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Everything posted by Trprice

  1. Trprice

    Insulin gene

    Check this link out for more information http://greenbio.checkbiotech.org/news/lettuce_diabetes Also please note my question was how to do the gene to lettuce part not if it will work. Furthermore If we stand around saying how things won't work and never ask the question what if it dose work? Then sick people every where should stop spending money on doctors and instead spend that money on a gun and shoot them selfs in the head. I guarantee it will get them the same place quicker as a doctor or scientist who won't ask the what if question? Will slowly... Did that set your brain on fire? I hope so.
  2. Trprice

    Insulin gene

    Ok I know this is a bit out of my league but can any one tell me how to Isolate the insulin gene and then inject it into lettuce? I read an article about this but my question is more about the nuts and bolts of the hole operation. And bear in mind I'm not as "Hi tech" as the rest of you folks so keep your words small. Thanks
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