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Everything posted by blike

  1. oh, see here: http://www.loadammo.com/Topics/March01.htm
  2. I would bet against it. Everything has a "terminal velocity" at which the object will no longer accelerate because the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity. A bullet will quickly reach this velocity. The army did some testing on this awhile back. They determined a falling bullet's velocity is around 300 feet/s. Typical muzzly velocity is somewhere near 3000 feet/s. However, in a vacuum, it would return at the same speed.
  3. Banning steroids in sports is necessary. Sports are all about natural ability. Some athletes may not want to risk the side effects of testosterone and other horomones just to be able to compete. Athletes should not have to trash their body to be able to keep up with those who are willing to. Banning steroids from all athletic events levels the playing field.
  4. blike


    Congrats man! Where is your first chioce? CNU?
  5. Regulated for personal use, banned for sports (excluding bodybuilding).
  6. Well, most programs in genetics are graduate programs. I'm sure there are some universities which have a genetics BSc, but not any that I know of. If you want to go into the genetics field, you will need a masters or PhD to get anywhere. Most people will major in something like biology, chemistry, or biochem, and then go on to a graduate genetics program. btw, this forum has people from all over the place!
  7. Look here: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/energy/U5L2a.html
  8. What grade is your daughter in, and what is your budget?
  9. I'm not sure what you're asking?
  10. I'm actually not sure what that question is asking. "Calculate the strength of the electric field that would provide a force to the weight of the charged object." Find the objects weight (m*g). Then find the strength of an electric field which will provide that force??
  11. blike


    exactly. any car beats walking. besides, theres nothing to laugh about a new honda..
  12. If you're that uncomfortable, find a female doctor. Understand that a doctor, especially a gyn, has seen more than you ever will. Anyhow, we all strongly encourage that you go.
  13. Definitely an interesting article, though its almost taboo to even consider. I did some searching and I found that his paper is not universally accepted, though it is at least academically acknowledged in the sense that some other professors responded with studies. See: here
  14. It is rather absurd to disbelieve, though.
  15. You should have read the whole thing atinymonkey. Essentially he is writing about the problem of reverse-racism in America. At the tale end there, he is describing how non-whites hypocritically view racism.
  16. Indeed. I don't find them particularly intrusive though. But like faf said, we felt that a few ads to bring in more traffic would be worth it.
  17. you need to see a doctor, no matter how much you hate going.
  18. Gah. Faf changed it to the older style columns, so i've got to redo the templates. I'll do that later this evening.
  19. I blame faf
  20. blike

    Left Sidebar

    i juz dunt like it
  21. I don't think geocities wants you to hotlink. Try attaching the file to your post (under "attachments")
  22. It can be fixed. Thanks for pointing it out
  23. Agreed.
  24. The same way that that consentual sex between a minor and an adult is wrong. You cannot strictly base law on whether or not their is a victim. Even if you could, what is your basis for that? Why is anything wrong? What is right and what is wrong is essentially what is agreed upon by a given community to be right or wrong. One hundred years ago, the majority of this country would have been horrified at homosexuality. It was wrong, and they were just as entitled to believe so as you are to believe that it is not wrong. Just because some people still hold to ideology you have rejected doesn't make their opinion invalid. It's just as valid as yours. Besides, his disdain for homosexuality likely doesn't extend beyond words. I assure you it does not deprive anyone of life or property, and in your own words, "how can...[it] be inherently wrong?".
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