Is anyone else taking the MCAT on April 17th?
I'm sweating blood over it. I've been studying pretty seriously since mid-december, and doing some light reviewing before that.
For those of you who don't know, the MCAT is the Medical College Admissions Test. Its a 6 hour (!) test which covers biology1&2, physics 1&2, organic 1&2, general chemistry 1&2--along with verbal reasoning and two writing samples. It's divided into three sections--verbal reasoning, physical sciences, biological sciences. Each section is scaled out of 15 points, for a possible 45 total on the test. The average premedical student scores a 25 on the test, with the average matriculant scoring 27.
The questions are mostly passage based questions. There were only 6 or 7 standalones in the practice exam I just took.
Here's some examples:
Verbal Reasoning
Biological Sciences
Physical Sciences
Basically its the test of DOOM for any premed student.