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Everything posted by blike

  1. ok, when you visit the scripts url in your browser, does it find it?
  2. change "../cgi-bin/guestbook.pl" method="POST" to the full url...see what happens: http://www.~.com/cgi-bin/guestbook.pl
  3. what errors are you getting?
  4. Well, he was fired first, so salary is not determined by USF. ;x
  5. blike


  6. 10 year professors at USF make more than 40k a year. oh, and you can write books
  7. Another option is to teach. After 10 years or so at an institution your salary can become quite nice.
  8. What causes this? I still tend to think if parents would be more active in educational discipline (enforcing good study habits early on), a lot of this mess would dissappear.
  9. Yes, most schools offer courses in latin, if thats what you're asking
  10. Is ADD a real disorder? I mean, my brother swears the reason he can't learn is because he has ADD. Now, he's only started using the ADD excuse since two of his friends were diagnosed. Suddenly, he has the disorder. No longer does he take responsibility for his piss poor study habits, its ADD's fault. Knowing my brother, this is total bs. He can learn and I've seen him learn. He just has horrible study habits. I don't remember anyone talking about ADD 10 years ago, why the sudden emergence? Is this a valid disorder, or some catch-all group for kids who can't focus. How many Indian (india) children have ADD? I don't know ANY. Why? their parents STRICLY ENFORCE discipline in education. Maybe this whole thing is just the result of indifferent parents. < angry
  11. blike


    not you dave, i mean dave, the username dave
  12. perhaps not gassed, just prevented from breeding.
  13. if you ask faf, sub 120 IQs should be gassed
  14. blike

    Rofl ++

    That genius would be me well, actually I didn't think it would be better, I just didn't think we'd encounter a spamming fool
  15. blike


    celebguy listed his email as "celebguy_dv@BonBon.net" ip address:, thought it was likely a proxy
  16. blike


    Dave, you seem to be a math guy, you want maths? Sayonara, general forums? Glider, medical science? greg1917, chemistry? PM me about it edit: or multiple per forum would be better, that way we don't have our hands tied. regardless, PM me if you're in.
  17. blike


    Well that was certainly annoying. Mod signups here.
  18. Yes. As you said: It is within our power to STOP cloning and STOP messing with people's lives.
  19. Yes it is What do we do with all the mess-ups?
  20. batteries must be low in the sarcasm meter again ^
  21. And this is exactly the way it always is proported (by conspiracy theorists) to be. They alone have stumbled upon the world's greatest secret!! Aliens have visited them, God has talked to them, the ancient summarians predicted it...whatever it may be. One person starts a ruckus, and then people jump on board. I tend to think it is something psychological for these people who believe in this sort of thing; perhaps that they WANT to believe in something more than just the ordinary. I even find myself very interested in reading what they have to say, it has some strange attaction. Mind you, my common sense is alive and quite active, but I often find myself fascinated with the unknown and unexplained. Some people are obviously so fascinated they are able to block out common sense in order to believe what they want to believe. Suppossedly, planet X is going to slam into earth sometime this spring. Common sense woudl tell you any amateur with a half-way decent telescope would be able to see the planet by now, especially since its supposed to be a lot larger than earth. But I'm sure they have some explanation as to why this is not possible. What they want to believe dictates the way they think. Those of us who still have a shred of sense left can't understand how someone could be so blind. Of course, maybe thats just what the government wants you to believe
  22. If everyone was brilliant, who would be our fast food workers?
  23. That was sexy, e-monk thanks for clearing that up for us.
  24. He has, indirectly. 1) Identical twins in nature are often born without any major complications. Human cloning would hardly be as successful. 2) We can't control what nature gives us; we can control what we do.
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