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Everything posted by blike

  1. Goodness people. Here you are bored_teen: http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/57110.html http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Fallacy.html
  2. See Pangloss' responses.
  3. Interesting. I'd like to see a more scholarly approach to the social and cultural changes the internet is bringing than the typical media alarmism. It's getting old.
  4. "Like-a-bot" -- watch for this electronica duo
  5. No physician would suggest they actually fight the cause of the infection -- I'm asking whether or not they would count as placebo.
  6. "45 percent said they had used a placebo during their clinical practice" Not really useful information in the form the news article is presenting it. How often? How much? When? In what setting? What was the "placebo"? Can antibiotics for the common cold be considered placebo? (I haven't read the study, but these are important considerations that the news article does not address)
  7. Looks like you need to be using "New SFN Style"... We really should get rid of the other styles.
  8. I'm finding it quite addicting as well
  9. Posts in this forum have to be approved, so they won't show up right away. DrDNA, that page (iSpy) updates in real time -- no refresh required.
  10. Winner!
  11. Dave's most excellent calculus thread is a good example of the GUT idea.
  12. "The Jesus bed connection."
  13. I used princeton review (the book, not the course) and borrowed examkrackers to flip through. A lot of people I know took the Kaplan course, but if you're disciplined a course is redundant.
  14. You poor, poor soul. Which did you get? And when will you take the exam? This is the first Christmas in a long while I got no books. I got some gift cards to B&N though.
  15. Ranting can be teaching if it makes you think. I know it made me think.
  16. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone!
  17. "My life's ambition: to poop without any help". Cancer takes it all. (Sorry for the morbid post, it's based on actual patient I had today) The pager beckons: "Patient is unresponsive." My wife eats alone.
  18. blike


    That's a good project too...are you part of a team?
  19. blike


    Anyone here run SETI@HOME (or other @home projects)? Attach to the SFN team
  20. Hah! Nice.
  21. Mokele is in the jungle somewhere, I presume.
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