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Everything posted by blike

  1. blike


    because he's a raging alcoholic!
  2. lol. i was wondering the same thing as sayo....what makes a unit my fav I picked lightyear, because when I was younger I was fascinated by measuring distance using time.
  3. blike


    What exactly does this have to do with inirtia, anyways
  4. blike


    Then we have a problem
  5. In related news 2^20996011 - 1 is prime. Thats 6,320,430 digits long and is the largest known prime number.
  6. psh. since when have we been known for that
  7. 0 is not a prime number because it must be ONLY divisible by itself and 1. 0 is divisible by every number. I don't know about 1, hopefully someone else can help there..
  8. indeed. our dearest adam.
  9. lol. what science are you in? If you're in biology, do a biology experiment. If you're in physics, do something physicsy. I'm sure we can come up with lots of good suggestions, we just need to narrow it down a bit
  10. My post was not aimed at anyone specifically. I was not trying to be mean to anyone. I'm sorry if I came off that way. But braindead is NOT harsh for the zeta talk folk. They were the ones spewing off about planet x colliding with earth this spring.
  11. What grade are you in? What are you currently studying in science class? WHat are your interests? Need more info first
  12. Feel free to add to this list (continuing my numbers) 1) Outrageous claims require outrageous evidence. 2) Google can answer many of your non-discussion related questions 3) If you google for a claim made by someone and can only come up with sites like zetatalk, consider the claimee braindead.
  13. Cleavage makes you a better person : Wonder-Bra Nobody likes a fatty : Slimfast ROFL @ THOSE
  14. evidence?
  15. Actually, looking at the autopsy photos (available online, check celebritymorgue.com) it looks like the BACK of his head blew out, not the front.
  16. I'm sure google would yield some good information on ancient egyption plagues.
  17. hey good find skye!
  18. Well, do you have any reasons to suspect that it IS?
  19. dude, thats pretty sweet!
  20. Although I'm a theist, that is a horrific argument because the same thing can be said about God. "Who made God?"
  21. Ask them something to the effect of how that equation could be used in their future field. Have them create a problem, and then find the solution using the equation. Thats what my calculus teacher did, seems like a good idea, though you might be somewhat limited by the equation you're using.
  22. Howdy! I don't remember clearly what I did in 6th grade science class. I'm sure it was some sort of general science overview, as most pre-highschool science courses are. Do you follow a textbook? If so, is it a county or statewide book? If you follow a textbook it is probably a statewide or national standard. If you freestyle the class, then you seem to be on track. I would emphasize the scientific method, and the fundementals of our world, which is what you're doing.
  23. I'm 20, and I'm a junior in college! And yes, there is a very wide range of people!
  24. blike

    Call of Duty

    I haven't tried it yet, I will when I get my PC. Medal of Honor is a GREAT game, as is Battlefield 1942 (so i've heard). My PC isn't good enough for battlefield 1942
  25. blike

    Woo woo

    i trixed jou
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