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Everything posted by blike

  1. download the latest IE > Runs fine on mine.
  2. yea, cause I understand that
  3. I think thats what I get. ::awaits USF insult::
  4. Assume that I have a giant stick in space... | | | x | | | Now, lets assume I start spinning that stick clockwise around its axis in the middle. What happens when the outside edges of the stick start moving faster than light, but closer to the middle of the stick its still subliminal? Whats the effect on the geometry? [i tried to make beautiful stick diagrams out of text, but it didn't work ]
  5. Great question, I'll see if I can look it up. Wouldn't be able to say off the top of my head.
  6. Hows your SAT? Did you take it? Can't really tell you where you stand w/ ACT, cause I don't know what the AVG is, and what a high score would be. Does Nebraska have like a scholorship program where if you graduate with over a certain GPA, and have a certain ACT/SAT score you can get a % of your college tuition paid? Check into that, Florida has that. Otherwise, you might want to write specific colleges asking about scholorships they offer. I'll have to dig up old scholorship info, but I used to have a webpage that info on scholorships by state. I'll see if I can find it when I get home from class.
  7. Wow! Thanks thats awsome. Even on the galactive level, we're pretty much nothing! You never really think about how insignificant we are, but that puts it into perspective a little. just imagine how insignificant our galaxy is compared to the universe as a whole.
  8. Be right back, laughing.
  9. Eh, I saw this problem on a quiz today and couldnt' remember for the life of me how to do it. I'm sure its something simple, but I'm way too lazy to get my notes out of my car Inverse Cosecant (2) = csc-1(2) =
  10. Heh, I havn't taken anything with QM yet, so it beats the heck out of me I'm not even quite sure what a superposition of a wave function is . What class is this in? Is it a QM course, or some sort of physics.. </nonhlepful response>
  11. I must have been absent that day
  12. blike


    You forgot the intermediate enzymes Bah, the only one I remember is phosphofructokinase, which transfers a phosphate group from an ATP to the sugar.....I think.
  13. blike


    Stop being dense. Thermal noise random number generators are true random generators. There are others that use random numbers generated by timing successive pairs of radioactive decays detected by a Geiger-Muller tube hooked to a computer. This process is governed by uncertainty in the quantum mechanical laws of nature. kthx.
  14. blike

    dc sniper.

  15. blike


    Alright, say you knew EVERYTHING about my life. From the day I was born until now, you knew everything that has happened to me; right down to how many breath's i've taken, what books i've read, what knowledge i've gained, and how I apply it. Now, assume you were somehow able to assimilate this into some sort of computer that would produce a working model of me that would predict my choices, based on past choices, experiences, etc. Now say I was told to "pick a number 1-1000", would the computer be able to predict my choice? If you believe so, then there really is no such thing as free will. Everything I will do could be predicted, and I am not really making my own choices. I think the computer would be able to give a probability wave, but not determine exactly my choice.
  16. blike

    dc sniper.

    haha faf, simmer down. You can be a genius brain surgeon, and I can be a genius primary care doctor besides, aman only stated that schools often overlook geniuses, not that anyone was one; you made that connection. ::awaits primary care/osteopath/rural medicine insults::
  17. blike


    Yea, I'm just saying that post could lead one to believe that the purpose of krebs was to produce ATP. Taken in context, it does..but when analyzed alone, basically it produces NADH and FADH2
  18. blike


    Thanks faf, but I was looking for an acronym for the main steps in glycolysis and the intermediate enzymes that catalyze the reactions. Talking about animal cells here. Pyruvate [the starting molecule for krebs] is formed from breaking down glucose molecues in a process called glycolysis. The main point of the krebs cycle (faf's post) is to produce NADH and FADH2. These are used to carry electrons to the "electron transport chain" to create ATP, which faf devoted one sentence to Basically the electron transport chain is a series of molecules the electrons "fall down", finally reaching oxygen. Kind of like a ball bouncing down a staircase. The energy released from this fall is used to create ATP from ADP + Pi. When I studied cellular respiration last year, I could not believe all this happens in one tiny cell. Amazing stuff.
  19. blike


    Hypothetically, if we could visit the future, would this eliminate free will?
  20. blike


    eh, anyone got any acronyms for glycolysis or krebs cycle :\
  21. I slept through my psych 2 lecture last year almost every single class. :zzz: Material was interesting, professor was not.
  22. Haha, faf...class? Faf has only been to "10% of his general chemistry classes". And faf parties just ask him how much alchohol it takes to get him slammed!
  23. Haha, if you mean clone a non-living mass of flesh that is exactly like your body probably not. We could clone you, but your clone would be a living person like yourself, which would make it unethical to harvest their parts for your needs. Cloning shows great promise, maybe by the time I'm an old man I'll be able to purchase a replacement heart that fits my body.
  24. blike

    dc sniper.

    rofl. Syntax, no. We have an "honors college", but I'm not in it. My SAT wasn't high enough entering in. My academic interest has really only picked up since I started college. Before that I didn't really give two hoots about performance. I'll join the honors program after this year (they have a two-year program). We don't have an 'honor roll' persay. And ignore faf's thingy under his name, that statement is false Requirements are mch higher.
  25. Much like you're unfamiliar with upper level chemistry courses, right? [of course, so am I ]
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