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Everything posted by blike

  1. You mean where part of the worm was removed? Beats me. I think they are generally detrivores or herbivores, but this site says some are carnivores: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/invertebrates/mollusk/gastropod/Slugprintout.shtml Another site i was on said they sometimes eat other slugs. Are you SURE they were slugs? And are you sure it was a worm, and not another slug? Was the worm dead?
  2. Is that the one with the widow and the oil or bread or something? Nice to have you, btw. What was the google search that led here?
  3. <
  4. No, its cool. You could have actually posted this as a news item if you wish Requires a bit more typing (summarizing the article), but it'll go on the main page.
  5. heh, nah. Domains are typically around $15/year, hosting is around $20+/month, and if you have high traffic loads and need a dedicated its around $100+/month. vBulletin is licensed for around $100/year. it all costs money :\
  6. Yea, what you just described is, in a nutshell, Einsteins theory.
  7. Domain and hosting is real easy. Just do a google search for "domain registration" and you'll come up with hundreds of places to register a name. If you search for webhosting you'll find tons of hosts as well. you can get vBulletin at http://www.vbulletin.com.
  8. First you need a domain and a webserver (dedicated or shared) to host the files on. Then you need to either license vbulletin, or find a free alternative (phpBB, ikonboard). The hardest part about creating a forum is getting users. No one wants to post on a forum that is empty. You need to get yourself visible to the web. Get yourself on google, listed in directories etc.
  9. hows it going buddy?
  10. blike

    VB Winsock

    The same way you would connect with another socket. You just need to know how to communicate with the http server.
  11. "Project Turbo Man Journey" not to get off topic but DANG son that game is ooolllddd!!! I got that game with my first Packard Bell machine, P133MHz
  12. lol, I think you need to reread everything carefully again.
  13. You're arguing that because its not the same atoms, its not the same person, correct? We can both agree however that individual atoms in the body will change and be replaced over time, yet you will still be the same person. Hence, you cannot base your argument on the premise that because they are different atoms, it is a different person.
  14. I am listening to country music....and actually enjoying it. Shania Twain - Up! Shania Twain - Forever and For Always
  15. Actually, one can't say what is wrong without there being some sort of universal standard.
  16. I'm arguing that our very existence, who we are, depends on the interactions and properties of atoms, not the actual atoms themselves. Hence, if the properties can be transferred, so is our existence.
  17. The first part of this post is irrelivant, because it can easily be sidestepped and we are still faced with the same issue. Suppose I was cloned into existence. The second part of your post is not debatable, because you would have a difficult time supporting the argument.
  18. Right, this is where we ended up in our debate. But M-CaTz, think of it this way. Our existence lies not within the atoms in our body, but in the properties and interactions of all the atoms in our body. If we were to replace all the carbons in our body with carbons of the exact same properties, we would be the same person. Nothing about us would change. The individual atoms have nothing to do with it, only the properties and interactions between the atoms. If we built a machine that could transfer the properties of our atoms to another set of atoms, we would have effectively teleported.
  19. So then the criteria for being a different person is that all the atoms cannot be replaced at the same time? If I copy a song, is it still the same song? or a different song?
  20. What is the defining line here? Because its made of different atoms? By that argument you 20 years from now cannot be called the same "you", because the atoms will be different..
  21. I guess this is more of a philosophical thought than it is a scientific thought, but its something I was discussing with an inferior mind earlier today.. Lets say we have a machine that reads all the atoms of a person, sends the information over some sort of medium where a machine on the other side reconstructs the atoms with the "blueprint" that came over the line.. Lets also assume that the machine that sent the data deconstructs the original atoms and stores them for later use (another teleportation or something). Two questions: Is this teleportation? Why or why not.. Is the "teleported" person the same person as the original? Why or why not. I argued that the teleported person is indistinguishable from the original, and hence is the same person. Same memories, same likes, dislikes, etc. He would even remember stepping into the teleporter.
  22. Tom, thats an interesting argument, I've never heard it. Of course, a fundamental concept in most religions is that there is a 'mind' that exists independantly of the body. But as you have already stated, this is a matter of faith and not observation. I think it should be clarified though that their are people who push ID who are not necessarily Christian, or religious for that matter. Thus, believing in a disembodied mind or spirit is not necessarily a fundamental tenet to the idea. In fact, most of the books I've read on the subject who try to stay remotely scientific don't go any further than saying that a gradual, natural process could not have led to certain functions necessary to life. Behe clarifies that knowing something is designed is different from knowing the designer. It is left to the reader to draw his or her own conclusions.
  23. haha, its time for dudde to graduate to a custom icon
  24. indeed, mad useful.
  25. lol, another great one: here was the search: http://www.google.com.tr/search?hl=tr&inlang=tr&ie=ISO-8859-9&q=fafalone+sucks+dick&lr= "Fafalone sucks dick". I'm not making this up, I promise. Though I do suspect that one may have come about because of this thread.
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