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Everything posted by blike

  1. blike


    nope, just a summer job. (cause he's too much of a slacker to take summer courses). I think he works at a firework shop, lol. humble beginnings for a future neurosurgeon
  2. blike


    looks like faf found himself a job I guess we'll be seeing less of him for a bit (THANK GOODNESS!)
  3. Well, no its not. How often are science fictions scientifically accurate? He asked you to cease the funs please, so cease
  4. http://timecube.com/ enjoy. they interviewed the guy on tech tv, and he seemed dead serious.
  5. blike


    ....but yes, essentially everything around you is "frozen". the jar the honey was in, and the chair you're sitting in. not really, there is a difference between something that is frozen, and something that is chemically bonded. something that is frozen is merely stuck in place because it lacks the degrees of freedom to move round to and significant degree, while something like the molecules in wood are chemically bonded to one another, the atoms have actually reacted with one another to form specific (though possibly macroscopically amorphous) structures.
  6. european puns :zzz:
  7. blike

    Read it properly

    why was it closed in the first place.
  8. LOL
  9. testing replies.
  10. hrm. we need a SF group
  11. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?holding=npg&cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1117761&dopt=Abstract
  12. Here's a google cache of a short Nature article on it. (note, you have to use google cache, otherwise its password protected) "Skeletal muscle protein and strength can be conserved by using alternative sources of protein, by recycling urea nitrogen back into protein synthesis, or by rhythmically stimulating the muscles. Hibernating bears may therefore be able to retain their strength by synthesizing new amino acids and protein from urea nitrogen11, or by shivering and undergoing isometric muscle contraction through the winter, or by drawing on labile protein reserves such as visceral smooth muscle and extracellular matrix. "
  13. I'm not quite sure what it is I just found it using google image search.
  14. blike


    Pour yourself a nice bowl of rice krispies and enjoy the sound of vinyl records... (if you've never had rice krispies, you won't get the joke. their slogan is "snap, crackle, pop")
  15. lol. seems as if we've got some Scots on the forums.. ...not sure thats something to be proud of
  16. blike


    I'm not quite sure, since that was before my day. Was it the needle making the sound? I know that if you turn the volume down you can hear the music faintly coming from the needle...its pretty neat. That would be my guess. Maybe someone else who has more experience with that format of music can answer ;x
  17. hrmm...daisy needs an icon :/
  18. NASA has announced Dec. 18th as a target date for the next shuttle launch, and then complete five more launches by February 2005 to complete the U.S. core of the international space station. NASA has put in place many new policies including no nighttime launches and external fuel take redesign to prevent foam damage. "We are going to be deliberate to ensure that we return to flight in a safe manner," said Michael Greenfield, NASA's Deputy Associate Administrator for Technical Programs. "We will take as long as it takes." full story at space.com
  19. internet n00b.. is dudde your name or something?
  20. What a scientific poll!!
  21. Whats the meaning behind your username? Mine comes from back in my AOL days (private room: VB, VB5). When I first started using AOL I got into programming little "proggies" to run on top of the AOL software. Everyone who programmed had an alias, and so I needed one. I started out calling myself "one", but I quickly realized everyone and their mother probably went by that name. Soon thereafter I made the screen name OnE2BLiKe (one to be like). One day i was like hrm....I think I'll call myself blike... ...that was around 5 years ago. Now all of my online names have blike in them and its typically what people call me online. Now that I've shed light on my shameful past :embarass:, where do your names come from?
  22. tomorrow (friday) i'll fix it. i havn't had much time lately, sorry!
  23. Heh, I don't know about aliens, but the stealth bomber was developed there. There are lots of "UFO" sightings in the area, but what would you expect, it being a government research site.
  24. Alternately, you can ask fafalone for his confidential photos of area 51 which "does not exist" according to our government. I saw a show on TLC about the base once. That place is so secure its scary. They've got sensors in the ground that can detect even small animals creeping around. They had some footage of a guy driving along the road that leads to the facility who was stopped by an armored hummer with a mounted machine gun. They also showed some footage of a small plane that was flying in legal airspace with a distant view of the facility which was met by two F-16 fighter jets who threatened to shoot him down. I think the government moved to a new facility though. But yea, back on topic. You'd have to create a self-destruction device. They could probably trace back to where the parts were purchased and ultimately hunt you down. From what it looks like, people who talk openly about area 51 disappear rather quickly.
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