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Everything posted by blike

  1. Saw this on slashdot, thought it'd be interesting to hear everyone's beliefs. Hopefully this thread won't fill up with religious ideologies, that's not what I'm looking for.
  2. UT as in University of Tampa? Texas? Tennessee? ?? If you're in the US, you don't have to major in biology. A lot of premedical students do because it fulfills the medical school entrance requirements while fulfilling their degree requirements. My degree is in Biomedical Science. My friend is majoring in Physics, and another in Religious Studies. We've all been accepted to medical school. What you definitely need is: English Composition 1&2 Bio1&2 (w/ lab) Physics1&2 (w/ lab) General Chem 1&2 (w/ lab) Organic Chem 1&2 (w/ lab) Good grades in all of your coursework A good MCAT score (taken spring or fall of your junior year) Lots of extra-curricular activity (leadership, community service, volunteering, etc.) Also recommended (but not required) are: Physiology Cell biology Genetics Biochemistry Anatomy Microbiology A biology degree includes most of these courses and so many students find it easy to major in some form of biology.
  3. Now upgraded to 1/37 http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/risk/2004mn4.html
  4. My city was raided by pirates who plundered the bay area. Oddly, we celebrate the invasion every year.
  5. Well, post count really isn't an indicator of anything. Their posts are still on the forum.
  6. The martian explorer "Opportunity" has had its solar panels cleared overnight by some unknown mechanism. The panels are pumping out 900 watt-hours per day, near their maximum output. The other rover, "Spirit", has dropped its power output to 400 watt-hours per day. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=scienceNews&storyID=7152563
  7. We recalculated the post counts from scratch excluding removed and deleted posts. Posts made in general discussion were not counted either. No posts have disappeared. They're in general discussion, which doesn't count towards post counts.
  8. Napoleon Dynamite
  9. Combine jdurg and Drug addict's list and you've got my playlist. It's scary how close it is to that.
  10. The other day I was measuring with a ruler and I wrongly assumed that inches were divided into tenths. I've spent four years in science class and the metric system is pretty much how I think these days. Nonetheless, it took me about 2 minutes to figure out what the heck was going on with the ruler. Finally I realized that it was divided into 8ths instead of 10ths. Then I had to convert all the stupid decimals from calcluations into 8ths. RIDICULOUS I SAY!
  11. So basically she's very, very rich now and the W brothers are getting what they deserved I assume she's getting back-royalties on profits already made too. Wish I were her
  12. How much is she getting?
  13. You have to find the time constant, which is R (in ohms) * C (capacitance in farads) Each time constant, the current falls by 1/e After about 5 time constants the capacitor is considered charged. Source: http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/capacit.htm
  14. Someone I know recently came across a diamond earing in a parking lot. How can I tell (without a microscope) if it's real? Are there any chemical tests? What about physical tests (i.e. weight to volume ratio)...
  15. Alright, we'll have to have a wild-card, since we only have 7 players. I'll post a new thread with the ladder in a few minutes.
  16. In case you guys missed them, here they are! http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/badscience/
  17. blike

    Hurray For Muse

    HIM has a few good songs. I don't really like the whole death romance thing, but hey...
  18. ::runs away laughing maniacally::
  20. uh oh, someone's been naughty! Santa must have been reading some of your jokes
  21. I asked for a few books from my parents....and some rocket parts
  22. How-to works for me as well. What else? Article(s), How-to, Debate Summaries, Project Summary, Science News, ..... those are just some ideas, keep throwing some more ideas around!
  23. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4093965.stm Doctors in the Netherlands are calling for new laws allowing them to end the lives of newborn babies with intolerable and incurable illnesses. What do you guys think about this?
  24. Oh, I forgot to mention the newsletter. This wouldn't be hard to implement. Of course, it'd be an opt-in thing, and we could all contribute somehow. What could we include?
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