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Everything posted by blike

  1. Why sad? I'm sure that sheep is happy to have a massive foreign organ sagging from its neck.
  2. Scientists in Nebraska have successully grafted a pig's heart to a sheep by manipulating the immune systems of both animals. To accomplish this feat, researches first took bone marrow cells from a sheep and transferred them to a fetal pig. After the pig was born, they transferred white blood cells from the pig back to the sheep so that the cells would contain genetic material for both animals. Of 13 pigs with new hearts, only 1 rejected the heart. In the control group, who did not receive bone marrow and white blood cell transplants, 12 sheep rejected the heart. The article is available from yahoo.com here.
  3. blike

    Mammoth cells

    Russian Scientists have announced that they have found living cells from a frozen mammoth. The cells could provide the DNA scientists need to bring the ice-aged creature back. The cells, which were obtained from the mammoth's thigh, are "conditionally alive". Full article here.
  4. I'll take a look at it when I get home. The problem is then it starts eating MY bandwidth and not CNN, BBC, NewScientist, or someone else's
  5. blike

    Drugs are Bad

    Here faf: log1 log2
  6. What do you mean?
  7. I am the official flame-war invoker.
  8. Haha, but seriously, Britain HAS to be getting something in return.
  9. the donor was dead
  10. It depends on the movie I suppose. Lord of the Rings 2 was excellent, especially gollum. The Incredible Hulk looks attrocious
  11. (check your sarcasm detector, could be broken again)
  12. remember guys, if you ignore iraq they will go away. it worked in N. Korea.
  13. haha, is this a serious question? maybe something in their childhood effected their social ability
  14. LOL. -- I have nothing relevant to add to the post, i just thought that was funny.
  15. Probably ours.
  16. I know NOVA southeastern has a pharmacy school. I believe we have one here at USF, though its a satellite of A&M [could be wrong]. I don't know how good either of these programs are though
  17. Nah its in base-6. I've tested it out to 10,000 digits, matches up with what the formula should produce.
  18. Well, there was an agreement Saddam was supposed to abide by. Does it not make it all the more Bush Jr.'s responsibility to remove Saddam if his father left him in power? The issue is that he lied to the people he was supposed to be leading. ANY president in office this term would have a tanking economy. (psssttt, 9/11)
  19. Who wants my elite VB program that utilizes this forumla. Its rather slow though.
  20. Italian surgeons have performed the first every full jaw transplant in an 11 hour surgery. An 80 year old man who suffers from a cancerous tumor of the mouth received the jaw bone from a donor, and membrane from the patient's arm was used to recreate his gums. You can find the full article here.
  21. Not to make light [no pun intended] of the situation, but they must have upgraded our shuttle's speeds!
  22. I now realize this. the whole freezing point depression threw me off.
  23. nm I'm an idiot. we learned this in gen chem 1
  24. Haha. enough with the personal insults and country bashing, save that for the politicians.
  25. I'm kinda with Pogo,. I mean, I'm SURE they know a little more about it than we do, even if there is no "black box". I think they normally lose communication when they come through part of the atmosphere (ionosphere I think), and I think thats above 200,000 feet, so maybe they didn't have communication, and just never regained it like they should have. Or, maybe they have it, and just don't want to release it before preliminary investigations.
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