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Everything posted by blike

  1. Bump this back up. Kofi Annan is "very dissapointed" his son was involved. No word yet on his own involvement
  2. I also heard that the military does vote something like 70% conservative. Households with one person in the service tend to vote conservative by over a 6 point margin. supposedly I'll see if I can dig up resources on that later today. could be wrong.
  3. lol. I pretty much like my university all around. I think I'll actually miss it somewhat next year.
  4. That's the SQL server choking. It usually resolves itself fairly quickly, but sometimes it causes the hole thing to crash. Nothing I can really do about that except hope it doesn't choke again :\
  5. Indeed, I should have said "left-wing bias in the american media".
  6. I am also a master of my iPod
  7. guitar that's it ;\
  8. The Iraq war discussions have been played out to no end on this forum, and I really have no motivation to repeat myself indefinitely. One thing I do find particularly interesting is the British constantly patting themselves on the back; be it with their 'more subtle' approach to the war, or the homage they pay to their untouchable news service, the BBC. Sometimes I wonder if they are somehow immune to the mob mentality of which we Americans are accused of daily. I question whether or not their worldview is any more accurate than the average American worldview. Surely, they would attest that they are more enlightened, afterall, they have the BBC--all we have are state-run propaganda machines. Indeed, if an American newspaper dare say a positive thing about Iraq it is almost instantaneously branded right-wing propaganda. I am almost forced to arrive at the conclusion that the British do not believe that the words 'liberal bias' exist. Ironically, it is synonymous with the 'us vs. them' mentality you so vehemently despise. There is only black and white; only the correct view and right-wing trash. I see it all the time. No matter how left-wing the source you embrace it, or at the very least you refrain from speaking out against the source (you did, afterall, quote Al Jezeera). But I digress. You, as a British, are as susceptible to manipulation as I am. Indeed, if I were to make assumptions about your culture based on what I see on TV (as you do ours), then I would conclude that your culture is intensily more susceptible to mob mentality than ours. Just look at your soccer games. Nonetheless, I do try and maintain some objectivity and rational thinking in my assessments. You obviously do not afford us the same courtesy. The American military, according to you, is comprised mainly of war criminals. I am comforted daily when I wake up and venture out into the American society and see what Americans are really like. I am comforted by the fact that most Americans know someone in the military. I am comforted by the fact that our media is liberally biased. And while I might decry them for this position, it reaffirms my belief that the government can pressure and the media will defy. I am comforted by the fact that the world really doesn't seem to have a good grip on what Americans are like. And when I read the trash daily that spews from your countries about us as people, I understand that it is your ignorance, not your intolerance, that allows you to make such claims in good conscience. Furthermore, I do not appreciate you labelling our military as barbaric imperialists. Perhaps you do not fully comprehend the painstaking efforts our military has taken to avoid civilian casualties. Indeed, much of this is in vain. But do not be deliberately ignorant of these things. We could have easily crushed Iraq without ever stepping foot on the ground. Why do you think there was a major ground assault in Fallujah? Were the generals up for some fun and games? Surely the blood of US soldiers could have been spared. Afterall, we don't care who we kill. We could have levelled the city without the shedding of an ounce of American blood. Where is your denouncement of those who blow up women and children in public Iraqi streets? Where is your abhorment of Abu al-Zarqawi? I find it interesting that you are relatively silent on these things. And while you may not have had sufficient time to express yourself in this manner, it is obvious who you are primarily concerned with criticizing. Is this a testament to British objectivity? Also, do not forget, your military and your government are invovled as well. I fully expect a ravaging critique of them as well. Afterall, you're British, and you're enlightened. Edit: I must apologize for assuming you're British.
  9. Let's also remember that the goal of the Fallujah operation is to exterminate the terrorists which reside in the town, not to exterminate the inhabitants of Fallujah. I'm not sure whether or not you realize that, but from the wording of your post it seems that you have not. What? Fallujah isn't the only place that is voting. Fallujah needed to be secured because it seemed to be central command for the militants. Leaving Fallujah as it was would have been like leaving a bee hive in a baby's crib.
  10. I've got a few notes that may be helpful to you. They're a basic overview of a few things, but it does include a few notes about young's modulus of bones, compression stress, etc. If you'd like, PM me and I'll send you the notes.
  11. You guys should have a formal debate. I'd love to watch that. nonetheless, I really stopped in to ask that you guys refrain from name calling.
  12. Get into somewhere like New York, Chicago, or Dallas. You'll freeze in the former two. I hear Chicago has a real nice downtown area that's extremely cultured. Some big cities (like mine) you would never want to be downtown after dark. Your best bet is to go to college in a big city somewhere.
  13. blike


    I hated the writing samples on mine. One was about politics, and the other was about the social impact of technology.
  14. Bloodhound wrote nonsense I ask the gods of Haiku poetic justice? Bloodhound will be smote Such wrath not seen since noah Spare him they will not!
  15. blike

    boring day

  16. You can buy it as "Stump Remover" at most places. Check the back of the container and make sure. I just went to walmart and bought it from the gardening section. You'll probably want a coffee grinder to grind it down a bit more. I'm going to see about building a light-weight spring ejection system based on YT's idea. I've never heard of anyone trying this method. I need to find some lightweight springs and mount it on a balsa or cardboard base. Hopefully the weight won't be too much of an issue if I'm using H and I class engines. I'll try and draw a schematic of YT's idea sometime tonight or tomorrow.
  17. I need to make a homemade CHEAP ejection charge for my rockets. I'd prefer not to have to buy any BP. Yesterday I mixed KNO3 and Powdered charcoal 80/20. Then I made a small electric ignitor using a christmas light bulb. I packed the KNO3/Charcoal mix into a straw and put the light bulb in one end. Then I sealed both ends with hot glue and connected the lightbulb to a 9-volt. There was a small pop and the powder burned well. The pop was enough to eject the nosecone off a small estes rocket, but I'm sure it wouldn't be strong enough to push out a large nosecone with a camera on board. What can I do to increase the *bang* without increasing the buck! The lightbulb, straw, and chemicals added up to something like 10 cents per charge.
  18. Perhaps steric hinderance is coming into play. We'd need to see the molecule and the mechanism to be sure though..
  19. Go for it, I'll stick it for you in the general science if you'd like.
  20. I got started as a kid building Estes rocket kits. They were easy to build and the motors are relatively inexpensive. These are "low power" model rockets. I recommend building and launching at least one or two estes kits before you jump into mid-power rockets. That way you get the hang of what's happening and what's required of a rocket. Estes kits are also a real cheap way to experiment with different modifications. You don't want to modify your hundred-dollar rocket and then watch it do loops in the air and smash into the ground. The real fun is with mid-powers because you can start flying electronics on board (such as cameras, etc, although my first rocket cam was considered low power). Most people start out with a mid-power kit, and then start designing their own after getting the hang of mid-power flights. Check out this page: http://www.info-central.org/index.cgi?welcome
  21. I've never heard of anyone using straight carbon powder, but the water does not halt the reaction in any of the above grains. Have you done any static testing of the KNO3/C idea?
  22. I've never heard of anyone using straight carbon powder, but the water does not halt the reaction in any of the above grains. Have you done any static testing of the KNO3/C idea?
  23. I'm working towards the same goal. After chrismas I'll have the equipment to safely test different propellent grains. I hear the best bang for the buck is KNO3 with either dextrose, sucrose, or sorbitol. My goal is 5,280 feet, and then 10,560 feet. I can tell you right now though that you probably won't break 5,000 meters without some sort of hybrid motor. You're not likely to find a solid propellent which will perform that well.
  24. I'm working towards the same goal. After chrismas I'll have the equipment to safely test different propellent grains. I hear the best bang for the buck is KNO3 with either dextrose, sucrose, or sorbitol. My goal is 5,280 feet, and then 10,560 feet. I can tell you right now though that you probably won't break 5,000 meters without some sort of hybrid motor. You're not likely to find a solid propellent which will perform that well.
  25. I heard he had cirrhosis.
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