UT as in University of Tampa? Texas? Tennessee? ??
If you're in the US, you don't have to major in biology. A lot of premedical students do because it fulfills the medical school entrance requirements while fulfilling their degree requirements. My degree is in Biomedical Science. My friend is majoring in Physics, and another in Religious Studies. We've all been accepted to medical school.
What you definitely need is:
English Composition 1&2
Bio1&2 (w/ lab)
Physics1&2 (w/ lab)
General Chem 1&2 (w/ lab)
Organic Chem 1&2 (w/ lab)
Good grades in all of your coursework
A good MCAT score (taken spring or fall of your junior year)
Lots of extra-curricular activity (leadership, community service, volunteering, etc.)
Also recommended (but not required) are:
Cell biology
A biology degree includes most of these courses and so many students find it easy to major in some form of biology.