years. The researchers analyzed burned bones collected in South Africa's Swartkrans region in 1998. Some bones appeared to have been heated to higher temperatures than others. Hearth fires can attain temperatures nearly 300 degrees Celsius higher than brush fires. For this reason, scientists suspected the bones were evidence of early fire use. Now, a technique called electron spin resonance analysis proves that the bones must have been heated to intense campfire temperatures in order to reduce so much of the material to pure carbon. One of two pre-human species living in the area at that time, Australopithecus robustus and Homo erectus, likely cooked the bones. The next-oldest evidence of fire use, in Zhoukoudian, China, is 400,000 to 250,000 years old. In comparison, Stonehenge Phase I, is 5,000 years old. http://http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3557077.stm 1) Denke, G.W. 1973. Stonehenge Phase I: An Openpit Coalfield Model; The First Geologic Mining School (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) GDG, 73: 1-56. 2) Denke, G.W. 1975. Invertibrate Paleontology of the High Tor Limestone (Lower Carboniferous) and the Upper Senonian Chalk (Late Cretaceous) of Stonehenge. (Arizona State University) GDG, 75: 1-7. 3) Denke, G.W. 1977. Possible Source Areas of the High Tor Limestone (Early Mississippian) Fill of the Aubrey Holes and Heel Stone Ditch in Europe. (Arizona State University) GDG, 77: 1-24. 4) Beus, S.S. 1984. Fossil Associations in the High Tor Limestone (Lower Carboniferous) of South Wales. (Northern Arizona University) Journal of Paleontology, 58: 3; 651-667. 5) Denke, G.W. 1984. Mid-Dinantian (Waulsortian Facies) High Tor Limestone: The First Stones Transported to Stonehenge from the South Wales Coast. (Arizona State University) GDG, 84: 1-4. 6) Denke, G. 1984. Magnetic and Electromagnetic Surveys at Heelstone, Stonehenge, United Kingdom. (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) GDG, 84: 5-42. 7) Lees, A. and Miller, J. 1985. Facies variatian in Waulsortian buildups, Part 2; Mid-Dinantian buildups from Europe and North America. (Revised) Geological Journal, 20: 159-180. 8) Geologist, Denke, G. 1986. The Paleontology of Stonehenge, England. (Arizona State University) GDG, 86: 1-3. (State of Texas, County of Stonewall, Deed Records, Volume 393, Page 851-853)
Quartz Hydration Dating (QHD) Stonehenge Heelstone Carvings In 22 separate excavations, for which the detailed records are published, a total of "over 11,500 stone fragments were recorded" (PROCEEDINGS AT THE BRITISH ACADEMY . 92, SCIENCE AND STONEHENGE, Cunliffe & Renfrew, 1997, pages 258-9) at Stonehenge, representing all of its different lithologies. Approximately 4,000 sarsen chips, including "a total of 3,760 sarsen fragments", and "sarsen sand from the area", excavated by Lieutenant-Colonel William Hawley (REPORT ON THE EXCAVATIONS AT STONEHENGE DURING THE SEASON OF 1923, W. Hawley, 1925, pages 21-50), from a single location within ten (10)meters of the Heelstone, in the Avenue between the Heelstone and the Slaughter Stone, "do strongly suggest that a stone was either dressed or broken up in the vicinity" (STONEHENGE, Cleal, Walker, Montague, 1995, page 290), in front of the Heelstone carvings: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/ In 1975, Arizona State University (ASU) GLG 324 Petrology-Petrography class analyzed the Cainozoic Reading Formation sarsen samples provided by Professor Richard Atkinson from the London Basin, the Hampshire Basin, and from each of the sarsens at Stonehenge. The ASU 1975 GLG 324 Petrology-Petrography class determined through optical mineralogy and geochemical analysis that the source area of the Palaeogene-Oligocene age heavy mineralogy Heelstone was from the Hampshire Basin located to the south of Stonehenge, and all of the rest of the Neogene-Miocene age lighter mineralogy sarsens at Stonehenge were from the London Basin to the north of Stonehenge. It was from this first detailed analysis by ASU in 1975, and the subsequent works of H. Howard 1982; A petrological study of the rock specimens from excavations at Stonehenge, 1979-1980, in M.W. Pitts, 1982, 104-24, where the Heelstone carvings fragment chips from its petroglyphs were determined. In short, the piles of sarsen chips and sarsen sand in front of the Heelstone, "do strongly suggest that a stone was either dressed or broken up in the vicinity" (STONEHENGE, Cleal, Walker, Montague, 1995, page 290), in front of the Heelstone carvings: QHD of ASU's Heelstone carvings' chips (7) measured 2,800 ya. http://www.freewebs.com/garrydenke/
Heelstone Carvings "Quartz Hydration" The new technique, called "Quartz Hydration", takes advantage of the natural properties of quartz, a mineral found in many rocks. Whenever a rock containing quartz is cut or polished, as in the world famous Lion head, Calf head, Man face, and Eagle wings' Heelstone Carvings at Stonehenge, the quartz at the surface is left exposed. Over time, water diffuses into the quartz, forming a layer. By measuring the layer, how long ago the rock was cut is determined. The technique can be used to date stone carvings that were created between 100 and about 100,000 years ago. A paper outlining the technique is available in the current issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science, dated July 2004. http://today.uci.edu/news/release_detail.asp?key=1123 REPORT ON THE EXCAVATIONS AT STONEHENGE DURING THE SEASON OF 1923 William Hawley Antiquaries Journal. J., 5 1925 21-50 STONEHENGE R.J.C. Atkinson PENGUIN BOOKS in association with Hamish Hamilton 1956 ISBN 0140136460 INDEX 221 Carvings, modern, 33-4, 46-7 prehistoric, 43-7, 91-3, 139-40, 178-9, 208-9 Heel Stone, 29-30,68-9, 70, 76, 105, 173, 203 STONEHENGE in its landscape Twentieth-century excavations Rosamund M J Cleal, K E Walker, and R Montague with major contributions by Michael J Allen, Alex Bayliss, C Bronk Ramsey, Linda Coleman, Julie Gardiner, P A Harding, Rupert Housley, Andrew J Lawson, Gerry McCormac, Jacqueline I McKinley, Andrew Payne, Robert G Scaife, Dale Serjeantson, and Geoff Wainwright ENGLISH HERITAGE 1995 ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT 10 ISBN 1850746052 INDEX 603, 608 carvings, prehistoric 30-3, Plate 7.2 Heelstone (Stone 96) 25, 26, 166, 269, 270, 271, 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY . 92 Science and Stonehenge Edited by BARRY CUNLIFFE & COLIN RENFREW Published for THE BRITISH ACADEMY by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1997 ISBN 0197261744 INDEX 351, 355 carvings, prehistoric 5, 29, 35, 150, 338 distribution 150, 163, 190 Heelstone (Stone 96) 15, 16, 28, 155 HENGEWORLD Mike Pitts C CENTURY . LONDON 2000 ISBN 0712679545 INDEX 402, 403 Stonehenge carvings 8, 26, 265-6, 296-7, 27, 266 Heelstone 8, 96, 135, 139, 145-50, 154, 229, 266, 275, 7, 138, 146, 230 http://www.freewebs.com/garrydenke/
Newton's F=GmM/r^2 to Franklin's F=Gm^2/w^2 for All
Garry Denke replied to Garry Denke's topic in Trash Can
With you? You must be joking. THREAD CLOSED