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Everything posted by ggsteam

  1. Dear Goosegirl, As you said DNA is a negatively charged molecule and presence of salt should stabilize the DNA molecule. If you think in stability and energy categories it meands that when there are positively ions present in the solution DNA should be more stable than in the solution which lack those interactions. So in my opinion DNA will have lower melting temperature in the water (less ions) because is less stable what means that you need to provide less energy from outside to denature it. I hope that is true and it helps:) GGSTEAM http://www.bio-ggs.blogspot.com
  2. Dear Knoxy, Just look at this animation which explain everything:) Click here http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/olc/dl/120076/micro04.swf GGSTEAM http://www.bio-ggs.blogspot.com
  3. Dear Aisha, I am pretty confused about your calculations (I mean the stock concentration of 100mM), I am not sure where did you get that from:)? You need to give us a little bit more information about the assay and about your conversion. I do not understand how you want to convert 50microliters (which is a volume unit) to 50micromoles (which is a concentration unit). Please give us more informations about it:) GGSTEAM Ps. If you have a problems with converting the units sometime ago I came up with creazy idea how to deal with it:) Have a look here http://bio-ggs.blogspot.com/2009/11/scientific-prefixes-calculations.html
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