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Everything posted by blike

  1. I play a lot of tennis. I started around spring of last year, so I don't have years of experience under my belt. I'd rate myself around a 4 on the scale. What about you?
  2. Sounds interesting, you have a link to the paper?
  3. I'll do that shortly. I just thought about that last night when I posted the fossil dating subject.
  4. are you trying to post a poll in the poll forum? Only moderaters can do that because it changes the poll on the main page. You can post polls in any normal forum though.
  5. i needed it earlier tonight, its all good though. just out of curiosity, what did you get for b,c,d?
  6. for part a, i don't understand if I should take the derivative, THEN plug in 10 and t=0, or if i should just use the equation given...
  7. Then who will? Certainly not the french, or the russians, or the germans. Again, the UN has shown its inability to take action. Iraq wouldn't even be on the hotlist if not for the US and UK raising hell over it. France would veto anything that went through. That and what the UN says is but dust in the wind to saddam. Just like their intentions of disarming Saddam. 12 years later, they're STILL finding undeclared weapons.
  8. Almost ALL nations agree that Saddam has violated his UN agreement, he has failed to disarm in 12 YEARS. He GASSED a MILLION INNOCENT PEOPLE. Intelligence suggests he has chemical weapons in his possession. Interviewed Iraqi defectors claim Iraq is training citizen targetting TERRORISTS. Now, you tell me why he should remain in power? Obviously the UN is doing NOTHING to oust his regime. Its been 12 years and he still isn't even following orders to disarm. Yet people still think this can be solved through diplomacy? Bush gave Saddam 48 hours to step down. There is NO other option. If Saddam fails to step down with even the threat of a US led WAR, what makes you think he will step down under "political pressures"
  9. By "lightweight" i mean something thats easy to read. The material can still be pretty heavy, just explained in a lightweight way. I like books that are designed for the casual science readers. Thanks for your suggestions.
  10. jeez, what culture has to spit out that mouthful just to say thanks?
  11. Simple, too many particles in and not enough out = GUT
  12. What did you guys think of bush's speech last night? How many watched it?
  13. Even so, I still think it fits the criteria i put forth.
  14. hrm, i'll see if i can help after class
  15. ok
  16. But it describes the nature of itself, or does it?
  17. just one bump
  18. Lightweight good reading Not feymans lectures or anything
  19. I'm going to pick up a few books from the bookstore soon, any suggestions, preferable science related? I'm thinking about: "The Selfish Gene" - Richard Dawkins "Right Hand, Left Hand: The Origins of Asymmetry in Brains, Bodies, Atoms and Cultures " - Chris McManus "Faster than the Speed of Light: The Story of a Scientific Speculation" - Joao Magueijo "The Electric Meme: A New Theory of How We Think" - Robert Aunger has anyone read any of these?
  20. ooh. I don't know about that. Theres more than just those few I mentioned though. "The Experiments Freezing / Hypothermia Genetics Infectious Diseases Interrogation and Torture Killing / Genocide High Altitude Pharmacological Sterilization Surgery Traumatic Injuries"
  21. The first link just describes what I quoted. The second link is children who look severely burned or something. Well, the freezing research could help with rescuing victims who are subjected to long periods of cold (avalanche, blizzards, etc)...I'm sure some scientists somewhere could find the data useful..
  22. What do you guys think about using the data the Nazi's gathered during their experiments on live human subjects? Is it ethical and morally justifiable to use the data? Personally, I'm undecided. I mean, yes what they did was horrific, but is it so wrong if we use it to our benefit? from http://remember.org/educate/medexp.html Freezing Experiments: "The freezing / hypothermia experiments were conducted for the Nazi high command. The experiments were conducted on men to simulate the conditions the armies suffered on the Eastern Front. .... The icy vat method proved to be the fastest way to drop the body temperature. The selections were made of young healthly Jews or Russians. They were usually stripped naked and prepared for the experiment. A insulated probe which measured the drop in the body temperature was inserted into the rectum. The probe was held in place by a expandable metal ring which was adjusted to open inside the rectum to hold the probe firmly in place. The victim was then placed in the vat of cold water and started to freeze. It was learned that most victims lost consciousness and died when the body temperature dropped to 25 C." Internal Irrigation: The frozen victim would have water heated to a near blistering temperature forcefully irrigated into the stomach, bladder, and intestines. All victims appeared to have died from the treatment. Hot Bath: The victim was placed in warm water and the temperature was slowly increased. This method proved to be the best. Many victims died do to shock if they were warmed up to quickly. This is just some of the tests they did with freezing people. There are many many more horrific experiments that were performed. children after subjection to experiments (GRAPHIC)
  23. I think we are allowed to attack missle installations if we are fired on, as long as we're not inside certain zones. So in essence, while we were patrolling, we were fired on, so we could destroy the installations
  24. ....................................... ^ flaming stops there, carry on.
  25. stop bickering, you two are like a married couple. just agree to disagree before it gets fugly.
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