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Everything posted by blike

  1. hrm, worked for me. try it again, what exactly did u do
  2. something must be broke then, testing 1 2 3
  3. Main Entry: in·tel·li·gence 1 a (1) : the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations; also: the skilled use of reason Are certain races predisposed to be more or less intelligent? I think everyone [in america] notices the general correlation of race and intelligence, but most people don't discuss it openly for fear of being branded racist. A snapshot of the top 10% of students in america would probably reveal 50% Asian [including Indians], 40% White, 10% Ethnic minorities not including Asian (African American, Spanish-American, etc). A study by Bracken & colleagues in 1993 revealed that blacks score an average of 15 points below whites on IQ tests. Asians typically dominate the field when it comes to mathematics, physics, and engineering. They also account for a fair portion of the medical doctors in the united states. So my question is to what factors play into intelligence? I just finished reading a study that concluded black children raised by white families scored more closely to the white average. There are studies that show a strong correlation between the intelligence of twins. Does this suggest a hereditary basis for intelligence? I think a lot of studies that link intelligence and genetics are discounted because this inevitably leads to the conclusion that some races are inherently more intelligent than others. The idea is social taboo, and very few scientists would openly make such a claim.
  4. The ending of Matrix Revolutions was SO obviously leaving the door open. I saw it two nights ago so the exact words may be sketchy, but the general drift was: "I wonder if we'll see Neo again?" "Maybe." The architect said something to the effect of "I wonder how long the peace will last".
  5. I'm gonnna have to read up on that part in the book. If you enjoyed the show, you should seriously check out hte book. Its a great investment and covers SR, GR, QM, superstring theory, etc in a very readable and enjoyable manner.
  6. I believe my dad does something like that for his plants, I'm not sure what it is, but its some sort of home chemistry concoction to get potassium
  7. They still work as far as I can see, what do you mean they're not as useful?
  8. Here is a screenshot:
  9. I just added a "MS Word" style editor so that formatting your posts isn't such a pain in the rear. Here is how to enable it: Step 1: Navigate to your UserCP Step 2: Go to the options tab Step 3: Scroll down and click "Yes" to enable the editor Step 4: Submit Modifications to accept that blike rules I will add this to the 'quick reply' box later today. If you can't get it to work properly, PM me and I'll try and help you out.
  10. Well, I understood what you were saying, but theres no real difference [in the context of this discussion] between a child being carried by a mother and a newborn just out of the hospital. Sure, the child WAS inside her, and now its outside. But basically the child is still 100% dependant on a mother. The child will still tax the emotional and physical well-being of the mother, the child still feeds off the mother, the child's very existence depends on the mother. The newborn is still essentially a parasite. Yes, they should be limited. Just because I owe Billy Bob tons of money that I could never realistically pay off because of choices I made does not give me the right to kill him. I know this is an exaggerated example, but the point stands. Every choice you make does indeed have a consequence. That does not mean you may do everything you can to take care of the consequences. Main Entry: par·tial-birth abortion Pronunciation: 'pär-sh&l- Function: noun : an abortion in the second or third trimester of pregnancy in which the death of the fetus is induced after it has passed partway through the birth canal By any and all definitions second and third trimester abortions are killing a living human being. This is not some tissue blob anymore, it has a heart beat. By week 26 the fetus can inhale, exhile, and cry. It has hands, feet, eyelids, nervous system, and internal organs. The skin is no longer transparent, and the fetus has spontaneous movements. I was considering posting pictures just so everyone could see what a partially aborted fetus looks like, but I don't think thats necessary/appropriate.
  11. oh goodness. I saw it last night. do not see it, you'll waste your time. After seeing last night's I realize that the first one could have just been the end, and that would have been fine [quite simliar to the ending in this last one anyhow].
  12. Indeed. However: 1) It was a risk they willingly took [assuming no rape] and undoubtedly understood the potential outcome 2) An infant requires its mother just as much as a fetus. Is it a mother's right to abandon her newborn because she doesn't want the "parasite"?
  13. Faf just informed me revolutions officially blowed.
  14. I see your point (see the random sterilization thread), however, we might as well kill poor children too, because they are more likely to grow up and live in poverty. Partial birth abortions are carried out in the second or third trimester, and thus it is more than an embryo, it is a fetus. Fetus' do respond to stimuli. I'm sure Glider can expand a bit on some experiments regarding fetal conditioning. http://www.cirp.org/library/psych/hepper1/
  15. blike


    woohoo daisy! FINALLY! YT, your icon doesn't show up for me anymore
  16. Alright guys, here is the deal. Any member who gets 25 or more referrals will receive a free shirt, mug, or mousepad with any of the images below. Image Option 1: Image Option 2: Image Option 3: (physics can be replaced with any field) More images will be added soon (likely way before anyone gets 25 referrals). In order to refer someone, they must follow this link.. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/index.php?referrerid=1 Replace "1" with your UserID and use this as the link to send to your friends. If you're not sure what your UserID is, click on your name in the "Active Users" list on the left hand side of the main page. This link will take you to your profile. Look up in the address bar of your Internet Browser. At the very end of the address, you will see "&userid=1". Whatever number is specified is your UserID. If you have any questions, or can't figure out your UserID, PM me and I will tell you it.
  17. bump this up, for some reason it didn't show on the active topics. I'll respond after lunch
  18. We have limits on the types of fireworks that can be purchased in florida. So every year on the way back from vacation we [brother and I] stop at a huge fireworks shop in alabama or tennesee, pick up all kinds of illegals, and bring them back. The law only says you can't PURCHASE them here. Technically, you can purchase them. But the firework stores make you sign a waiver saying you're using them for railroad blasting or something. Its just some legal mohumina.
  20. I just finished "Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science". Excellent book. I'm about to buy "Intoxicated by My Illness and Other Writings on Life and Death". Its basically essays from a cancer patient about his view on death and dying and what a physician should be. They are very good. One of the essays is on this site "The Patient Examins the Doctor".
  21. Well, to be honest, I really shouldn't be replying. I don't know much about the physics behind the phenomenon. You might be interested in reading about the quantum eraser effect, wherein something that takes place AFTER a result has been measured changes the result (which has already been measured). Its wierd stuff. search for it on here, there was discussion in a recent thread about it.
  22. Well no. The point is not that LIFE is observing...the point is that in order for life to observe, something must "bump" the photon.
  23. Its not just observers (as in people) that bump something out of its state, its ANYTHING. Thats why quantum computers are a huge feet and wave interference patterns only build up when the detectors are turned OFF. If ANYTHING bumps into the electron or photon, the interference pattern is lost.
  24. Brian Greene in his book mentions the photons interacting with themselves. He refers to some of Feyman's notes: "Feyman proclaimed that each electron that makes it through to the phosphorescent screen actually goes through both slits... Feynman argued taht in traveling from the source to a given point on the phosphorescent screen, each individual electron actually traverses every possible trajctory simultaneously. Feynman showed that he could assign a number to each of these paths in such a way that their combined average yields exactly the same result for the probability calculated using the wave-function approach. And so from Feynamn perspective no probability wave needs to be associated with the electron. Instead, we have to imagine something equally if not more bizarre. The probability that the electron-always viewed as a particle through and through-arrives at any chosen point on the screen is built up from the combined effect of every possible way of getting there. This is known as Feynman's 'sum-over-paths' approach to quantum mechanics."
  25. blike


    Daisy, simply right click on it and press "save picture as". Then save it somewhere where you'll remember (on your desktop or with your files). Then, click here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/member.php?s=&action=editavatar Scroll down and find where it says "You can upload an avatar from your computer:" and click the "Browse" button. Navigate to where you've saved the image and double click on it. Then, press "Submit Modifications" and you're done!
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