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Everything posted by blike

  1. ROFL. Why clone when I've got a built in tool that will allow me to pass on my genes, oh...and have fun while doing it
  2. I WIN!!! Faf: 1 blike: 1
  3. Haha, no I don't need a scan. I just asked my dad, he said you were right if you hadn't had it for 2 consecutive years.
  4. I think acute bronchitis becomes chronic bronchitis after the 3 month mark.
  5. Glider, I take it your a medical student over there in the UK? or already graduated? Either way, how do you become a doctor over there? I'm just interested in comparing how you get into medicine there and how you do it here.
  6. From what I've heard (though through the media) 25% is not a bad margin of error for this sort of work.. But yea, this is typical of the media. Unfortunatly, the casual reader holds what the media reports as FACT, especially when it comes to science. I had to tell my dad that the issue wasn't really settled yet, the results are still being debated
  7. Well, I don't really have an argument, its just a thought. Even so, I'm talking about ALL behaviors. There are some behaviors that may appear detrimental to one's self, but are really fulfilling an underlying need. Often times psychological needs come before physical needs. Self-mutilation and cutters (people who cut themselves intentionally) are fulfilling a psychological need. Suicide is ultimatly detrimental to one's self, but infact it is a selfish act. Smoking is a self-detrimental behavior, but again, it satisfies that physical and psychological need. All addictions fall under this catagory as well.
  8. Psychological issues can also cause physical pain. Does this qualify as direct physical stimulus? (not rhetorical)
  9. Sure no problem, looking it over now.
  10. Well, the point wasn't really that someday we could harness this potential... I thought information at >c speeds was a big no no..
  11. It could be said that everything we do is to benefit ourselves in some way or another, whether it be emotional, physical, or psychological satisfaction. Try and come up with something that does not benefit us personally.. I thought about this for awhile and came up with organ donation. It doesn't directly benefit us, but it could be argued that the only reason we do this is the emotional satisfaction that you have knowing your organs could save lives. What do you guys think..
  12. Acute and chronic are usually used to describe the onset and duration of a disease, not the severity.
  13. hahaha
  14. If gravity travels faster than light, couldn't it be used to send information at superluminal speeds? By measuring gravitational effect, can't you calculate mass of the object and its relative motion?
  15. It depends on the context of acute. In the medical field acute usually refers to a rapid onset and a short duration. Pain can be chronic, can it not?
  16. When I'm wearing a tie, I have acute discomfort. Am I in pain?
  17. Fluke! I war a sleeveless shirt to play tennis in today, it was mid-70s.
  18. Haha, there are two I believe, havn't seen them post in a few weeks though
  19. I forgot this was coming up. (brb, editing post counts). jk.
  20. Thanks for suggestions.
  21. Won't have to worry about this too much in florida. There are no hills within a few hundred miles of where I live. All our air is warm, we never get any cold air. I'll try to avoid thin, whispy clouds though, they have a tendency to form and disappear within minutes.
  22. Somehow this got moved to psuedoscience, but psuedoscience would be pushing this theory with a lack of proper scientific evidence. I'm not pushing the theory, I want to test it scientifically. If I use the scientific method to test the hypothesis, then it isn't psuedoscience, no matter what the hypothesis is.
  23. yea, I was going to do different days, but I probably won't be able to do different areas. All of florida pretty much has wierd weather.
  24. If you saw why it worked, you would instantly declare it bull, as I have. Basically its water running through some kind of tube, and a copper barrel pointed at the clouds. Supposedly theres some kind of life force that water carries that is channeled through the barrel and somehow breaks up clouds. I'll have to look up the webpage, its saved on a disk somewhere. I'm interested in this because someone showed me a smaller scale one they had built, and to my shock/horror it functioned very well. He demonstrated it three times on three different clouds, but that doesn't eliminate chance. Thats why I'm interested. If I build this and do it under controlled conditions, hopefully I can show him its BS. Why am I wasting time showing him its BS? Because I have free time on my hands, and it would be a project to work on.
  25. Just a small project for fun, party pooper.
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