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Everything posted by blike

  1. i was referring to the part about loads
  2. nice way to be blunt about things
  3. It showed up properly on my computer.
  4. Thanks glider
  5. There was a study published recently in the International Journal of STD and AIDS that concludes the numbers of heterosexual cases of AIDS in africa are grossly overstated, and that the transmission is occuring primarily through unsafe medical practice. Yes? But this has to do with what? I said through vaginal intercourse..
  6. I looked on CNN, but I didn't see anything.
  7. I was talking to a friend earlier who was doing a research paper on AIDS. He mentioned that it is arguable that HIV can infect males through vaginal intercourse. I thought vaginal intercourse was just as high of a risk factor as any other. I looked at some papers on the internet and some people don't even think it can spread in this manner. Though there are a number of heterosexual cases each year, some of these involve anal sex, which is a high risk. Some argue that the remaining cases are men who don't want to admit homosexual intercourse. Is there any documented proof that an HIV positive woman can infect a male? I came up with very little on my search. Unfortunatly, all cases rely on patient honesty when trying to asses the etiology of the disease.
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/ "Britain to Submit 2nd Iraq Resolution Today" From BBC: "The statement suggests that, should Iraq fail to comply fully with the UN following the tabling of the second resolution, the country could face military action in the middle of next month" From FoxNews: "Quick approval by the Security Council of the American-British resolution could set the stage for war by mid-March."
  9. oops, i mean celcius! Refer to my icon Ex-girlfriends
  10. The Boomerang nebula, which is 5,000 light years from earth, is the coldest natural place known in the universe. The temperature within the gasses is only 1 degree celcius above absolute zero. This is due to the expanding gasses lowering the temperature. Im sure some ex's would feel right at home. Link to full article
  11. That statement is the result of some random physical process whose nature is beyond your comprehension (which is an illusion produced by the physical processes in your brain). The decision making process that led you to that conclusion was a mere illusion, and you really had no choice to believe otherwise. True? Maybe.
  12. Pogo: Location: South Florida What part of south florida?
  13. How many people do YOU know that have? Optical illusion The space program was created to perpetuate the lie that the earth is a globe. ----- [hope you both realize my post is a joke, but the website is real]
  14. On the contrary, scientists often love to argue over the validity of peer-reviewed articles. Take the recent measurements of the speed of gravity for example. The results were published in a peer-reviewed journal, yet many of their peers disagreed and voiced their disagreement quite loud. You see, while one scientist may "perpetuate scientific trash" in a peer-reviewed journal, another makes his meal by exposing the trash. Thats the beauty of science.
  15. You are fortunate. I give this knowledge to you for free. The earth is flat, all evidence that says otherwise is trash because it would contradict my hypothesis. Also, all peer-reviewed journals are wrong because it is just a meal ticket. I have been kicked out of school and professors don't like to talk to me because my evidences for a flat earth are so strong. Please visit my webpage and make intelligent comments. http://www.alaska.net/~clund/e_djublonskopf/FlatWhyFlat.htm
  16. The worlds first gravity wave detector has been completed and is set to begin operations soon. The device consists of two installations, one in Louisiana and one in Washington state. Each installation has two 4km long vacuum tunnels into which lasers are fired and bounced off mirrors at the other end. The returning light beam is analyzed for disturbances. Dr Harry Ward explained "The effect of a gravitational wave - if you imagine it propagating towards you - would be to lengthen space between your head and feet, and contract your width. It distorts you in that way. "So the way we try to detect gravitational waves is to lay out, L-shape, a set of mirrors. The gravity waves would shorten one arm between two mirrors while simultaneously lengthening the other arm between two mirrors." The device is supposed to be able to measure deviations as small as 1/1000th the width of a proton. Two installations were built to help rule out natural phenomenon which could disturb the data. From BBC
  17. blike

    i hate xp

    EDIT: Anyone know of a good undelete program?
  18. blike

    i hate xp

    So I go to login to my windows XP account this morning and the userdata file is corrupt. unfortunatly, i made the mistake of putting all my sensitive and important data on my desktop which is now corrupt and unretrievable. I had a project on there I've been working on for over a year. gone. I suppose thats what I get for not backing up.
  19. blike


    Looks good, but the two fonts [on the intro page] don't flow imo. Of course, who am I to talk about flowing fonts [look how many are on the main page of this site ] Speaking of the devils
  20. sorry, had to fulfill my daily duty to incite flames.
  21. All states should start something like florida's "bright futures" scholorships. Basically the lotto money goes towards education. Anyone who graduates with over a 3.0 and a decent SAT score can get 100% of their tuition payed to a state school.
  22. I agree with what was said above me. I don't think it is the government "screening" news or telling them what to report; its more as a result of competition. CNN vs FOX vs MSNBC vs ABC.
  23. Do what you like. If you do what you enjoy and don't end up making a lot of money, at least you enjoy it. If you go into a field you don't enjoy, and end up lacking in the financial area, not only will you be poor, you'll hate your job as well.
  24. I believe faf is planning on a physics major, and some have probably already obtained one here. At what point are future physicists/current physicists clued in on this mass conspiracy?
  25. get a new service provider.
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