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Everything posted by blike

  1. I'm going to check it out on the IMAX as well.
  2. just to note, it is also correct to name it 1,3-Cyclopentadiene. The location of the olefin can be noted outside of the name itself, unless there are other functional groups present. In which case it is necessary to specify the location of the functional groups. Example: Cyclohex-4-ene-3-ol I can't remember if you drop the "a" in hexa or leave it in that situation, anyone know?
  3. rofl, interesting.
  4. Aren't all of the aforementioned already somewhat implemented? I'm with YT on the escape pod though. Millions of dollars and years are spent training astronauts, and being people, its hard to argue that they are the most valuable asset. Thus, effective escape pods probably would be the best advancement. However, if you think about it, an escape pod wouldn't do much good on a trip to mars, unless it was sufficient for a several-month journey.
  5. From Slashdot: "I mean seriously, how many techies can be bothered faffing about with those stupid fairly light bulbs when you can use LEDs?" bwahaha, our trend has spread!
  6. blike


    wow that song would be a hellish nightmare for someone with a phobia to circus and clowns.
  7. ROFL, carpoon. I'm with lutze. "You've been warned by fafaIone. Your warning level has increased from 5% to 10%." "You've been warned by fafaIone. Your warning level has increased from 10% to 20%."
  8. I was going to link some pics from ogrish.com, but they changed it so that I can't directly link their grotesque images. However, they have some nifty accident pictures you might enjoy.
  9. god shut up faf
  10. It just takes one accident to slow you down, thats all it took for me :/
  11. PSH = master jk can't even remember to end each line with ";"
  12. for YT: "I will cut my hair at least once this year."
  13. The fact that you exist does little to support any claims of how you go here. You could attach any reason for your existence, and then say that your existence is proof that your reason is correct. First you tell us that we know very little about egyption society, and then you go on to detail how society functioned. It seems as if you were trying to take a blow at the Old Testament. The Old Testament isn't the only place slaves are mentioned. There is controversy over whether or not their was slavery (as we define it) in egypt. It is foolish to state unequivocally that there were no slaves in egypt, period. The claim that hebrews were in egypt is almost undeniable, as it can be substantiated both by contextual evidence and by examining hebrew society before and after their stay in Egypt. There are inscriptions which indicate there were some forms of slavery in existence. Slaves were NOT denied human rights, but they could be sold, traded, and handed down through will. They were not always free to leave as they will. They were considered property of estates. "There were presented to him the things of his father, the judge and scribe Anubisemonekh; there was no grain or anything of the house, [but] there were people and small cattle. " Prisoners of war and debters were also made slaves: "Then Avaris was despoiled, and I brought spoil from there: one man, three women; total, four persons. His majesty gave them to me as slaves. Then Sharuhen was besieged for three years. His majesty despoiled it and I brought spoil from it: two women and a hand. " "The number of spoil taken in them .. of vile Naharina who were as defenders among them, with their horses, 691 prisoners, 29 hands [of slain], 48 mares in that year 295 male and female slaves, 68 horses, 3 gold dishes, 3 silver dishes, . " According to the greeks, many slaves died of exhaustion and thirst in the copper mines of Nubia and Sainai. source: http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/index.html
  14. I recently got into a debate with someone over when life begins. I suppose this question has no real answer, only our own opinions. So, whats yours? When does life begin? I'm not talking about life as in 'bacteria are alive'. When does a ball of cells become a human life, something we value higher than any other life on this planet?
  15. I suspect impartial magazines reporting on excellence in the UK to be biannual at most, as the content would be few and far between. Joking aside, I hope you were joking.
  16. blike


    Yes, an alkyne is a carbon-carbon triple bond.
  17. Have a look here: http://cgi-central.net/scripts/htedit/ If you need some help installing it, PM me or AIM me: blikeagain I'll be glad to help you set it up.
  18. Kinda disappointing, especially for the ESA. I was hoping to see this one succeed. Perhaps they will get it working, but to me it seems unlikely at this stage of the game.
  19. You could use some perl scripts to work with the password locking too. How much experience do you have with web building? Most free webspace will allow perl scripts. I can help you find a script if you need.
  20. I had a subscription last year. Its a GREAT read for the casual scientist. Great descriptions and illustrations, and awesome special issues. Highly recommended.
  21. Isn't the name missing a methyl group? Parent Chain: Heptene Olefin location: 1,2,5 (tri) Methyl group on the 6th carbon I would have named it 6-methyl-1,2,5-heptatriene.
  22. acetylcholine, epinepherine, serotonin, dopamine, histamine, and one other that I can't remember off the top of my head. faf or glider would know.
  23. Check this out! http://physics.about.com/cs/chemphysexp/a/antibubbles.htm
  24. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=967 there is the relativity thread.
  25. lol
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