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Everything posted by blike

  1. We use our garage as storage, not for cars :} The reward happens to be a pat on the back from myself.
  2. l o l
  3. After the success of my first video rocket, I've decided to try and push the boundaries of model rocketry--with a video camera onboard. The goal of this rocket project is to boost an onboard digital movie camera over a mile high (1.61 km) and successfully recover it. The main challenge as I see it will be recovery of the system. The rocket I have built for the project (seen below) will not be visibile at that altitude. I'm also limited by the small size and general inavailability of fields around town. Because of this I've decided to go with a 2-stage recovery. The plan is to have an altimeter fire a charge to eject a 7' (2.13m) streamer at apogee to help find the rocket in the sky. The streamer is not designed to slow the rocket's descent, merely stabilize it and provide a visual reference in the sky. Then, around 300 feet, the alitimeter will fire another charge and deploy the main chute. This way, the rocket is not subject to long drift times under the main chute (imagine how far it would drift if the main deployed at 5280'). The second challenge of this project is to design a two-stage system out of a one-stage rocket. I've already completed the construction of the main rocket body, but I need to add another booster stage below the main booster. I ran the rocket I built through a simulator which estimated it to fly around 3000 feet on a G-sized motor. I estimate that if I stage a G and F motor, the rocket will clear 5000' easily. I'll post more pictures as I build and install the camera and staging systems
  4. ...you'd rather find a calculator applet using google than get up to find your real calculator.
  5. Rasori, check out the "Young's Double Slit" experiment. It's a fabulous demonstration of light's wave-like properties (and some other strange properties).
  6. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/rat_circles_040305.html Those circles are created by the RAT (rock abrasion tool).
  7. Sounds feasible to me..
  8. nm. it would help if i read.
  9. Sayonara, what is that a picture of on the left?
  10. blike


    Glad to have you man!!
  11. As soon as VB3 final is released we'll switch over (should be within 30 days)
  12. < me
  13. YT, you have to post pics of your haircut!
  14. rofl. the rest of you were bad children. (aka too lazy to photoshop more).
  15. Eh, are they dangerous to pop in your mouth... ...not that I have ever done it or anything... :X
  16. blike


    Just out of curiosity, how do european medical schools operate? Do they require a standardized entrance exam?
  17. blike


    Figure I'd try and get some healthy discussion going on around here... What is an aspect of science--be it an institution, practice, methodology, etc-- you feel is currently bad for either the public or the scientific community as a whole, and how would you propose to fix it?
  18. /tinfoil hat
  19. Check out this picture: http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/p/065/2P132133878ESF1500P2534R3M1.JPG http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/all/2/m/065/2M132132562EFF1500P2958M2M1.JPG
  20. rofl, the full resolution jpg is 60.92MB
  21. blike


    Is anyone else taking the MCAT on April 17th? I'm sweating blood over it. I've been studying pretty seriously since mid-december, and doing some light reviewing before that. For those of you who don't know, the MCAT is the Medical College Admissions Test. Its a 6 hour (!) test which covers biology1&2, physics 1&2, organic 1&2, general chemistry 1&2--along with verbal reasoning and two writing samples. It's divided into three sections--verbal reasoning, physical sciences, biological sciences. Each section is scaled out of 15 points, for a possible 45 total on the test. The average premedical student scores a 25 on the test, with the average matriculant scoring 27. The questions are mostly passage based questions. There were only 6 or 7 standalones in the practice exam I just took. Here's some examples: Verbal Reasoning Biological Sciences Physical Sciences Basically its the test of DOOM for any premed student.
  22. ...dude...all of us here STRONGLY ASK that you do not inject ANYTHING into yourself.
  23. duudee. I would recommend NOT injecting or injesting anything into yourself!
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