The articles section is nearly completed. If you have any articles you have written, and would like to share, post them. Please note, that, although users may comment on the article, it is not a place for open discussion. Save that for the forum.
Article Guidelines
Full articles may be submitted via the "Articles" link on the main page. Any article submitted will be reviewed by a senior administrator and must meet the following conditions to be accepted:
[*]All referenced works must be properly cited.
[*]The article must contain a throrough dissertation covering as much of the central idea as possible.
[*]Articles must conform to standard grammar rules of the English language.
[*]Ideas must be presented in a clear way, with a discussion, supported by empirical evidence, of how it was reached.
[*]Articles must conform to our Acceptable Discussion Policy.
Articles may be edited for grammatical or typographical errors, and formatted to conform with the design of this site.
Click here for the articles section.