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Everything posted by xeluc

  1. There! I'm glad that you got SOMETHING to disolve ;-). I also did this, although I displaced FeCl3, not FeSO4. I guess that was kind of self defeating though as the reason you reduced the iron was to make pure FeCl2 solution.. By the way, is there a reason you wanted FeCl2 other than to have it? I'm going to try to isolate it as best I can sometime soon. My only chance is to make large crystals. By the way Woelen, My CuCl2 solution is still evaporating. I added way too much water. Maybe I'll saturate it with more CuCl2 tonight..
  2. Yeah.. I definatly thought the exact same thing as you Jowrose. You'll find that after you learn about all the stuff you predicted wrong, it eventually gets a lot easier. Now Jdurg.... I'm VERY confused here. In all my experience, hydrogen gas was given off at the cathode... Take this half reaction: 2H2O + 2e- ---> H2(g) + 2OH- SO adding electrons (from the cathode) is making H2. So either you are mistaken, or I am REALLY missing something here. Also, "at the cathode Cl- is initially oxidized to Cl2". I have NEVER learned that oxidation was carried out at the cathode..
  3. also heat packs have pure iron powder mixed with vermiculite. Trouble is, it oxidized pre quick (since it IS a hand warmer). Maybe its not such a great source...
  4. Look at oxidation state 3. it talks about the hydrolosis reaction that you see.
  5. Yeah I know that... I was using a salt bridge. No OH's present.. so now how? lol @Jowrose: under normal circumstances... H2 and Cl2 are produced I believe. O2 will be produved at higher voltages maybe
  6. When you have a mix of Cu+ and Cu2+ in HCl it makes a brown solution.. I can tell you how to synthesize CuCl2 though if by chance you have made something else. Put Cu in HCl. Add some H2O2. You'll notice the solution turns green. Leave the Copper in longer, it turns brown. No worries, its just Cu+. It will oxidize to Cu2+ in air. If you then just let the whoel thing sit around for a few days. The CuCl4 2- in solution will eat away more Copper, resulting in CuCl2 - which ozidizes in the air, only to react with more copper. So it's a continuous reaction. When your finiahed, either add more H2O2 to make the solution toatlly green, or let the solution set out in air without copper in it and it will slowly turn green. Theres your CuCl2. As long as you used a salt bridge of some sort, I don't see how having HCl and a copper Anode wouldn't also create your CuCl2, but I've never done it. I have Electrolized Cu in NaCl solution, and I get precipitates? HOW?
  7. Addition of CaCl2 reduces the melting temp from about 800 to 600 C. That's what I've gathered anyway
  8. Everyone's having such trouble with steel wool. I'm buying some reagent grade Iron Powder very soon. @Jowrose: I also had the most luck with iron nails/ screws. However, most of the time they have a coating or another metal (I believe mine has zinc as they were galvanized) So it would be in your best interests to throw your nail in a "prewash" until you think all of the coating has been removed. When you put in Iron in HCl, eventually you'll actually see the very light FeCl2. As YT found out however, you cannot let this tube just sit around after he reaction has taken place as the Fe2+ is slowly oxidized to Fe3+ by oxygen. Also, some weird hydrolysis reactions happen. If you let the tube sit around, first you'll notice your (pretty much) colorless solution go yellow. Next, youll see a brown kinda-hydroxide? precipitate accumulate. So, let the reaction happen for a day, then isolate your FeCl2. I got interested in FeCl2 at least a month ago but I've yet to isolate it. Havn't tried either though.. YT, Your no beginner chemist, why don't you also get some reagent grade Iron.. If you do not already have it. I don't beleive you'll ever find very pure Iron in every day items as it has little value when it comes to durability compared to steel and other alloys
  9. Merry Christmas The only chemistry things I'll get for Christmas are what I buy with the money I get. But it's still all good..
  10. At YT: I jsut used some regular steel wool bought at a hardware store..... I found out that my steel wool was much more pure than the scratch pads. The scratch pad was an alloy to make the steel more bendable. Anyhow. I can't imagine why your steel wool isn't bubbling away. It reminds me of your troubles wiht that piece of aluminum foil. Maybe things jsut don't want to disolve for you . When I procure more HCl I would be happy to take a picture for you of the reaction taking place.. @ Jowrose: Your findings are.... weird. When you first disolve iron in HCl, you would expect a near-colorless solution, because Fe2+ ions are colorless.... Well a LITTLE green, but not as green as your first solution. Also, is there like an inch layer of white prec. in your first jar? If so, your using horribly impure iron. When I disolved my scratchpads in HCl I had similar findings.. My solution turned dark green and I had a white precipitate. Pure Iron in HCl will not make such a green color nor will it create that precipitate. Lets look at your second picture. As I would expect, the solution would turn yellow... or brown I guess... As Fe2+ oxidized with Oxygen to Fe3+. But then we look at your evaporate solid. If you slowly evaporated a solution of light green FeCl2, you would end up with Yellow/brown FeCl3 as the Fe2+ would all be oxidized. However, you have a light green solid and this REALLY puzzles me. Maybe Woelen could come over and help... I would have to say that your iron is very impure though. Also, you said you left your solution out overnight. I would expect heavy oxidation (meaning no more green FeCl2) after that long. Weird..
  11. Yay. I just ordered some glass vials and bottles from them. I'll let you know if everything works out well. I was having a hard time finding someone to ship glassware via USPS. Everyone likes UPS these days...
  12. The carbon Electrode is eaten away by O2 producing CO2. If you notice, It should only be the Anode that is attacked. H2 produced at teh cathode does not react with the carbon EDIT: I forgot that you have a different setup here... Im not even sure if there IS a cathode/anode if the carbon rods are connected.. who knows.. I still believe that CO2 is produved though. Not ALL O2 should react though...
  13. the precipitate is caused by the creation of Calcium Carbonate which is insoluble at first.
  14. my water smells like sulphur. I have well water though. My parents blame the fact that our well was drilled at like a 45 degree angle instead of 90 so its like... half as deep as it should be. As with most thing my parents tell me, I just kind of shrug off their .... niaveness.... Maybe their right, but I like evidence to support claims. Anyhow, I'm still alive. Don't like my water though..
  15. Think of it like this. Does a boat or an airplane experience more friction....
  16. I guess it would depend on what you called intelligence. As far as I know, with things as simple as cells, it's more of a cause-effect kind of thing. If something happens or changes, the cell responds in a certain way. It's like a simple robot I guess. Would you call that intelligent?
  17. I think Ilja was thinking of some sort of amalgom (SP?) but I don't think it would work or else there would'nt be hundreds of threads like this one on this forum..
  18. I did some research and came up with a website that describes in great detail what you have done. Also, it completly correlates with your experiments. Web Site Some things to point out. As you said in the science madness forums, the oxide layer changes colors with higher voltages. The website says that many other colors excluding red can be made using even higher voltages. I find it very interesting where they talk about "paintbrush anodizing". I saw a thread by YT about this. Anyhow, yeah. So basicly you were wondering on science madness as to what the blue color was. It's an oxide that changes color depending on thickness
  19. Maybe my ribbon sucks, but when i threw mag ribbon ino water to see a cool reaction, it was extinguished. Got it from united nuclear.. yeah
  20. I'd imagine it'd be possible.. but do you REALLY want to grind that thing for.... Hours and hours and hours to get a few grams of powder?
  21. Wow guys, check this out. I went to a website and they are GIVING me 5 LM317's. I'm not even paying shiping! I requested a free sample and they replied saying they would be more than happy to ship 5 to my... business... :rolleyes: Ha, anyhow, they said that the parts were being shipped from singapore (I hope I'm not benefitting from sweat shops over there ), so it will take "3-15 days to ship". So ha! Anyhow, when I get them, and play with them, I'll tell you guys how everything went.
  22. This thread was 13 days away from being one year old.. aha...... ahem... Wait, I meant the last post was almost one year old..
  23. The only two methods of keeping liquid nitrogen liquid (that I know of) are keeping it compressed and cooling it. I know there are ways of cooling things way below the boiling point of nitrogen (Using lasors for creating bose-einstine condensates for example) but I don't know of any.. "Consumer-friendly" ways of getting temperatures as low as the boiling point of nitrogen, except of course, setting out liquid nitrogen...
  24. OK Woelen. I understand everything you've said. Thanks a lot everyone for your help. So basicly, I can't get my 12 volt wire to work. There was a 12 + wire, 2 "com" wires and soemthing else... I don't know... regardless. I reconnected everything to the 5 volt output. Just for experimentation i made a resistance of 5 ohms. I should have 1 amp running through although i dont have a meter to check for sure. I did notice however that even using zinc electrodes, I get Cl2 at the Anode. Ususally this would only happen with graphite electrodes. Also I beleive that O2 was produced because it was bubbling and i doubt it was all Cl2 or it's stink horribly. Now I just need to control my Voltage also. Did I need to buy one of those lm whatchamacallits to do so? Also, Could I jsut use a potentiameter instead of the resistors? I think that'd be more flexible although if someone hasnt mentioned it, theres prolly something wrong with it.
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