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Everything posted by blike

  1. My fall schedule is: Biochemistry (4) Biomedical Physics I (4) Microbiology (3) English Literature (3) [boooooo] Genetics Lab (1)
  2. GD threads are notorious for offtopic randomness
  3. The thing is, it's not a petrol "blockage" at the ports or anything. All they want you to do is not fill up on gasoline today. Funny though, because you'll end up buying the gas, just a day later. The oil companies will still receive the same amount of money. No other industry is participating. The only way it might have an effect is if all petrol consuming industries halted for a day, which is impossible. Here in tampa the price for the cheapest gasoline (regular unleaded) is 1.95/gallon. It costs me nearly $33~ to fill my tank. So while for others it may be "boycott gas day", for me its "no line at the pump" day.
  4. Usually the reason for deleting [non-adv] posts is that they are offensive or they stray way off topic. I'm sure yours wasn't offensive, so it probably was just an OT discussion taking place. Not to worry though, we all get caught up in those It's just to keep the threads easier to follow you know?
  5. ITS TEH GOOGLE MONOLITH! *cue music*
  6. The people who are pushing this are absolute fools. I've received this email like 4 times already.
  7. ...which was part of the agreement for us to stop shooting...
  8. ~11 box cutters = $105 billion dollars & 3000+ lives. never underestimate determination!
  9. Tycho, is this for a highschool or college physics class?
  10. There is a link at the bottom of forum pages if anyone wants to chip in a dollar or two every once in awhile. All the money will go directly into funding the server. We only accept PayPal at the moment, but others have mentioned that they would prefer other options. I'll have some more available at the end of this month. Donations are voluntary only!
  11. you have to be all three
  12. lol, I've already heard it all on another forum: "So wat, sarin <> WMD" "Al-Quaeda brought it in it wasnt there already" "so I hope we lose so bush gets thrown out of offic. IMPECH BUSH!#~#~!)*("
  13. A: f=ma Q: If you had one wish, what would you wish for? [no infinite wishes answers. be honest, no altruistic crap]
  14. A: lol, because when you look there, you've found it and don't have to look anywhere else Q: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
  15. 299,792,458 meters per second. Which is ~300,000 km/s.
  16. See here: http://www.bottomlayer.com/bottom/basic_delayed_choice.htm and then: http://higgo.com/quantum/laymans.htm
  17. lol, uranium in a classroom? that would never happen these days.
  18. lol sayo = new
  19. A: It's even longer if it's spelled Abbreviation Because words are only abstracts. Q: How come the only time the stapler runs out is when you are using it?
  20. Reputation was a good idea in concept, but it's too easily abused.
  21. blike


    Probably the same way any PCR test functions Sounds like its a homework question, so I'll leave it at that.
  22. Nooo, ^ thats just because a calc rounds up 3.333~ * 3 = 9.999~
  23. Thats the thing though, according to all our calculations, it is. Here's one: X = .999~ 10X = 9.999~ Subtracting the original equation: 10X = 9.999~ - X = .999~ ____________ 9X = 9 X = 1
  24. I remember arguing with fafalone over this years ago. looks like I win, dear fafalone
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