creationism: god waves his magic wand and makes everything poof into existance.
Anyone can say this. it just doesn't make any sense. Where did god come from? Did god just poof him/her/itself into existance?? And what about everything in the bible? Remember, the bible is just a book. written by people. Just cause they lived a long time ago doesn't make them correct.
evolutionism: DNA is a pretty cool thing. It changes and replicates. Species evolve over long periods of time. Just think about all the things that need to happen and it all makes sense. A species of fish for example can produce millions of other fish. Some live, some die. Sometimes they fight either to survive, for food, mating, ect. The weakest die and the strongest survive. Millions of fish are born everyday and millions die. Sometimes there are mistakes in the fish's DNA. Maybe a gene got turned off and they end up missing a fin. Somtimes there is a mistake that helps the fish. The fish survives better and produces offspring. The fish and offspring mate with other fish that got the same mistake. And they mulitple more. Its a hit and miss. Theres a chance they couldn't reproduce the mistake at all. But if its common and helps. Eventually almost all the fish will have it.
Life evolves to best fit its environment. There is no solid proof simple because we don't have a million years to watch it happen.
But can God still exist with evolution? I think it can. Instead of God creating everything at once. Maybe all living things and such were guided in a certain direction along with all the planets and such by God. Science isn't a way to get rid of religion, its just seeking truth. And evolution is the best answer we have so far. And we as humans have to learn how to change our ideas and views and open up to new possiblities. This is a strange world we live in and theres no simple answers, and some answers sometimes arn't ones we want to hear but thats how it is.