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Everything posted by blike

  1. Of course he is criticizing. Something good came from the right wing; he HAS to criticize. He cannot simply say "good job". He has to point out that the US had relations with Saddam; else he would be a shame to his party everywhere. I'm sure every one of you has been "former" friends with someone. Things change, crap happens. We put him in power, we should take him out of power. "Maybe Don Rumsfeld could smile and shake Saddam's hand again. Just like he did when he went to see him in 1983 (click here to see the photo). " The whole objective of this article is to slander the Reagan administration and to cast a negative light on a very positive thing. I've seen that photo HUNDREDS of times on forums. "OMG LOOK THEY WERE SHAKING HANDS! WE R EVIL!" Roosevelt and Churchill: Godless Communists
  2. Nah, its alright, as long as its somewhat relevant. Besides, he has contributed greatly to our forum.
  3. Does not that makes it all the more our (US) responsibility to remove him?
  4. I've got two more coming this evening
  5. The "net" says that there IS movement of CO2 and O2, but that OVERALL there is no movement, like you stated.
  6. blike

    EA Canada

    how elite.
  7. blike

    Rockology 101

    R O F L
  8. Thanks for getting me excited FOR NOTHING. ::still cleaning up urine::
  9. Fixed, everybody thank DAVE!!!
  10. Sorry about the downtime last night. As a result, the server time was several hours ahead of the actual time. The time was just reset to the accurate time. Thus, all new posts will not show up at the end of the thread until the time is LATER than the last post in the thread. Everything should be correct as of 6pm eastern time tonight. Again, sorry about the inconvenience. We're working on a dedicated server right now.
  11. ahahahah I remember that fight. rikky is such fun. I believe I got in on some bashing in the chat its all in good fun. Best quote from there: "stupid brit rikky: I DON'T DRINK" ROFL. if you only knew rikky.
  12. done. i'll probably end up merging some other forums into general math as well.
  13. I disagree. When you are taking math in college, you are taking it 1) to understand the principles BEHIND the math and 2) to use these principles to solve realworld (and not so realworld) problems. If you understand the principles you can use mathematics in ways you never have before..
  14. You have to download it either way, email or from a server. Chances are that the server will be faster. HL2 next month? ::pees like an excited dog::
  15. From a teacher's point of view, I'd say an 83 is quite enough. An 89 will practically DO your problems. I'd say let them have an 89 after they've demonstrated the skills.
  16. I sense sarcasm
  17. blike

    New Theme

    sure, just leave it set on orbitz
  18. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! This year I've decided to give some gifts BUT, not all at once. I will post a few gifts a day. Each gift will be added to the parent post (this one), so look here for all the gifts. So, to get the ball rolling, I'll start with DUDDE! These are in jest, so don't take offense Let's see what I have for dudde ::ruffles through bag:: Next up! YT2095! ::some more ruffling::
  19. I bite my finger nails. I'm not sure why, I just started doing it one day, and I can't stop. Its an addiction for me. I recently stopped for about a month. Even though I would not bite them, I would always run my nail over my tooth, especially when they got normal length (some coming over the bed of the nail). Eventually, I bit one off, and then another...and now i'm back to biting them again. I don't bite them bad like some people, though I have occasionally bit a couple till they've bled on accident. My hands look normal, you probably wouldnt' be able to tell that I bite them. You'd think I just clipped them a little short.
  20. OH MAN HERE IT COMES!!!!! bbllllizzikkeeess back with the rap attack and to talk smack about the crap you pack. I snack on your rap and profound lack of tack like a big mac. I should smack the plaque right off your teeth for that. Don't even try to reply to my rhyme and waste my time, i'll hang you high, skin you dry AND MAKE YOU CRY BIZZAAMMM THE BIZZOOMBB JUST DRRIZZOPPPEDDD
  21. blike

    New Theme

    tis time for a new theme. Anyone good with stuff like that? Art/design/color picking $$=
  22. into my pocket
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