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Everything posted by JC1

  1. that's right. It always starts from the basic protections. MAC filter is one of them. People should make use of the full available security measures that their AP and wireless cards provide, instead of merely taking it out of the box and plugging it in with all the default set.
  2. What do you mean by the default security pwd?
  3. Thanks for your detail explanation. So you can see that the smallest change of these constants, to the billionth or even trillionth of decimal place would screw up the whole universe and i think we wouldn't be sitting here discussing this topic. You've stated "nobody really knows why alpha is tuned in a way that promotes longlived slowburning stars and a large periodic table of elements with complex chemistry", so do you really think all of these come to being by accident? i doubt it.
  4. But it is secure enough for home users to prevent this sort of war-driving attack. It's much harder than WEP due to the fact that TKIP' date=' its security protocol, is incorporated with 802.1x, EAP and Radius server. And the way that TKIP uses the encryption key (per-packet key mixing) is even more harder for one to discover the key. This is nothing as some of wireless network adapter's program provides the cloning utility. In other words, we can clone our card to whatever MAC address we want. Therefore, by observing the plaintext of MAC address in the header of packet data of the network traffic, we can identify the mac of source and destination devices, then from that we can clone our card to be them.
  5. But it is secure enough for home users to prevent this sort of war-driving attack. It's much harder than WEP due to the fact that TKIP' date=' its security protocol, is incorporated with 802.1x, EAP and Radius server. This is nothing as some of wireless network adapter's program provides the cloning utility. In other words, we can clone our card to whatever MAC address we want. Therefore, by observing the plaintext of MAC address in the header of packet data of the network traffic, we can identify the mac of source and destination devices, then from that we can clone our card to be them.
  6. What would happen if electrons have more or less charge than it is now?
  7. It is only resonable chance to think that the 7-day week existed before God ordained it if you dont believe in God. Do you realize what you're implying? "That man's knowledge surpasses that of God's. That's highly unreasonable in my opinion". Anybody who believes in some sort of Higher Being have an understanding of that principle. Unless they themselves think that they are God and thus they are superior in knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, coming to the conclusion that those who do believe in God are fools and of the feeble mind, that they would fall for such nonsense and that the idea of God was possibly the derivative of man's thought to begin with. I am well aware that this sounds like the "appeal to authority" view you may argue. But We all believe on authority whether we realize it or not. We weren't there when they signed the Declaration of Independence or the Battle of Saratoga and how America gained it's independence, however, there are evidences today that leads us to that conclusion such as the 4th of July and our freedom and rights. We believe on authority of the history books for the facts but we personally didnt experience the physical battle or the physical presence of being there when they signed the DOI to believe that it's true. Or let's say you've never been to Pyramid before, how do you know it exists if you, personally havent been there? You believe on authority of those who've been there and you know it exists because you take their word for it. My point is, we all believe on authority in some point or another but there has to be sound and valid evidence for us to believe it is true. Therefore, i believe in the authority of the Holy Bible because of the evidences it claims for itself, not because i was duped into believing it. I apologize for a little preaching.
  8. Yes, it does. But still you cannot deny the universal 7-day week and it's phenomenon by a sublink from the same link you gave me below: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Days_of_the_week#Astronomical Moreover, as far as i've known, The Jews/Hebrews have had a 7-day calendar for the longest time. The Jews predate, Rome, America, and the French. The Egyptians didn't recognize so they ended up allowing their nation to be crushed. Honestly, yes, my thread implies an omnipotent being creating the world in 7-days.
  9. why there is only 7 days in a week? and why the whole world, past and present, eastern and western hemisphere go by this? why not 8 days in a week? or 9 or 21?
  10. I've been bringing up several spiritual proofs that point toward Creator. Here another one regarding free will, a gift we possess given from Creator. Thinking back to the prehistoric age, there is not one single proof that our genes were inherited from the common ancestors. Person in the field of anthropology can validate this. There are only evidences that these species existed. It takes “faith” in the theory of human evolution to come to the acceptance that apelike beings were our ancestors. As I noted, animals do not act on free will, but on necessity to thrive. What separate us and animal is not merely the more complex brain system of us. I believe we have the power to control the fate of other animals, I mean at a species level not on an individual animal basis. For example, lions don’t kill more water buffalos than they need to fill their stomachs or kill other animals that don’t threaten their territory. Humans have the ability to domesticate species, and even create new ones. Humans have the ability to make a whole species extinct or sustain them through breeding programs. In other words, humans have the power not only to survive, create, and destroy at a species level, they have the power to act out of the bounds of necessity . . .thus Free will. Now onward with evolution, evolution is the directed change in the frequencies of alleles in a population. These allelic frequencies are chosen through environmental pressures over a long period of time. The alleles chosen are the ones that help the population to survive. Natural selection kills off animals that have alleles disadvantageous to their species. As for us, we are with a great many of alleles circulating in our gene pools that are detrimental against our species. I can in faith reason that evolution was carried out on humans so that they can develop a higher thinking to maintain their survival against such diseased alleles, HOWEVER (the most important point I’m making) it goes beyond reasoning and scientific theories that humans have this thing called 'free will'. Why, because the direction of evolution is always towards advancement of the species. There is no such thing as anti-evolution. Natural selection chooses alleles that are beneficial to survival. Free-will is the one thing that somehow came about that does not automatically benefit the species, but is actually a stipulation that is disadvantageous for the species. Think about the more intangible aspects innate in all creatures, love, nurture, survival instinct etc. If there were no such things as free-will, the will of every creature would be to do everything that helps it to survive. But free-will options something else, the option of doing anything and everything, whether it’s survival, suicide, genocide, stagnation, etc. Free-will steers the direction of the whole species of humans, or humans at an individual level to whatever direction they want. Nature’s process of natural selection has no ability to advance the thinking of a creature to create free-will because it only directs towards advancements. Evolution is one way. 'Free-will is anyway'. My personal belief. . . To stay fitting with biology, I believe in this thing called 'supernatural selection' where a Creator designed humans with the ability to have 'free will'. The world contains animals and environments for that human species to live in. That world is ruled by natural processes like natural selection, but humans are created separately to accommodate that thing called 'Free will'. There is no natural selection for humans but there is 'Supernatural selection'. In evolution everything advances to a higher being. Why does it stop at the human level? I don’t think it does. There is a thing called the 'after life' where the supernatural selections are made according to the choices that identify a person. 'Free-will is a gift from our Designer' while animals without free will wouldn't even know good vs evil. For this matter, science only leads me to a dead end while the Bible gives me principles that makes sense to me, and satisfies all my inquisitions.
  11. I think macroevolution and creation are both meant to believe by faith because neither of them are observable, testable or verificable...etc. How can one observe, test something back in billions of years, and conclude it as a fact that chemical element -> simple organism -> complex organism -> common ancestors -> us and ape? (-> : evolve) I think nobody has observed the macroevolution, just a microevolution only that result in different kinds of species (let's say fish, tilapia (fishes) remain a fish just different types). Thus, macroevolution is not a real scientific theory. Plus, no matter how many evidences science come up with, i think all those physical gives proof of the spiritual. I mean things in this world and universe points towards God. Science eventually will catch up, the absolute truth, God's words. He never lies. Just my opinion and it might be wrong too.
  12. Consider the following: 1. Interplanetary dust falls at a very slow rate, but to believe that earth is 5 billion years old, mathematically it had enough time for it to wash up millions upon millions of tons of it in the oceans, but by calculating the small amount we have by the rate it descends, brings us to approximately 7-10 thousand years. 2. Not enough? How about the moon. The moon has information of earth's age, as well as it's own. The dust on the moon, according to NASA which accepted the 4.5-5 billion year old story, expected to find 54 feet of interplanetary dust on the moon. However, upon landing for the first time, they found only an eighth of an inch to three inches of dust. Enough to match approximately 8,000 years. 3. Did you also know that the earth's rotation is slowing down? Not enough to make a difference on earth even over a few billion years, but it has other effects. For instance. The moon's distance is constantly reducing, even as you read this, the moon has just made a 182.5 of an inch away from earth. So when the year is over, the moon will be 2 inches farther than it was at the beginning. What does that say? Well, 2 billion years ago, the moon and earth would be touching, did you realize that? Because the distance they are at now, multiply the rate by 2 billion years, and they will be touching only 2 billion years ago. Or you could look at it another way, at a decent distance, 5 billion years later, the moon would be out of sight right now. But only 7-10 thousand years ago, it would not make a very big difference. (1,333.3 feet)
  13. That's what i've learned from my art history class. Well, at least i know it has a flaw. Thanks. Anyway, back to the fossil records topic, i ran across this source, the author claims: “Paleontologists have tried to turn Archaeopteryx into an earth-bound, feathered dinosaur. But it’s not. It is a bird, a perching bird. And no amount of ‘paleobabble’ is going to change that.” Feduccia, A.; in: V. Morell, Archaeopteryx: Early Bird Catches a Can of Worms, Science 259(5096):764–65, 5 February 1993 http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2/4254news3-24-2000.asp
  14. I agree about the cost of fuel. But landing on the right target shouldn't be any problem---u can find or derive a ten page equation yourself.
  15. Why do we need airplanes, buses and trains to take us places? Since the earth is rotating couldn't we just take some sort of spacehip to the outer atmosphere of our planet, then at certain time when the rotation of the earth is at the point of your destination, drop the spaceship vertically at that point. That would save alot of fuel and headache. I hate flying! Are there flaws with this idea? Any inputs or ideas why it wouldn't work?
  16. Do you have an aversion to math, or just what casts obvious doubt on your belief system? There are more miracles that macroevolutionists have come up with to explain their faith, than there are in the Bible. Cmon now. Science is atheist. If you aint for God, you are against God. They just want to come up with a term to water down the fact that they are rejecting the Lord. The current theory? Cmon man, who you fooling. Your "science" changes every time a macroevolutionist thinks he found the answer to explain away God. Live and die by it my man, but it's all shifting sand. In fact, my arguments are based on the end truth. It's what I've seen throught the years, God already gave us the breakdown... those needing science to understand the world will catch-up eventually. seriously. Actually you are misquoting what God has said. In any event, you base your "science" on something that cannot be observed nor tested... Is not that bizarre for a man like yourself who gets all his answers in the world from science?
  17. I don't understand why people believe in this macroevolution, the so-called science that relies on gross amounts of assumptions and pre-bias to make it make sense. Why are you in bondage to this belief system? People are talking about the overwhelming "evidence" to support it, but actually the opposite. Statistically speaking, what's the liklihood of something like amino acids forming from nothing and surviving? ID is a not science unless it goes through peer-reviewed? But what if the peers are bent on removing God from the hearts of men? Everyone is convinced one way or the other even before the data comes into the equation. Moreover, based on your belief, people are treated unequally which is not what you're designed for. You were created as a son of God, you were created uniquely and equally by and to God rather than, "Once upon a time, a frog became a prince.". But sadly, one that sees you as a lesser life form, just like the world treat dogs less equal than human beings? Jesus is on his way. I pray for the lost souls.
  18. well, this is what i've learned from my art history class. but i believe this is common knowledge for those who know about sumerian civilization. it's something that historians/scholars/anthropologists can agree on that the ancient sumerian civilization is full of MYSTERIES.
  19. Given my exposure to the physical scientific properties, I highly doubt it meaning 99.999999999% that we can see into the future. But who knows maybe there is some element in some other galaxy that has the properties to accomplish this huge task. I know for one thing, there is no element on the known periodic table in our planet that can do it. Another thing about time travel and light: As we all may know, light is a photon with 0 mass and is released when excited electrons move down energy levels (Bohr’s principle). Photons is an amazing analogy of light because even though there is no mass, it has momentum (photoelectric effect) told in Quantum physics. Time varies with reference frame, so it’s relative to the observer like how it’s told in Special relativity. Time moves slower for any object moving faster than the earth (reference frame), but we just approximate it to be the same since the differences are so small (Greek symbol lowercase gamma). In terms of human’s being able to predict the future like some of the philosophers and religions, that’s beyond my scientific knowledge. My area of emphasis in electricity so I just have minimal knowledge of the subject matter, so please add any more insight, knowledge, etc that relates.
  20. And your point is...?
  21. inspired by this thread, "intelligent design", so most of you don't believe in creation? what do you think about the ancient sumerian civilization? the first ever human civilization on earth which appeared virtually overnight. Cities and temples...their knowledge of the solar system,mathematics,astrology, etc... how could the sumerians possibly build a highly advanced culture literally overnight? it's even considered advanced in OUR time according to some scholars. According to the ancient tablets, they owe their civilization to the "gods" sent from heaven.. they even have a list of their "gods" dating back to 400,000 years.. does this make any sense?? heck, after knowing this, i'm beginning to think that there are in fact extraterrestrial activity here on earth long ago and maybe helped shape the human intelligence.
  22. Also, How do you know decay rates have been the same prior to the time that you said that it has been changing. At least over the last 150 years we have data, but what about before then? You still have to base your calculation off of the bias that the Earth has to be billions of years old and any other conclusion is religion and should be disregarded. Has there been found trees with billions of rings?
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