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Everything posted by blike

  1. I am religious, but I still believe that evolution occured. Yes, so why did two specialized structures evolve?
  2. You often here of people going into shock in tramatic situations. I can remember an instance when I ran over my little brother's face with a bicycle (his fault, not mine) he went into shock. He didn't cry, he just sat there, not responsive. Emotional stress can also cause someone to go into shock. What is the medical explanation for this? Why does it happen?
  3. How and why did there become two sexes? I understand that it greatly sped up the evolutionary process, but its not advantageous to sustaining life. Also, many mechanisms would have had to developed for sexual reproduction to be effective. These would have been unlikely to occur all in one generation. This would have left many organisms unable to reproduce, because all the mechanisms are not there; hence the genes for sexual reproduction would not be passed on and it would terminate.
  4. NewScientist is reporting that "Doctors in the US have detected the first Staphyloccocus aureus bacteria that are highly resistant to vancomycin, known as the antibiotic of last resort." Won't be long until none of our drugs work
  5. LOL I think it was faf's doing Any suggestions on ladder user titles?
  6. I do believe you mean West Coast.
  7. And then I smacked kenel with my ban stick for his off the wall posts. just kidding kenel.
  8. I'll upload some, I have a good resource for them.
  9. blike


    mmmhmmmm. jk faf
  10. Um, well, in pre-flood times people lived alot longer. This of course, has no scientific basis other than the hebrew Bible and a few summarian texts. --
  11. bump
  12. check your pm's zarkov, just so you understand the situation.
  13. Check your PMs aman.
  14. 1. He considers himself a genius. 2. He believes himself unjustly persecuted and discriminated against. 3. He has strong compulsions to focus his attacks on the greatest scientists and best established theories. 4. He regards his colleagues, without exception, as ignorant blockheads. (note, this was not my list, i'll have to dig up where i got it) Scientific theories are characterized by such things as (a) being based upon empirical observation rather than the authority of some sacred text; (b) explaining a range of empirical phenomena; © being empirically tested in some meaningful way, usually involving testing specific predictions deduced from the theory; (d) being confirmed rather than falsified by empirical tests or with the discovery of new facts; (e) being impersonal and therefore testable by anyone regardless of personal religious or metaphysical beliefs; (f) being dynamic and fecund, leading investigators to new knowledge and understanding of the interrelatedness of the natural world rather than being static and stagnant leading to no research or development of a better understanding of anything in the natural world; and (g) being approached with skepticism rather than gullibility, especially regarding paranormal forces or supernatural powers, and being fallible and put forth tentatively rather than being put forth dogmatically as infallible. Just so we're clear.
  15. Pyramid water thread is here BTW. Be forewarned, the thread got hot.
  16. http://www.rsrch.com/saturna/images/cf_fairy.jpg
  17. I think he was saying if we can see that, why can't we see the planet.
  18. Yea, they believe they would take the posessions into the afterlife with them. I think they even killed and entombed a servant with them, to help them out.
  19. At least there is learning in the UK. Honestly, you should see how academically uninclined our youth is. And the funny thing, they pass. Thankfully, I came from a private highschool which I feel did a better job than the public education system. I was suprised at how juvenille the english composition classes were at my university. My little brother(freshman in highschool) could write better papers than half the people in the class. America's education is probably the most flawed of them all.
  20. We had a safety test at USF, although if you failed I'm sure they wouldn't have kicked you out of lab. But, you can never be too safe in a science lab. My chem labs at USF were rediculously safety oriented. Goggles on whenever in the lab, long sleeves, long pants even if only a paper lab.
  21. Its always encouraging to see a 15 year old interested in science. Needle in a haystack these days. Some of us have degrees, others don't. I'm working on my chemistry degree right now; sophomore in college. I'm sure you're not alone in your theories, although I havn't any references to anyone else right now. Perhaps one day you can be the one to introduce it to the world What areas of science you interested in? Anything specific? Keep it up , we'll be looking forward to hearing your responses to the discussions.
  22. This is the last time I will address your issues/complaints, because most of them aren't valid. Faglone MAY have been a typo. MAY, but its a no-no typo At least in faf's eyes. Understand where hes coming from please. A heated debate, then you refer to him has fagalone. I'm truly sorry if it was a typo. Well, for starters, theres hubbles law, which is being discussed in another thread. There is also the cosmic microwave backround. Also the relative measurements of different elements in the universe. Approx 74% hydrogen and 26% helium. These elements could only be in such abundance in a universe that started in a very hot, dense state, and then quickly cooled and expanded. The Big Bang is only a theory. Science could be dead wrong. The beauty of science is that it modifies and adapts. However, it only does so with substantial evidence. You seem to misunderstand why you come under fire. Its not because you post a new idea, or have a new idea that conflicts with modern theory. You come under the heater when you say things like "Dawinian evolution is incorrect." and then don't state why. You stated what you believe an alternate theory was, but you didn't state why we should change our view to yours. That said, your ideas are welcome, just understand why some of us take the position we do. Respect our position, and yours will be respected as well.
  23. Perhaps, you could make it a little clearer for us not-so-scientifically inclined. Of course, your "maths are off limits because" you "use them in AI". We weren't concerned about the pyramids making water. What we were concerned with was that you claimed with absolute certainty that the pyramids were not tombs, when all available scientific data on them states clearly that they were tombs built to send pharoes into the afterlife. It is when you trample scientific principles that have held up to scrutiny, and then provide no real explanation, that we dismiss your science. If you were to even provide a shred of evidence, faf would have laid off your back. Honestly I do not see how we are trampeling anybody's rights. You are allowed to post, people are allowed to respond. Your posts are not edited unless they are obscene or degrading. Yes, labeling you a troll was a little out of hand, but thats about it. You may continue to post, but understand where some of us are coming from. I'm sorry that you were labeled a troll.
  24. blike


    What would we do without kenel?
  25. I'm gonna bump this up.
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