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Everything posted by blike

  1. What do you mean a doormat? I dunno, I've never really thought about it. Let me get back to you on this one.
  2. Ahem, you mean "for the "man"! If you check the calendar you'll see tomorrow is a very important person's birthday
  3. Its still here, but banished you from it. just kidding. I'm working on getting it fixed. The coding has to be redone because of some updates. Should be fixed sometime tonight.
  4. lol. I watch discovery more than any other channel (except TLC, some MTV ), and I'll admit, a good deal of their shows are BORING. I can't remember exactly, but it was millions of years.
  5. Right. If we ate properly, no need for suppliments. -- I forgot to add, STOP SMOKING. that would reduce health care costs a bit too.
  6. I watched an interesting show on discovery recently which showed what the earth would possibly be like in the future. They were showing all sorts of creatures. But they weren't just showing creatures, they were giving all kinds of detailed info: size, weight, date (i.e. 100 million years from now), food, location...most of the information you would give for modern animals. It got to the point where I determined that they were guessing...on just about everything. Is there a science to predicting evolutionary patterns? Obviously none of it can be tested, but is there a degree in this sort of stuff or something..
  7. I disagree that vitamins and suppliments alone would significantly reduce sickness, but I do agree that to some extent it would help. I think a lot of health issues can be prevented with a healthy diet (which includes vitamins). Americans as a whole have a terrible diet (myself included) which leads to a multitude of medical problems, including obesity; which in itself brings a whole new set of problems. "C( ... PREVENTION IS THE KEY." Exactly.
  8. blike

    2 Hours, lol

    Yep. nothing has changed, except updated versions of a couple of php modules.
  9. blike

    2 Hours, lol

    Oh, thats what "(oops, kinda merged in the wrong direction...)" was all about. No prob, I just wanted to know which one of you rats was dissing my skillz.
  10. blike

    2 Hours, lol

    Yea, I'm still working on that one, its not supposed to be showing ;p when you guys find missing images could you post the URL to them in the suggestions forum? I'll start a thread.. (right click and hit properties on the missing image and copy the path to it). THANKS. btw, who changed my title
  11. blike

    2 Hours, lol

    Yea, that took waayy longer than expected. I ended up having to update everything.
  12. blike


    Your boys from http://www.anre.net/fo/ invaded our irc channel tonight
  13. Aren't we supposed to be living in a democracy?
  14. psshh, anime
  15. mmm...beer.... I rarely see the show, mianly because I don't watch much TV. Even so, the episodes I have seen I've enjoyed...but I havn't seen enough to name a favorite episode/character
  16. very true...they were also mentioning marijuana traces in mummies or something. i can't remember much about it.
  17. The double cluster right off the edge of cassiopeia is also quite a sight with a small scope.
  18. Yes, thats a beautiful cluster to see if you've got a small scope, or even a decent pair of binoculars and a sky thats not too polluted by city lights! It was one of my favorites back in my astronomy hayday.
  19. I saw a similar show on discovery! i don't know if it was the same one. The one i was watching was pushing the theory that maybe there was trans-atlantic travel during that time period.
  20. blike

    Is there a Santa?

  21. at your leisure...
  22. Of course! Check out this guy's SAT adventures. He tried to answer every question incorrectly.
  23. Yea, I saw that earlier, its pretty cool. We look insignificant
  24. Gamecube, by far <3 <3 <3
  25. blike


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