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Everything posted by ragamufn42

  1. I understand that it has been over a year since the last posting but was searching the web and found this forum and felt the need to add something. 1st the comment that all drugs are bad. I watch tv alot (a horrid thing I know) and i see drug commercials all day long are they all bad too. if you have high blood pressure and have tried diet and exercise but still can't get it low enough "too bad, drugs and bad" 2nd number of deaths per year that result directly or primarily from the following causes nationwide according to the World almanacs, LIfe Insurance actuarial rates and 20 years of surgeon general's reports. asprin (including deliberate overdose)180-1000 caffeine(from stress, ulcers and triggering irregular heartbeats ,etc)1000-10000 illicicit drug overdose (deliberate or accidental from all illegal drugs)3800-5200 marijuana 0 marijuana users aslo have the same or lower incidence of murders and highway deaths and accidents than the general non marijuana using population according to crancer study ,uclaand mary other studies thru out the world for names of studies just ask
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