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Everything posted by blike

  1. Any idea what that cluster that moves across from left to right is?
  2. It sounds like a lot of things. I'm sure her attending physicians either ruled that out or had no reason to consider it.
  3. blike

    Apes plan ahead

    I don't know anything about the paper, nor did I read it. However, it is being published in Science, so I would suggest you at least read it and see what the authors have to say before you pass such confident judgement.
  4. Hi silkworm. You may want to listen to previous debates to see what you're going to be debating. Most of these guys just don't have their science down, and so you're going to be debating someone who is likely skilled in verbal tapdancing. (Edit: looks like you have plenty of experience) Also, I'm not sure if there is a specific topic. If there is not, you may want to take some time and consider where and how you're going to direct the conversation. If he asserts control of the debate you will end up trying to counter 50 of his favorite rapid fire "talking points". He'll machine gun you, and you'd only have time to debunk two or three. If you can (and so desire) put the focus on creationism, explain why it's an emotional attachment, not a scientific one. Grill him on whether or not creationism is a scientific theory. My advice (and some will disagree) is to be verbally aggressive with his arguments (not him). Call a spade a spade--Richard Dawkins style. If what he is presenting is tripe, call it so. Expose his arguments. Find a basic misunderstanding (trust me, they run rampant), and spear him for it. Maybe he'll bring up his research, in which case you can spend a minute mocking his oven experiments and questioning his ability to do basic science. As you can see, my distaste runs strong. Swanson is right--debate is not the proper forum for scientific discussion. Creationists use it because they can stir up the emotions of their audience bypassing the critical thought stage.
  5. I'm sure those that use it regularly have a "constant" button pre-programmed.
  6. Stop being lazy and do my searches! Immediately!
  7. Coquina has an interesting take on this. Many animals identify each other by smell--perhaps some primitive reflex in humans? It may also be related to the awkwardness of walking by someone in silence. One other behavior I notice often is that when people are approaching someone they know enough to say hi to, but not enough to stop and have a conversation with, they pretend to be preoccupied with things off to the side up until the time when it's appropriate to make eye contact and say hi. I'll be listening for the sniff next time.
  8. YT, that's classic.
  9. I'm working on a "short film" of sorts and I'm looking for computer-generated animations of atoms. I'm not talking about cheezy little gifs, I'm looking for something that's good quality. Anyone know where I can find some? Also, anyone know the legality of using short clips (~10 seconds) of other peoples work in a free film? I'm guessing it's not legal without permission...but I see them all over the internet.
  10. I'd encourage everyone to use the "New Posts" --> Last X time on the toolbar at the top. If you haven't been here in two hours and want to scan all the new posts since then, that's the best way. Thread indicators are often unreliable :/
  11. Check this page out: http://www.fluidmech.net/gallery/conden/pg_sing.htm. Edit: YDOAPS beat me to it. Here's a video if it.
  12. I don't understand this post. You know if you copied, you don't have to "research" to find out.
  13. This post is dedicated to dave for all his hardwork he's put into this site in my absence.
  14. How does "brain current" influence the osmolarity of the aqueous or vitreous humor? Even more, I don't think the brain can send a signal back through the optic nerve or have it bounce back. It's just not wired that way, it's a sensory nerve. Any "sensory projections" that take place likely occur within the brain itself. The signals need not reach the eyes and return.
  15. blike

    mind benders

    What do you have so far?
  16. !!! I know your brother from another forum. That's crazy! He's in medical school right?
  17. I'd probably go forward a few thousand years and see where we're at, what religion is up to, what science is up to, etc.
  18. Plutonium
  19. To add on to the above posts (particularly Betinna's), the sun is classified as a "yellow star". However, it is true that the atmosphere does have some effect on how yellow this appears. Stars appear white is because of the type of cells being used in your eye. Objects that aren't very bright are usually handled by "rod" cells. They are ultra-sensitive, but they don't detect color--just light. So at night, you're using your rod cells to pick up the starlight. Thus they appear colorless. As Betinna noted, if you look through a telescope you'll notice that many stars take on a different color: red, blue, white, yellow, etc. Here is my source and a good article for more explanation: http://www.badastronomy.com/bad/misc/starcolors.html
  20. You should see a doctor. No one can make a diagnosis without a thorough history and physical. However, after you've seen the doctor and after he gives you his opinion, come back and tell me. I've got a whole slew of questions for you.
  21. Or, just make a bookmark to scienceforums.net. I just have a link in my bookmark toolbar of firefox.
  22. blike


    There are other sources of KNO3 which are readily available. However, buying a premade engine is way safer than making your own. Although I completely understand the thrill of building it from the propellant up, there is a lot of things to consider and a lot of safety precautions to take when making your own. I ended up not doing it because I was concerned about my inexperience in the field of mixing up explosives.
  23. Anyone else really enjoy this movie?
  24. I have this problem on my laptop and I can't figure out what the heck causes it. I asked someone about it awhile ago and no one else reported having the problem.
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