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Everything posted by blike

  1. blike


    KNO3 is also found in stump remover. I bought some awhile back to make homemade rocket engines before YT talked me out of it.
  2. I figured the physicists would be disgruntled with it, much the same way I find myself criticizing anything medical I see on TV.
  3. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-1357036518657151746&q=The+Six+Billion+Dollar+Experiment I really enjoyed this video, thought I'd share it with you all! It's a BBC program on the LHC.
  4. Let's see what you got for your answers.
  5. You're not likely to get any help unless you show us what you've got so far.
  6. Actually the current holder of that title is Cap'n Refsmmat, though dave, sayonara, and myself have been past holders. You'll have to fight him over it.
  7. Tis broke
  8. Bahaha, I don't even want to know what that was about.
  9. Most medical schools require at minimum 90 credit-hours of college coursework (3 years), but that's one of those formal "minimum" requirements. Nobody gets accepted without at least a 4 year degree.
  10. If you're going to do presentations (which you will be required to do many) powerpoint is a good thing to learn (takes about 5 minutes to learn). If you're going to do research, excel or some other data-tracking program might be a nice thing to know. But you'll likely be employing some undergraduate student to do your dirty work anyways. Otherwise you don't need to know anything. PDAs and Pocket PCs are becoming necessary to have, but not till your 3rd and 4th year. Not just for the pocket reference, but more and more hospitals are putting the patient data on the intranet for you to pull up on your palm instead of using a chart. I'm getting one this summer, I start my third year in August.
  11. blike

    digg.com riot

    Check out digg.com; thousands and thousands of users were upset today (~50,000 diggs between all the posts) after digg deleted a story (the most popular story ever) and banned a user over the HD-DVD key being posted. The membership flipped out and everyone started submitting stories with the key included -- and now the first four or five pages are filled with the stories over there. Apparently digg received a cease and desist letter and complied. Now they've reversed their position saying they will do what the users want even if it means they have to get shut down. Even slashdot has joined the madness, posting the key as one of the "tags" to their stories. Interesting thing, the power of the people.
  12. rofl
  13. Because you know us all too well? More importantly blike was receiving two or three PMs daily complaining about receiving negative reputation unfairly and asking for some sort of intervention.
  14. Moved this to the chemistry forum -- you'll get more attention here.
  15. Very likely the forum default that was just overlooked.
  16. I have these notes from my neuroscience class which covers this process in detail -- but my school "portal" is down and I have no idea where I put the actual hard copies. I'll get them to you as soon as the portal is back up
  17. What have you got so far?
  18. Are you talking about t-cell mediated hypersensitivity reactions? T-cell mediated hypersensitivity reactions ("type IV hypersensitivity reactions") are also called "delayed type" hypersensitivity reactions because, as their name implies, they take a few days to fully develop. This is because they are cell mediated rather than antibody or immune complex mediated. I would suggest that you look into type-I hypersensitivity reactions. These are mediated by IgE secreted from plasma cells, which then binds to mast cells (and basophils) releasing histamine and leukotriene. Look these up and see if they are t-cell dependent. Good luck!
  19. Mayhaps, I don't think I ever contributed as serious as I am now though. Sure! But that's just me. I think some of the newer software lets you control how much CPU is used.
  20. Any of you run @home projects? Currently I run folding@home, einstein@home, and seti@home...I want either join a team or start a small team.
  21. In my experience, passive transport indicates that proteins are involved but no energy is expended (i.e. voltage gated Na-channels in axons), whereas passive diffusion means the substance can simply passively diffuse across the membrane (i.e. small hydrophobic molecules).
  22. Everyone grab some amoxicillin!
  23. Your opinion is what we are interested in. Facts rarely speak for themselves. If they did, nobody would argue over anything. Supplement opinion with said documents, reports, studies, etc. Recognize opinion as such and be careful not to speak for reports you did not write. Lord knows how many times I've done that.
  24. I don't smoke and occasionally I can get a little to come out. But right now it's not working
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